
Shadow fighters

"You too, Thorn," Rota said but Belialthorn didn't reply because the first shadow was there with a battle axe and had to hook his short sword into the blade and yank it out of the shadow's hand.

He followed with a cut at the creature's neck, unable to watch its collapsing because he darted left to avoid a swinging ball that would have crushed his head.

At least that was what he thought, that it would crush his head because he didn't know the true nature of the weapons in the shadow's hand. It looked solid to him when he blocked it with a sword but Belialthorn had also seen said weapons disappear immediately after it touched the floor.

He darted forward with a thrust, straight into the shadow's heart before it could recall its weapon with the chain attached to it then it was all a blur of thrust, parry, and blocking that left his hand aching.