
Exp and other drugs

A college student that turned to dealing drugs to pay his tuition dies due to a shady deal.. only to hatch from an egg! "What do you mean I'm God's messenger? Oh you said Gods? like plural.. man I just wanna get high and watch a mov... oh right fantasy world.. guess I'll just go on an adventure then.

Sum12hate · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Circles within circles

(1) Circle of dreams.

Circle description: Druids who are members of the Circle of Dreams hail from regions that have strong ties to the Feywild and its dreamlike realms. The druids' guardianship of the natural world makes for a natural alliance between them and good-aligned fey. These druids seek to fill the world with dreamy wonder. Their magic mends wounds and brings joy to downcast hearts, and the realms they protect are gleaming, fruitful places, where dream and reality blur together and where the weary can find rest.

Skill overview:

'Balm of the summer court' will turn you into a focal point of fey energy allowing you to heal yourself and allies.

'Hearth of moonlight and shadow' will allow you to create a 'Sphere' of isolation. While you and your allies are within the sphere you gain stat bonuses to Dexterity and Wisdom, also any source of light from within the sphere will not be seen from outside.

'Hidden paths' Allows the user to use the Hidden magical paths traversed by the Fey allowing you to travel a moderate distance in the blink of the eye.

'Walker in dreams' allows you to travel between places that you have slept.. If you sleep for 8 hours in one location you may travel there in your dreams and awake there in reality.

(Class evaluation: Subclass is not suggested)

(2) Circle of the Moon.

Circle description: Druids of the circle of the Moon are fierce guardians of the wilds. Their order gathers under the full moon to share news and trade warnings. They haunt the deepest parts of the wilderness, where they might go for weeks on end before crossing paths with another humanoid creature, let alone another druid.

Changeable as the moon, a druid of this circle might prowl as a great cat one night, soar over the treetops as an eagle the next day, and crash through the undergrowth in bear form to drive off a trespassing monster. The wild is in the druid's blood.

Skill overview:

'True wild shape' Where as other druids merely take the form of wild beats you become the beast itself, the natural born instincts and tactics of the beast become second nature to you the moment you 'Shift'.

'Circle forms' This passive skill allows you to take on more dangerous and wild forms. Where a 'normal' druid could turn into a wild cat you would become a tiger.

'Primal strike' Imbues your 'wild' form with magical properties allowing you to damage those with physical immunity or resistances.

'Elemental wild shape' Gives you the opportunity to become an elemental of the four base elements for a short period of time.

'Thousand forms' After years of constant shifting of shapes you become a master of 'Self alteration' allowing you to take on many features of different creatures, paws of a tiger maw of a alligator, legs of a bull You could become a chimera of your choosing....

(Class evaluation: Subclass not recommended due to current skills that overlap and are more potent..)

(3) Circle of spores.

Circle description:

Druids of the Circle of Spores find beauty in decay. They see within mold and other fungi the ability to transform lifeless material into abundant, albeit somewhat strange, life.

These druids believe that life and death are portions of a grand cycle, with one leading to the other and then back again. Death is not the end of life, but instead a change of state that sees life shift into a new form.

Druids of this circle have a complex relationship with the undead. Unlike most other druids, they see nothing inherently wrong with undeath, which they consider to be a companion to life and death. However, these druids believe that the natural cycle is healthiest when each segment of it is vibrant and changing. Undead that seek to replace all life with undeath, or avoid passing to a final rest, violate the cycle and must be thwarted.

Skill description:

'Halo of spores' You are surrounded by invisible, necrotic spores that are harmless until you unleash them on a creature nearby. When a creature you can see moves into a space within 10 feet, you can use your reaction to deal necrotic damage to that creature.

'Symbiotic entity'

You are one with the spores around you, You can 'Will' your 'Halo of spores' To use an enemy as a host causing damage to their flesh as new mushrooms grow from their body releasing more spores, if the creature dies due to the infestation you may choose to reanimate the body using the fungus to control it's corpse, the spores also have a restorative purpose for yourself and select races essentially giving you a 'Life drain' like skill, this skills only limit is your imagination..

'Fungal body'

This passive skill allows the fungal spores in your body to alter you: you can't be blinded, deafened, frightened, or poisoned, and any critical hit against you counts as a normal hit, unless you are incapacitated.

(Class evaluation: Useful but limited to fighting organic entities..)

