
Traveling in style

After Sha Na made sure her brother was truly okay she cancelled her astral projection. "Teacher Intalru is on his way to the village!" This was the most excited Zul Sha has seen Sha Na get since she arrived. "How far is he?" he asked his student mirthfully. "They just finished the last test in the swamp.. so maybe three weeks?" "good you'll have plenty of time to study and I will grace you a week off to spend time with him and show him around, I will inform the elders so that we can prepare a banquet for his arrival." "Why does he get a banquet when I just had a mean old man say hi?.." Sha Na asked indignantly. "I was the one who greeted you.." Zul reminded his apprentice "I stand by what I said." Sha Na replied almost making the old shaman spit up blood.. "Ahem you aren't the savior of our races nor were you chosen by the gods as a champion.." Zul said as he kept himself from yelling at the rude little lizard..

"He is on his way?" Lilan Ka had dropped by to check on Sha Na and over heard the conversation. "Great I can't wait to show him how useful I can be on his quest!" Lilan was as excited to see his brother again as Sha Na was. "I feel as though Intalru has the makings to be a great leader in the future you two have been away from him longer than you were with him but act as if his return is the most exciting thing in all of Toril." Zul grew more and more curious about the young 'hero' of their tribe. "That's because everything is more fun when he's around Great shaman, and he learned under the green dragon! I have so many questions!" Lilan Ka was more curious about the dragon than he was excited about Intalru's return.

Zul Sha left the young Draconians so that he could inform the other elders of the tribe about Intalru's approach. After walking a short distance he came upon the villages drum and beat it twice to signify a council meeting. After five minutes he was surrounded by twelve elderly Draconians.. "Where is the chief? Zul asked aloud. "She went to the river to bathe in the mud.." An old male Draconian with a patch over his left eye and scars riddled across his chest answered. The disfigured old lizard went by Zul Gilga and much like his name he was known for being a wild warmongerer in his youth.

Gilga was the only one in the village that wasn't a Green scale, He had originally been a member of the Red scale tribe known for their violent tendencies but he was on a whole other level.. the only reason he joined the green scale tribe was because Zul Sha had saved his life during a chance encounter and Gilga felt like it was fate seeing as they shared a first name. The two were notorious in their youth and had actually went on a conquest in the west terrorizing any smooth skin settlement that held Draconian slaves. When Zul Sha decided to go back home Zul Gilga followed.. It took years to gain the trust of the rest of the tribe but after saving the former chiefs life on two separate occasions the chief had appointed him to be the trainer of the tribes warriors.

"Hmm she should hear this but seeing as she bathes for days we should start the meeting without her.. The young one called Intalru is on his way to the village." Zul Sha said causing most of the elders to turn towards the tribes Druid master. "Why are you all looking at me? I haven't even met the kid yet.." She seemed perturbed.. The old druid was called Yail Sul while she was deemed an elder and much older than most of the tribe she was still the youngest council member. Yail Sul had helped the current chief learn of mud bathing, a custom she had picked up from an odd Oni while she traveled the continent. "Sha Na informed me that the 'Hero' was trained in the druidic arts by the green dragon.." Zul Sha mentioned causing the group to sigh as a collective.. "Maybe he did his job properly?" The old druid said weakly. "He has no druidic skills.." Zul Sha replied almost causing Yail Sul to cry..

After Intalru guided the raft back to the edge of the swamp Yail Voct pointed them in the direction of the tribes village before heading back to her cave. "And the great journey begins!" Amanda said almost causing Intalru to fall in the water as he jumped from the raft. "What is she talking about?" Velma asked curiously. "It's something from the shows I introduced her to.. Amanda I hope you know that we aren't going to be acting like heroes and have a big feast when we get there." Intalru said growing more concerned each time she opens her mouth. "Ofcourse I know that.. first we have to be the under dogs then a little face slapping of the village Prodigy, then we have to beat up their Grandfather who is the secret head honcho and.." "Stop! for the love of all that's holy please don't bait anyone into a fight just so we can be the village heroes." Intalru interrupted the Myconid that went full chuuni.. "Hehe looks like her brain went mushy as her body, I know I said I wanted to see those 'Anime' too but please don't show me any if they do 'That' too you.." Velma was happy to see her 'Rival' as the Myconid put it, act as loony as a two headed ogre. "... I like anime too Velma." Intalru said as he wondered which life he led that gave him such bad luck when it came to meeting women.. His sister has a tongue sharp as steel, his Brood keeper is a B!tch, he has a stalker Daphnaie, and the only 'Normal' woman he met became a Chuuni shroom...

