
312 Reciprocating Pendulum

Without a doubt, this spell came from the Master of Time, Konoheim.

Countless gravely injured warriors of Har City were almost instantly healed.

Not only this, but their physical condition had also returned to their prime, just like the highland warrior who was near Konoheim before.

Anyone who knew Konoheim would know that this wasn't some ordinary healing spell, but rather a special application of time magic.

As it seems, only a few beings on this great road have mastered this magical spell.

And the only dragon capable of achieving such a feat is Konoheim himself.

With the current situation in Har City, the effect is excellent, a powerful spell that could reverse the outcome of a battle.

The warriors on Har's City walls had mostly returned to their prime.

As they shrieked and launched attacks on the undead climbing the walls, various area spells were ignited below the wall once again.

Naturally, the spellcasters who had regained their mana would not remain idle.