

Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Again, in an unfamiliar and dark place, there is only a long bridge waiting for me. I am not sure if this is a dream or what but all I know is I never tried to cross that bridge. I was afraid but also curious at the same time. I was wondering what's on the other side that's why this time I take the courage and decided to cross on it. I slowly look around while walking but there is nothing to see, there is only darkness and this bridge I'm walking at. I don't know how much time I spent from walking but there is one thing I'm sure... I'm almost near to it's end.

My heart was beating faster and faster that I can't properly breath. It's so loud that I can hear it. I continue to walk until I saw a very very bright light and... a person? I can't see clearly because of that bright light. I tried to look a little bit closer and realized that there is a figure of a man standing in my front. I can't see his face that's why I fastly approach his direction but he is already leaving. I run faster to meet him but he's too fast.

"Wait!" I shouted, but it seems like he didn't hear my voice.

There's a part of me that wanted to meet and hold him badly. My heart started to ache too much that's why I stopped from running and catches my breath. I extended my arm like I want to catch him but he's already gone. My chest was continuously aching until I can't take it's pain anymore. All I I feel is dizziness and knowing my body was already lying on the bridge.

"Eun Woo wake up! Hey!" A familiar voice was calling my name.

I opened my eyes, breathing heavily and fastly like there is no tomorrow. I get up sweating a lot. I saw my Mom looking worried and realized that I was dreaming. What's that dream? It's really weird.


"Are you ok? Are you having a nightmare?" She's asking worriedly.

"I'm fine Mom. I'm fine...it's nothing." I smiled at her to ease her worry. It seems like she believed it but still look worried.

"Hmm...fine. If there is something wrong you can tell Mom...ok?"

"Mmm...sure Mom. Thank you."

"Alright... get up already and take a shower. I already prepared your breakfast. It's your first day at work. You won't like to be late, right?" She asked happily.

"Yes Mom." After that, she leaved my room.

That's right, I almost forgot that it's my first day at work. I am Kang Eun Woo, a 22 years old and an ordinary mechanic but from now on, I will work as the care taker of an old mansion located in Seoul. It's a bit far from my home that's why I will just get home occasionally. I lived here in Busan only with my Mom. My father was already gone before I met him. My mother said that my father died in a heart attack. It was very painful especially to Mom. I know that she misses him a lot. She always look at my father's picture and secretly crying. I don't want to leave her alone but I need to earn money. I want to gave my Mom a better life and own a house, not a rented one.

You will probably asked why I chose this type of job. Well, I take this job not willingly. It's just, the amount of money they will paid is pricey... a lot pricey than the salary of an ordinary mechanic. I discovered this type of job because of one of my client in the shop I work. She asked if I am interested. When I saw the salary I didn't hesitate to apply. It's just strange that even though the salary is pricey, the job is still vacant.

I met an old man in his 60's judging from his appearance last week. He's the former care taker of the mansion, Mr. Cha. He said that he can no longer take care of it because he's already too old. He explained the job to me. I was surprised that he didn't even do an interview nor a background check about my personal information.

He just asked my name and said a few rules about the mansion and one of that is not to open the room underground. No matter what happens, he said that I must not open it or else I will be in danger. When he said that, I feel a bit afraid. He suddenly chuckled. He said that he's only kidding, it's just I should not open it because it's only an storage room full of old furnitures and looks away.

There's a part of me that feels like he's lying but I just ignored it. I don't care what's on that mansion, I just need to do my job. Once I saved a lot of money, I will also quit this job and build my own shop. He honestly said that there's already many applicants applied on the job but none of them stay longer after they set their foot in the mansion.

I took my shirt off and head to the bathroom. I suddenly stopped when I saw myself in the mirror. I stared on my chest and saw my strange birthmark. I touched it slowly. It's a large moon shape. I always see it when taking a bath but still I can't get used to it. I headed to the shower and when I open the curtain, I almost scream in surprise. God, I thought my soul leaved my body.

There is a woman sitting in the bathtub wearing a long white dress and her hair is messy. I am not mean but her face is gross because of it's rotten flesh. Yes, it's a ghost and I can see and hear them clearly. It will be a big problem if she noticed that I can see her. She slowly looked at my direction and I fastly look up and acted like there is a mosquito biting me.

"Why there are so many mosquitoes here!? Aishh... these mosquitoes!" I can't leave the bathroom because I think she's suspicious. What I'm gonna do? I took off my short and decided to sit in the toilet bowl acting like a taking a dump.

"You!? C-can you see me? I know you can see me, right!?" She said while staring at me. I didn't see that she's staring but I can see it in my peripheral view.

"Aghhhh!!! Ouch my stomach! My stomach! Omoo!" I acted like having a stomach ache.

"I guess...you can't." She suddenly get up and walk in front of me. God, stay calm Eun Woo. You're already used seeing a ghost. This is not your first time. Just avoid looking in their eyes.

She's still standing in front of me. My god! Why the hell she's still here. She's watching me taking a dump!? Are you kidding me!? She slowly lowering her body and level her face on my face. She's very close and if I moved, I might kissed her. This ghost, what's wrong with her? She continuously stare at me, it's like she's examining my face. What should I do? Should I pretend that I'm already done? But it's risky! There is no even a dump! She suddenly straighten her body and walks away. What!? What happened!? But thank God, she's gone. What an unpleasant morning.

I can see ghost since I was a kid and I tried my best to ignore them. Ignoring them is the best way to continue my living. At first it was very hard and I am trembling in fear but sooner I get used to it. I told it to my Mom but she's got only mad at me. She doesn't believe me, she said that I just watch too many dramas. After that, I never told it to my Mom again. I always see a ghost in my school, roads, buses, and even in my home.

When I was in high school, there is one night that I tried to help a ghost crying in the corridor of my school. I think he's a former student in my school because he's wearing our school uniform. I believe that once I help, he will be gone but it's the opposite. He wants more and more even my body. He wants to take it but fortunately he didn't succeed because there is a man in a black coat suddenly appeared and exorcised it. I don't know what happened next but all I know is, the ghost is already gone. I didn't have the chance to see the man's face because he suddenly disappeared.

After I took a shower, I came down to eat breakfast. I'm sure that I will miss my Mom a lot. I hope she will not be too sad when I leave.

"Mom are you really fine if I will leave you here alone?" I asked worriedly and my Mom chuckles.

"Eun Woo, I will be fine. Don't worry about me. The one who should worry right now is me. I'm worried that you can't eat at the right time. Please take care of yourself. You know you're still my baby Eun Woo."

"Ohh c'mon Mom, I'm not a baby anymore. I'm an adult now." I said while pouting.

"Haha I know. Alright, eat your breakfast."

I eat my breakfast and after that I prepared myself to leave. All of my things are already in the cab. I hugged my Mom tightly.

"Take care of yourself too Mom. I will get home occasionally."

"Mmm... don't worry about me." She answered smilingly.

"I gotta go. Bye Mom." I waved my hand and get in the cab. She waved her hand back when I'm already leaving.

I told to the driver where we are going. While traveling, I feel sleepy that's why I decided to take a nap. The place that I'm going is still far so I think taking a nap is not a bad thing.