Velma grew quiet after she realized Intalru probably didn't like her insulting his 'Anime' before opening her mouth again. "But you don't act like her.." "That's because I come from a world without magic or monsters.. I knew it was fake, This world is full of both and she sat through eight hours straight of some of the best anime I ever watched. I guess I should have saw this coming.." ".. Are you mad at me?" Velma asked tearfully. How did I get the one love struck Daphnaie in history.. "No I just want you two to be nicer to each other.. and I know Amanda gives you a hard time too I just can't hear her if she doesn't want me to.." Intalru said sighing to himself. Velma seemed happy that Intalru wasn't mad like she thought but then she opened her mouth again.. "How nice do I have to be? like huggy kissy nice.. or.." She began blushing while looking at the Myconid strangely.. "Nooooo stay away from me!! aaaagh! I'm going to ban you from my mind if you ever think that again!!" Amanda dropped the Chuuni levels back to normal and began running while covering herself. "I honestly don't want to know... Just be friends with each other please?" Intalru said as he blushed since he did 'Know' what Velma was thinking. Ding! new Title 'Lucky B*st*rd" was acquired would you like to equip? "How does this count as.. No don't equip I'm already pulling my horns out with these two I don't need a harem.. Can I delete titles? please?" Intalru mumbled under his breath so Velma couldn't hear him. Ding! new Title 'Ungrateful' was acquired would you like to equip?... "No!"

After a few minutes of silence the trio came across a herd of strange cows. "Appraise."



Race: Auroch

Sex: Male

Level: 8

Age: 3 years



Description: The aurochs are grand oxen creatures, originally from the Beastlands but managed to migrate to Faerun and now wander the plains. This large, horned bull has a dirty black hide and an aggressive temper. Its horns are wide and sharp.

(Past Knowledge)

N/a (Never studied this species in past lives)


"Huh? First time I saw that message.." Intalru was slightly surprised Since he seemed to have seen everything in his past lives so far.. ""What's wrong?"" the girls asked simultaneously. "Nothings wrong.. Umm you guys know anything about Aurochs? "Nothing besides what my appraisal can tell me.." Amanda said before looking at Velma whom remained quiet. "I don't like them.." Velma said after noticing the looks she was being given by her companions. "Why not?" Amanda asked, curious to learn about something she could use against Velma later.. "I don't know.. they just feel.. filthy." Was all the Daphnaie was willing to say on the subject. "Well I'm starving and they are weaker than us, let's hunt one or two before we continue." "I'll do it!" Velma shouted but just before she could get up Intalru held her down by the shoulder. "We should use this to practice our skills and team work.. help me build a cage of grass around a few of them." Intalru wanted to see if the three could properly fight together and was curious about the ladies skills. "Just getting this out the way now.. If I use my combat skills then the meat will be inedible.." Amanda said as she sat down keeping the giant mushroom umbrella over her head. "Then it's just us." Velma smirked and looked towards Intalru for combat orders. "Fine.. Velma make the grass wrap around the ankles of that group over there while I make a cage.." The two quickly captured a few of the Auroch. Seeing their herd mates in trouble the surrounding Auroch let loose a loud Bellow and began running in a circle around their trapped brethren.. "Looks like we gotta kill them all." Velma said with a cheerful smile. "Keep a few of them alive.. I have a plan" Intalru said as he watched the bovine circle..

