
Not again

Henry whispered, " He is..He is my Zyan dad.."

Chasper bewildered, " No way..How can he be our Zyan dad...No way. "

Henry drinking water, " Release him"

chasper freaked , " What? Are you serious?"

Henry, " Yes I am serious.. Release him right now.."

As per Henry scream ,Andrew was released.

Due to the improper position in wheel his limbs broke and he walked like a handicapped..

Guilty took over Henry seeing his state..


Henry, " Take him to hospital.."

Chasper holding Henry hand, " Man are you mad? Why are you saving him ? He don't deserve this ..What is stopping you..".

Henry muttered in a mare whisper, " He is Zyan dad for god sake.."


Chasper crossing his hands , " So what? "

Henry, " What will Zyan think of me if he knows I tortured his birth father.."

Chasper chuckling, " Man..Did you eat something wrong..What will be Zyan think.. "