
Chapter 18: SLOW TORTURE

"You know what? Fuck it. I'll go with whatever takes my eye... I'm just gonna go with the flow and see where it leads me."

"Ah, an adventurer," Pierre stated and appeared to relax with my response.

"Maybe I should take you to see the master," he said almost to himself.

I stared pointedly into his eyes for him to enlighten me because what he thought I'd see in a big butch BDSM Dom I had no idea. Without waiting for my reply, he spun on his heel and walked away from me. I followed slowly behind, down the low-lit corridor until we reached an open door to my left. I stopped for a few seconds to take in what I saw inside.

There was a mass masturbation session in progress with both men and women of all shapes and sizes who were either sitting on chairs or lying naked - but all of them were observing one another as they tossed off.