

After shaking our hands, Gibson bent forward and kissed Lily's cheek. Jealousy burned in Alfie's eyes and I knew he was wound up for real by then. Taking note of Alfie's expression, Gibson smirked and winked at Lily just to fuck with him further then followed Jonny, his right-hand man, out the door.

I knew for certain Gibson only had eyes for his better half, Chloe. But I wasn't convinced Alfie could believe any man with a pulse wouldn't want what was his if they'd thought they'd stood a chance.

I couldn't blame him for being a little suspicious of Gibson because in previous years before he was whipped, he'd been a tearaway. I wasn't sure whether it had been maturity or his long-term relationship that had changed him, but I did know he had become so loved up that he couldn't get out of the news conference quick enough. All he wanted was to get back home to his ranch in Colorado to spend time his valuable downtime with his wife.

Sometimes when I'd looked at him, I'd found it hard to believe he was ever the wild partying, fuck-anything-that-moved kind of guy that had lived the lifestyle I did. He and his best friend, Toby, used to drink like fish; however, since he'd been with Chloe he hadn't touched a drop. Strange. Never trust anyone who doesn't drink - that had been my motto. That was until he stopped drinking because I trusted Gibson Barclay with my life.

When the very fragrant Lily stepped forward and hugged me, I held on to her a fraction longer than I intended because she always had this incredible scent. Every time anyone mentioned her it was the one thing that came to my mind. There was no doubt about it, Alfie Black was one truly lucky man. If I'd been after a wife, she'd definitely have been my first choice, but, in any case, that wouldn't have mattered because the girl wouldn't have been available. Alfie had seen her first and since the day I had met her she had only ever had eyes for Alfie.

Despite ribbing Lily for her awful taste in men, I considered her my best female friend. Perhaps she'd earned that title because I'd never fucked her... or maybe we had become the kind of friends we were because she was already unattainable.

Either way the girl was one kick ass musician, and she was also a genuine sweetheart. If I only did one thing right in my life it was when I'd offered my advice and support to her. Never for a minute did I figure she'd take me up on that, but she had. Even then while we'd toured and I'd nursed her through all her angst, I'd never given a thought we'd have grown as close as we now were.

Lily stepped back and flashed me her gorgeous smile. "Dinner? Lennie has invited us over. Digs and Shawn will be there too. Are you coming?"

"You'd never have to ask me that question inside the bedroom, honey," I remarked in a smutty come back. Lily gave me a wicked grin and smacked me across the arm. Her face grew pink, and I marveled at how strange that trait was for a chick who had seen and done things that should have made her hair stand on end, and who lived her life surrounded by hairy-assed male rock stars.

"I'll rephrase that. Lennon is ordering dinner in; would you like to join us?" Her coy glance made me chuckle.

"Sure. I'd love to. I've got one more whatever it is to do then I'll be over. Should be there by what?" I looked to Paul for my answer.

"Six-ish?" he offered.

"There ya go, six-ish," I said as I stepped forward and kissed her again. Alfie growled in frustration.

"Alright, break it the fuck up," he said pulling Lily back against his his chest. Lily's arms wrapped around his waist and stared with doe eyes up into his. To be honest, I could see the appeal, for all I loved to fuck with his mind, Alfie was one hot, slick looking dude.

"Looking forward to seeing you there," Lily said not taking her eyes off of Alfie's. I smirked when I saw Alfie sigh, deflated that I'd agreed to go with them.


By the time I left my other appointment it was much later than I had anticipated and as we headed for Lennie's place it was already 7:45 pm. After finishing that late, had dinner been with anyone else, I'd have probably blown them out and gone straight home; but I loved those people, and it had been a while since I'd spent some downtime with them.

XrAid, Lily's band, had opened for my band, Cobham Street, during a couple of tours, and Lennon and I had grown close due to the many late-night conversations we'd shared. Everything from his music tastes to politics was in alignment with mine and I admired his clear minded business sense. He was a very mature guy, and he'd been on his own from quite a young age, and I loved how driven he was.

Lennon was loyal to his bandmates, and their needs came before everything else in his life. He was quiet and intelligent - a little geeky looking, but in a hot-as-fuck rock star kind of way. The women fawned over him like he was made of chocolate, but Lennie being the reserved type, usually shrugged girls off most of the time... apart from those times when Cody dragged him along as his wing man.

I understood from the way Lennie kept his private life low key he was probably more of a steady boyfriend kind of guy. From what I knew he'd never given much focus into finding a girl and he'd once confessed that he'd had a loose attachment to someone for years but said he preferred to concentrate on his music career instead of being tied down.