
Chapter 25: THREE

Coral sat up on the couch she had been lying on and ran her hands through her hair. Two drummers I knew from other bands turned and caught sight of her. The taller of the two immediately stood and headed in her direction and I put my hand up. "She's mine," I said loud enough for him to hear. His footsteps faltered then he shrugged, "Cool, no harm meant," he said and glanced at the guy behind who had stopped to watch our conversation.

"Coral, darlin, come here," I said and patted the seat beside me. Slowly she rose from the couch and tottered drunkenly toward me. However, just as she reached me, another chick threw herself down heavily beside me.

"Hey Rick, wanna have some fun?" she asked in a seductive tone, just as Coral arrived in front of me. "Sorry, sweetheart, got to deal with this one," I replied and pulled Coral down onto my knee. I knew it was a shit move with her being Lennie's, but it was a sure-fire way of getting the chick eyeing me up to leave.