Intalru took a few 'Moon flower's seeds from his pouch and willed them into growing and intertwining until they formed a slightly flexible 3 foot staff then he took a strange seven lobed cactus with red spines and willed it to grow a new perfectly round sprout that fell off of it before putting the original back. Willing the vines to wrap around the cactus sprout he created a morning star. Ding! 'Weapon crafting has reached level 1. wait.. I made a spear before how didn't I get this skill already?.. whatever I'll ask one of the village elders about how skills are learned later.. "Appraise."


Name: Forget me stick (Morning star mace variant)

Description: A morning star crafted using hallucinagenic plants while it isn't as sturdy as a metal based weapon it is still quite durable due to it's flexibility and magical origins.

Damage type(s): Blunt, Piercing, poison.

Weapon effect(1): when Mana is channeled through the vines the user can will them to grow or contract.

Weapon effect(2): When Mana is channeled into the head the spines produce a hallucinagenic substance when enough of this substance enters the blood stream the victim will begin having vivid hallucinations.

(Past knowledge)

The morning star is best used against armored foes. The concussive force can rupture internal organs and break bones.


"Hahaha who am I Megamind? whatever this will work nicely.." "Who's Megamind?" Velma asked curious about Intalru's random outburst. "He was a villain turned hero from my past life." Intalru answered quickly. "Their lower leveled than us but they weigh a tonne and I bet those horns could Gore us easily so speed is of the essence you ready Velma?" "nn" she nodded in response and the two ran in. The herd noticed their approach and began charging their way.. "Cover your ears!" After seeing she did so Intalru used a skill he hadn't needed since he was hunting with Sha Na "Skreeee!" several of the herd members froze in place and a few more stumbled and fell but the majority remained on course for the collision. Suddenly Velma threw one of her javelins, it missed.. "Snrkt!" Amanda laughed in Velma's head to let her know she saw that.. "It was intentional! Grow!" Velma roared before suddenly the ground surrounding the javelin burst forth with multiple copies of the original Piercing and killing any Auroch that strayed too close. "... Well played." Amanda said complimenting Velma silently.

"Nice job Velms, Hruak!" Intalru threw a compliment Velma's way before bashing the skull of an Auroch.. it didn't have time to hallucinate seeing how a spine managed to break off in its eye and lodged itself in the poor creatures brain.. Before he could view his handy work though another Auroch was fast approaching! "Grra" This time it wasn't an insta kill but Intalru managed to dodge the rushing creature after whacking the brute, The beast turned around to continue charging but after taking three steps it fell to the ground screaming and kicking. "Bad trip huh? just stay there until I get back to.. Puchi! A javelin lodged itself into the creatures neck... Velma was cheering and jumping about happily thinking Intalru would praise her again. "No kill stealing!" Intalru shouted at the dancing Daphnaie bringing her victory dance to a sudden halt. "Hahaha that's what you get!" Amanda began berating Velma from the safety of her hidey spot. (I'm gonna stick you if you don't shut up!!) Velma screamed internally only to bring about more laughter from the Myconid.

After five intensive minutes of combat all of the Auroch aside from the few they trapped had been killed. Ding! Congratulations for reaching level 13 Due to your equiped title you have gained 10 attribute points. would you like to allocate them or save them... Why didn't it ask if I wanted to follow my predetermined growth path this time? Whatever.. Let's put 8 into wisdom and 2 into dexterity this time, I feel like being able to move a little faster will be useful. As Intalru was adjusting his attribute points he felt his soul get fizzy again.. "I feel like the guys who killed buffalo for sport.. so wasteful" Intalru murmured to himself looking across the thirty odd corpses surrounding them. The trapped Auroch had witnessed the massacre of their herd and trembled in fear as the duo grew closer. "How many do we need to keep alive?" Velma asked as she grasped a javelin and willed it to grow into a sturdy spear. "I think three should do it.. so we have two too many." Puchi! Shlick! "And then there were three.." Amanda commented after Velma mercilessly killed two of the Auroch "Why did you kill the big ones?.." Intalru asked with a slight edge in his voice.

