
Chapter 35: CHEMISTRY

The night before the gig I stood surveying the impressive set design. I was still admiring the formation when Lennon came up on my right-hand side and stood shoulder-to-shoulder beside me. My heart fluttered from the effect of having him near me.

"Looks awesome, doesn't it? I can't wait until it's full of people."

Turning my head, I stared at his profile as he looked straight ahead and immediately remembered the night we had. He was such a handsome looking guy with his even features, tanned skin, and the close scruff around his mouth.

The aftershave or body wash he used was incredibly appealing, and I couldn't help myself from inhaling deeply. He obviously heard me and turned his head, his eyes locking onto mine. My heart clenched, and I looked back out to where the crowds would be because I couldn't bear the strained sexual vibe I felt between us.

"Yeah, it'll be amazing once the crowds fill the place and we're out there. This has to work."