
Chapter 49

Waking to the sound of my cell as it played Highway to Hell much louder than I was used to, I stretched and groaned as smooth limbs tangled around mine and a heavy arm secured me tightly to a hard, masculine chest. I squinted at a crack in the drapes as a shard of light streaked through the room and stopped on the left cheek of Coral's peachy ass.

Fumbling around in my jeans I swiped the screen, knowing already it was Jed who was calling, as it was my signature tune for him. "What?" I snapped.

"Ten after four, Boss. You have a 7pm at the Hyatt Regency for another interview before the big day tomorrow. I left you as long as I could." I cut him off without a reply and untangled myself from the others. Coral never moved, and I reckoned after the way Len and I fucked her like some competition hungry tag team she'd be out for a few hours more.

However, as I went to leave the bed, Lennon grabbed me by my arm. "Oh, no you don't. You're not getting away that easily."