
Chapter 51: TRIP ADVISOR

Jed pulled up in front of the diner and I made to get out, but the girl's mom put her hand on my arm and held me back. "I can't go in there. If he knows I've said something to you, he'll fire her and that would cause us so much pain as a family.

"Stay here. Lock the car, Jed," I ordered as I stepped out on the sidewalk.

Jed followed me into the restaurant and I spotted the guy instantly. A forty-something guy with a paunch who looked as if he hadn't taken care of himself. He had greased dark-blond hair and slightly too tight chino trousers with a pair of white grubby sneakers on his feet. Jed looked at me and scoffed, then wandered ahead picking out a table for me that would attract the least attention.

Dave turned on his heel, noticed where Jed went and immediately scurried down the diner after him. "Excuse me, Sir. You have to wait to be seated," he said in a patronizing tone that instantly pissed Jed off.