(4) Circle of twilight.

Circle description:

The Circle of Twilight seeks to exterminate undead creatures and preserve the natural cycle of life and death that rules over the cosmos. Their magic allows them to manipulate the boundary between life and death, sending their foes to their final rest while keeping their allies from that fate.

These druids seek out lands that have been tainted by undeath. Such places are grim and foreboding. Once vibrant forests become gloomy, haunted places devoid of animals and filled with plants dying a slow, lingering death. The Circle of Twilight goes to such places to banish undeath and restore life.

Skill overview:

'Harvests scythe'

You learn to unravel and harvest the life energies of others. You can augment your spells to drain the life force from creatures.

'Speech beyond the grave'

you gain the ability to reach beyond death's veil in search of knowledge. Using this feature, you can cast Speak with Dead without material components, and you understand what the target of this casting says. It can understand your questions, even if you don't share a language or it is not intelligent enough to speak.

'Watcher at the Threshold'

You gain resistance to necrotic and radiant damage. In addition, while you aren't incapacitated, any ally within 30 feet of you can avoid an instant death skill.

Paths of the Dead

At 14th level, your mastery of death allows you to tread the paths used by ghosts and other spirits. Using this feature, you can cast Etherealness. Once the spell ends, you can't cast it with this feature again until you rest or a 24 hour period has past whichever comes first.

(Class evaluation: Highly useful but not recommended.. this class was gifted to you by Bahamut, picking this class will increase greatly your affection levels with him but drastically decrease your affection levels with Tiamat.. Not picking this class will not effect the affection levels with either party)

(5) Circle of chaos.

Circle description:

Druids of the Circle of Chaos are Druids that, instead of learning the natural order of the universe and the laws of nature, have instead learnt the chaotic and sometimes malevolent forces of its darker places. Druids in control of this dark power use it to protect the ideas of chaotic thinking, and the universe's more chaotic creations.

Skill overview:

'Dark magic'

This passive skill allows you access to the warlock class spell tree.

'Chaos forms'

Instead of the animal shapes available to a druid of other circles, you can instead take the form of an aberration or monstrosity. In the training period you can take the form of an aberration or monstrosity with a combat rating of 1 or lower. After mastering this skill you can take the form of an aberration or monstrosity with a combat rating of your level divided by 3.

'Chaotic Strike'

The attacks of your wild shape form count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non magical attacks and damage.

'Demonic Form'

After becoming one with chaos you can take the form of a powerful chaotic fiend. You can choose to take the form of a Barlgura, Dracolich, or a Barbed Devil.

'Chaotic resistance'

Your body has become immune to most effects and damage caused by chaotic damage.

(Class evaluation: Highly useful but not recommended, You would lose other transformation based skills, this class was gifted to you by Tiamat so choosing it would greatly increase her affection for you, but your level of affection with Bahamut would drop drastically, Not picking this class will not effect Bahamut but Tiamat may be enraged if you choose a class she deams as 'Weaker')

(6) Circle of dragons.

Circle description:

Druids of the Circle of Dragons tend to spend much of their time either studying, or being in the company of, dragons. Although they lack the versatility of their Moon Circle brethren, or the spellcasting abilities of their Land Circle brethren, Dragon Circle druids take the form of some of the most fearsome and dangerous foes known to man. As such, they are often more intuitive than their druid brethren, requiring Intelligence for both communication with such powerful creatures and for casting draconic abilities while in that form. Dragon Circle druids often tend towards the extremes of chaotic, lawful, evil, and good, rather than remaining neutral.

Skill overview:

'Draconic Form'

The rites of your circle grant you the ability to transform into more dangerous forms. Also you can use your Wild Shape to transform into a dragon with a challenge rating as high as 1, when you do so you do not have to abide by the other limitations there.

After mastering this skill, you can transform into a dragon with a challenge rating as high as your level divided by 3, rounded down.

'Draconic Affinity'

After intensive training, when you cast a spell that deals damage of the element associated with your draconic type, it has a chance of dealing 'True' damage. You also gain resistance to that element until you shift forms again.

Additionally, you gain intelligence related to recalling information about dragons, and related to tracking dragons.

'Dragon Wings'

You gain the ability to sprout a pair of dragon wings from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. You can create these wings at will They last until you dismiss them but drain Mana continuously. You can't manifest your wings while wearing armor unless the armor is made to accommodate them, and clothing not made to accommodate your wings might be destroyed when you manifest them.

