
Chapter 24: PARTYING

Doug was old school rock star through and through, and his place reflected that lifestyle. Crazy sculptures donned his lawns, skinny chicks lined his poolside, and a dude fucked a naked woman with a massive boob job openly on the stairs as we entered.

Coral's eyes bugged out before she colored crimson and she clung, half-hidden, behind Lennon's back as we wandered into Doug's great room. The place was mobbed with faces of old acquaintances, and it wasn't long before we were all lying around drunk and high, talking shit about how great the old times were.

Some of it was great but most of it was humping out heavy gear from bar to bar, eating shit soggy sandwiches in the middle of the night, and sleeping three to a bed. The three in the bed part was the only part of tradition I was still into.