
Chapter 1: THE beginning

- Ho... How did that happen? - I was talking to myself, running away from this place as quickly as possible.

Thing... The thing I just did. What was that supposed to be?

Just a few minutes ago I was going to the designated address to see the apartment I wanted to rent. I was looking for something cheap, which led me to a not-very-nice and dirty neighborhood. There was also a greater risk of getting into trouble. Something for something.

Unfortunately, I found out sooner than expected.

A man in a hood approached me. It was sudden. When he got close to me, he took a pocket knife out of his pocket.

- OK, redhead, give me money and I won't hurt you - he demanded confidently.

I shivered slightly, realizing how bad my situation was. This was the first time I found myself in such a situation, and barehanded. I was in losing position.

- Uh... Yes, sure... Just calm down. I don't want problems here - I replied and reached into my pocket.

I acted too fast. It looked like that this man was also full of stress. His attitude changed immediately and he jumped in my direction to stab me. I moved in at the last moment and avoided getting hurt.

The adrenaline in me grew more and more. Suddenly I felt an impulse. Impulse was coming through my bones and muscles. A thought crossed my mind... I can't let him go!

I grabbed his hand and he started screaming like crazy! What? Why? The stench of burning skin hit my nose, making me look down. Why was his skin burnt out? And was the burn in the shape of my hand?

I stepped back. I did it? How? This is not a superhero movie! There were no superpowers! Then... How...

I turned around. I couldn't stay here! I panicked and started running away. It all scared me. It was something I couldn't understand at the moment.

After a short time, I reached the subway station. It was a 10-minute run from that alley. Everything looked so typical here, nobody knew that something unusual happened not far away. Only this guy knew... What could he do? I couldn't go back there either...

I took a deep breath. I had no other places on my list of possible apartments I could rent. If my only option wasn't Area 51... Along with aliens and other urban legends.

I got on the first train that came here and sat down in it. The first thing I did... I wrote a message to the owner of the apartment, that I found something better and I will not come. It was a lie, of course, but who would know?

After a few stops and thoughts, I went out to the street. I'll act like nothing ever happened... Easy to say, hard to do.

I was breathing very anxiously and I looked around nervously. I decided to take the time to take a long walk and try to calm my mind.


Yellow light flared for a moment in the room filled with numerous books. Its source was a hologram in the shape of the planet Earth. Man's eyes rose from the crystal plate-looking screen and carefully traced the small yellow mark on the hologram, but it disappeared after a while.

- Huh? It looks like something happened - he put the device down. Here can be seen a movie with funny cats on it. He was always interested in this phenomenon.

- "Use of magic" - he read the information from the system record.