"Ooooh you're in troubllllle.." Amanda goaded Velma once again but this time the Daphnaie didn't respond to her taunt. "I could understand them.. they planned on charging us so the two females and the young male could run away.." Velma answered Intalru truthfully. "Oh.. then thank you, that would have sucked to waste all that effort for nothing.. Did you gain a level from the fight?" Intalru calmed down instantly. "Yup I'm trying to decide what I want my subclass to be.." Velma replied while concentrating on the space in front of her face intently. "What are the options?" Intalru asked curiously. "Amazon, trapper, tamer, stalker, Grove stalker, dominatrix, Slayer, and.. that's it. the last two have a 10 level learning period and Grove stalker is my racial exclusive.." Velma replied "Wonder how you got stalker..." Amanda said this time letting Intalru hear her as well. "You shut up!!" Velma began running towards Amanda as fast as she could. "Ack! Save me!!" Amanda tried running away but the Daphnaie was naturally a fleet footed race while Myconid... weren't. "Velma.. don't hurt her, and Amanda that wasn't a very nice thing to say, Stalkers are great at stealth and are excellent trackers. Take your time picking I'm going to be busy with something." Intalru said as he began willing a nearby tree to grow and shaping the new growth into various pieces..

"Well anything but dominatrix sounds useful.. that's more of a torture class I think." Amanda tried guiding Velma away from the scary sounding class. "You afraid I'll use the class skills on you?" Velma said with a scary smile as she leaned over the Myconid. "Get off of me you freak! Intalru heeeelp!!" "You teased her first.." Intalru said trying extremely hard to not know what was happening behind him. "But she's right if your going to pick a class with a learning period Slayer sounds like it would deal a lot more damage." Intalru said also hoping the Daphnaie wouldn't pick dominatrix.. "Hmm trapper is out I can already use plants to hold things in place.. also don't wanna be a tamer.. maaaaybe Amazon? hmm nope to basic.." "If you pick stalker you would be more like a 'konoichi'!" Amanda said while striking a pose after Velma got off of her. "A what?" Velma asked confused. "Means female Ninja, what exactly is a Grove stalker?" Amanda asked the curiosity getting the better of her. "It's kinda hard to explain.. umm if I'm in a forest or near a bunch of plant life I can basically fade into thin air, it also lets me recover health and Mana faster when surrounded by nature. Oh and I think it gives me a speed buff when I'm in a forest as well." Velma explained after reading the basic description that each class gives as a slight preview. "Sounds like a situational class to me.. how can you guarantee you'll always be near a forest when you get in a fight?" Velma stared at Amanda for a moment before answering. "Well generally my race never leaves the forest they were born in.. but with me, you, and Intalru we can make a forest pop up anywhere we go.." Velma has basically given up on getting rid of Amanda and decided she wouldn't mind 'Sharing' every now and then. "Nooo! no no no I don't share! what kind of rival are you!! I prefer the crazy stalker over whatever you've become!" Amanda screamed while covering her blushing face with the mushroom umbrella she carried. "Daphnaie normally don't like men, Doesn't mean they spend their lives 'Alone'." Velma said grinning from ear to ear. (Now I know your weakness.. keep messing with me and I'll 'Mess' back.) "I'm sorry, I admit my mistake!" Amanda screamed mentally and Velma leaned in closer.. "Daphnaie are also vegetarians.." Velma whispered so only Amanda could hear before jumping away to check on Intalru. Amanda cut off the mental link they shared before thinking that Velma is the scariest creature she will ever meet.

Whack! whack! Whack! Thump! "Rrah!" Velma walked over and noticed that Intalru was building a carriage... "That's why you wanted to keep a few alive?" She asked rhetorically. "Yeah I figured we could relax during the trip and it would help keep Amanda out of the sun.. I think she was too tired to fight. I know that she knows I'm immune to poison.." Intalru replied as he willed the tree to grow massive leaf he could use as a cover. "You caught on?" Amanda said sheepishly into Intalru's mind after hearing him out her secret to Velma..

my wife hated Velma's character prior to this chapter... now she just hates me lol, and everyone wonders why this has been my call sign since I started playing Halo

Sum12hatecreators' thoughts