'Draconic Presence'

After spending a large amount of time in the presence of dragons, you harness the dragon's frightful presence and can use it while not in draconic form. The targets of your presence must all be within 30 ft of you and each other. depending on their mental fortitude they may become frightened for 1 minute. If the creature can defend themself from your presence once they become immune to your Draconic Presence for the next 24 hours.

Dragon Forms

Some dragon forms are able to cast spells. It is important to remember that the spells use the dragon's elemental aptitude. A dragon's breath weapon uses Constitution as a gauge for damage. If you use magic that is denoted as one per day, you cannot use that spell later in that day even if you shift out of the form and back into it. A druid still may not cast druid spells while in draconic form, even if the dragon has the ability to cast magic, until they gain that ability with the proper training.. Many dragons are able to speak, usually Common and Draconic. While in Dragon form, you can only speak if both you and the form share a language, and then can only use that language.

(Class evaluation: Greatly recommended.. Asgorath gifted this class to you as a way out of her children's squabbling. Picking this class will not effect either of them emotionally aside from being impressed.)

(7) Circle of science

Nature isn't simply something to protect and enjoy - it's something to study. The Circle of Science believes that, by inhabiting the shapes of beasts, they can gain some deeper understanding of nature itself. By communication with nature they gain insight of the uses of the plants around them. Academics at heart, Science druids often engage in flashy, sometimes dangerous biological experimentation.

Skill overview:

This class has an almost unlimited potential as far as skills are concerned.. if you can use your 'Science' to understand a spell or skill you may be able to use it.

(Class evaluation: Highly recommended this class is formed using your soul no other can copy you or emulate the 'Magic' you can create with this class.. !WARNING! Picking this class may or may not bring the ire of Tiamat, Bahamut, or Asgorath..)

Ding! you do not have to pick a subclass immediately take your time.. you may unlock new ones before you pick.

Intalru browsed over the classes multiple times trying to come to a decision. After standing still for a few minutes looking at the 'Screen' in front of him he only stressed himself more. Amanda and Velma noticed the anxious look on his face so they decided to let him figure things out on his own..

Hmm I feel like dragon circle is the safe route.. but it probably has a bunch of pitfalls, what if I pick it then everyone thinks I'm the next dragon God? I definitely don't want to get stuck fighting a whole bunch of freaks that want THAT title.. Spore circle sounds cool but it's only useful against biological entities.. if I fight another golem it would be immune to everything I could do. Besides I'm willing to bet Velma would have a mental breakdown.. And for that matter Amanda might try and get serious with the seduction tactics.. Don't want either of those things to happen. Twilight was sounding good until I read the part about constantly seeking out impure lands.. If I don't need a job in this world why the Hell would I pick a class that comes with one. Chaos is just a big nope.. ugh!! they forced my claw here, and I really don't like people telling me what to do. Maybe if I pick science the three of them will leave me alone? F*ck it!

After the internal monologue Intalru made his decision.. "I pick science circle!!" Ding!! Are you certain? "Ye..." Ding! Ding! Ding! A 'Friendly group chat' has been initiated.. "F*CK!"

Suddenly Intalru was floating in the void he met Asgorath in.. "Whelp! how dare you try to pick some trash subclass!! You want to be a teacher‽ Fine then, but not in this life! if you don't change your mind I will shred your.." "Sister would you please shut up for a moment.. Asgorath is with us." The one screaming at him was Tiamat in her full multi dragon headed glory, Bahamut had interrupted her with a simple statement causing the dragon Queen to look about with all of her heads before realizing her 'Mother' was floating just above them.. "Explain yourself child.."

Oh sh!t she's in a bad mood.. Intalru thought to himself before answering. "The classes that they laid out for me were great.. but science circle was formed from my soul.. that would be like asking them not to be dragons, how could I resist picking a class that only I could have? I'm pretty sure others have been each of those classes in the past, and each of them came with.." "Flaws?" Bahamut said the word Intalru wanted to avoid.. "In a sense.. like the twilight circle for example.." Tiamat stared at Bahamut before Intalru continued. "I understand you want me to bring balance to the world but what can one lizard do on their own? Even if I fixed everything this world would go back to the way it was eventually.."

