Gatemaster raised his hands. "All I smell is potential in the air but why are you so weak? Even he is as weak as those lowely monsters." A metal claw pointed at Belialthorn.
"Why are you fighting us if we're so weak then?" Belialthorn challenged. His head was still tender and his body still ached from just one blow.
"This is not a fight," Gatemaster growled. "You would have died for every breath you take if I wanted to fight you. All I'm doing is playing with you."
Belialthorn grimaced, he had nothing to say to that. Gatemaster was obviously strong, there was no doubt about it, what baffled him was that he couldn't get a gauge of his power, all he knew was that he was strong.
"So," Gatemaster advanced on Alaric. "What are you going to show me? Not one of your chains again are you?"