
Chapter 20: OFFERINGS

Minutes later he stood up straight again, "Up," he commanded.

Janine straightened up on her feet and Darcy turned her around by her shoulders to face him before lifting her up in his arms. He laid her out flat on her back on the metal table. Janine made no sound, and she didn't react to the cold steel beneath her body, "Good girl," Darcy told her, rewarding her with a gentle smile.

Seconds later, he strolled around her, pulling her limbs one by one and tying her arms to metal poles at the top. I shrugged off my jacket and began to unbutton my shirt when I saw him reach for the rope out of the corner of my eye.

When he began to wrap it around her wrist, I could tell he was skilled in the art of Shibari from the way he tied intricate knots from halfway up her arms to the posts. He left her legs free, and she lay spread-eagled with her pussy on full show.