Tiamat started laughing and began goading Bahamut "He's not even been here a year and understands that chaos is supreme!" Bahamut sighed before replying "If chaos is supreme why didn't he pick one of your classes.." Tiamat stopped laughing and began glaring at Intalru again.. "Why didn't you pick the chaos circle?" she said icily.. "Asgorath told me you want the dragon races at the top right? So you want me to kill the order half off and only help the chromatics? that doesn't sound like being at the top to me.. and being the messenger of chaos may drive away potential allies, has there never been a time where the two of you had to work together against a greater threat?" Tiamat looked at her 'mother' blankly for a moment before turning back to Intalru to reply. "Personally no.. but there have been times where our champions have had to.. cooperate in the name of survival." "See! so how could I carry out both of your tasks with either of your classes?"

The two dragon gods looked at Intalru blankly for a moment.. .... .... "You wish to accomplish both?" Bahamut seemed stunned by Intalru's statement. "That's not possible though.. how can you bring balance to the world yet still have one race above the others?" Tiamat sounded slightly less angry. "If you wanted neutrality why did you not pick the dragon's circle then?" Asgorath asked, ignoring her 'Children'. "No offense Ma'am but your choice was probably the most dangerous one for me.. the class description said I would be in the extremes of chaotic, lawful, good, or evil so I would have to try for chaotic good to keep balanced between Tiamat and Bahamut, plus I'm certain that I would suddenly have a whole lot of enemies start showing up since I'm already tied to the two of them, I'm a dragon prince, Aaand adding the dragon circle I would become a deity in some people's eyes and a demon in others.. that's a lot to worry about. So I picked science, it's unknown so I can't make to many enemies with it, plus using science I could use skill from all the other circles as long as I understand them, since Bahamut wants me to learn the druidic circles anyways and Tiamat wants me to inherit all of the Draconian tribes 'abilities' science seemed like the best choice.." Intalru turned to look at Tiamat. "Science is also how human kind created the atomic bomb.. and I believe you have a black dragon trying to recreate that action in this world.." "So you picked that class knowing it would infuriate us but also to complete our quests?" Bahamut asked while feeling concerned about Intalru's last statement.

"Yes and no.. I picked it to complete the quests, I hoped you wouldn't get too mad since the description said 'May' cause your ire.." Bahamut and Tiamat both turned to look at Asgorath questioningly.. "I.. I didn't say anything about that class... I didn't even know it existed before you picked it.." "Wha.."

Asgorath sent Intalru back to the mortal plane of Toril before turning to her children. "There seems to be someone else 'Playing' God here.." "Who could it be?" Bahamut asked and noticed Tiamat was shifting her feet around, a sign of anxiety she's had since her creation.. "Do you know something sister?" "Don't call me that!.. but I don't know I just feel like this feels.. familiar." Asgorath was glowing for a moment before she spoke up. "Familiar.. how?" "The Traveller.. s/he is the only one I can think of whom hands out 'gifts' like we do.. but they have no connection to Intalru so why would they.." "Has the Traveller ever needed a reason to do anything? so long as they don't hurt the child I see no harm in their 'Gifts' " Asgorath replied to Tiamat and Bahamut remembered something important.. "Intalru mentioned a black dragon building a Bomb? I believe this merits our concern for now.." With that Bahamut disappeared into the void, leaving Asgorath with Tiamat.. Before Asgorath could say anything Tiamat stammered. " I.. I better go make sure he doesn't kill one of my champions good bye!" and poof! Asgorath was alone.. again..

Suddenly Intalru was back on the wagon with Velma right above his face and Amanda looking over them.. "Are you ok?" Velma asked as she jumped back with genuine concern in her eyes. "I was about to let her do mouth to mouth.. you stopped breathing and there was no heartbeat, my healing spells weren't working!.." Amanda sounded like she was about to cry. "You just spaced out for a minute and dropped.." Velma said as she started consoling Amanda whom started hyperventilating.. "I'm fine.. oh sh!t I forgot.. I Pick science circle!"

Ding! Congratulations on picking your subclass. Using scientific theory you may emulate certain skills so long as you properly understand and can explain them, this class has access to many skill and wonders that are unknown in the world of Toril! "

sorry for the delay, I've been bad.. I got sucked into an awesome book called 'My house of horrors' I heavily suggest it to all of you but the only requirement I have is that you read it between 11P.M. and 4 A.M. also read it in the bathroom or next to a mirror.. you'll thank me for the experience later

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