
Experiment Games

Experiment Games in the world we've been solving abaout it for years

Spaceman · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Experiment Games

I am in the experimental lab

That mind bending science happened over there

Laws of the Universe is valid as well

If you'll find this letter you'll everything good

In order to go out in there you should find a key one of type a door ,

Basically, useful keys

Well then ,presently

a lots of door ineffective

I have got useful keys ,therefore ,time and again I'm trying

actives door ,presently I can go out ,

Everywehere closed ,The weather was closed

In there was it ,whole mechanics in there was it

These mechanics our planet to move another planet ,all right

How is it going to be ? Suddenly,

our planet a major explosion that happened outbreak that happened and everybody grow silly