
My favourite place

Hi everyone,

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Melanin buried her head in his chest in embarrassment as their intimate moment witnessed by Saafiya.

Henry rubbing her hair, " Babydoll.."

Melanin just Hmmed

Henry, " It's been 30 mins Saafiya left from place..I know you like me but first we need to dring that potion for our cold to cure, you can continue to stay like this after we drink the potion"

Melanin eyes widened in shock on hearing this..she couldn't digest the fact the demon became a teasing master. She though it's a dream. It took few seconds for her to come back to reality..

" Babydoll" , Henry snapped his hands infront of her" Melanin gasped before pulling herself from him..

Henry took the glasses of potion which Saafiya made , Taking sip of first one, he gave other to Melanin..

Melanin taking the sip feels like vomiting due to its bitterness , " Yuck..This is worser than Gingseng soup.. "

Henry just smiled..