


Since everyone had faith in science, so be it then, It wasn't like I had any other choice anyway. After all, I was no hero that would go about saving the world. Not that I don't have the best interest of mankind at heart just that I was in no position. Moreover, there was already a last resort if things turned out unfavorable.

Today, I had decided to purchase some quality clothes after taking breakfast which Roberta had ordered. People would treat you the way you appear, precisely the reason why it's best to dress to impress.

"Roberta, can you make a low-budget quality cloth purchase on the net for me please?" I wouldn't waste my lifetime savings based on the fact that I had been employed, as I would only spend when necessary. I knew how valuable money was in life, it had always been the problem of mankind yet it had never for once been in disrepute as such act would definitely be likened to blasphemy. Humans are greedy and would never let go of the privilege and prestige that money offered, so would I.

"Jenkins, the price of the requested purchase exceeds your budget... showing results for cheap low-quality clothes."

'Did she just indirectly painted me impoverished?'

A vein twitched in my head as I thought about her words, I made a mental note to replace her when I get my hands on my first salary.

"You know what, just~"


"You have a new mail , sent from SPAX CORP Inc. Would you like to read it now?" she cut me off to notify me of the mail as I had instructed her to place importance on mails or calls from SPAX CORP.

"Yes!" I said several seconds after calming down my nerves, feeling a little anxious. A hologram appeared on the wall of the room with a message written on it.

[                   APPOINTMENT LETTER               ]

[                                                                      ]

[   DATE: 7th, March, 3500.                               ]

[                                                                         ]

[  EMPLOYEE NAME:.                                        ]

[  Jenkins Curtis.                                                ]

[                                                                          ]

[   MERIT:.                                                            ]

[   Two Star-honored space Alum.                   ]

[                                                                            ]

[  RESIDENT:                                                       ]

[ Struct 347, Draken district, Bargon city, ] [ Low-lands  ]   

[                                                                       ]

[  JOB POSITION:                                               ]

[ Ass. Space Aeronautics Test ] [ Technician.             ]    

[                                                                            ] [   INFO:                                                               ][Congratulations, you have been appointed ]

[as a staff in SPAX CORP INC. Please sign ]

[the contract below and proceed to the   ] [administration for further           ]

[documentation.Please do as Batch training] [starts on March,30th. All training expenses]

[will be covered by the company.        ]    [                                                                            ]

[   EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE:                           ]

 [     ___________________________.                    ]

 [                                                                          ]

 [    ADMIN. SIGNATURE:                                   ]

 [     ___________________________.                    ]

 [                                                                          ]

An Aeronautics Test Technician required experience with spaceships thus, the need for training. The training wasn't literally training as it implies, it's more of a test. Academic merits are not based on theoretical aspects alone as schools have now developed a way to make students experience a real life practical aspect studies by means of Virtual reality. I don't mean to brag but I'm truly exceptional in the practical aspect, thus, why I'm being lax.

What baffles me is the absence of the salary details but seeing that training session expenses would be covered, I realized that only those who had passed the test would be selected and employed real-time.

"Roberta, I'll be right back, enable home- security." I said as I stepped out to get myself a befitting outfit for the occasion.



I danced across the streets as I make my way out of the branch office of SPAX Corp Inc. in the Low-lands, located in Nidea city. I had just been approved and had been given a date to report to the training center. I made my way to the Subway station in glee and only when I got aboard the maglev train (electro-magnetic train) to Bargon city, did I relax. I was so happy that I'd even try to hit on a girl in the train and the result? I was brutally rejected naturally but I was still happy, considering the fact that I was one step closer to my dream.

My life had been totally stale, I had absolutely nobody to hang out with nor share my victorious moments with, not until I reunited with Dan. Although, I had friends at the college, most of them were all living their lives accordingly now and only contacted me once in almost never, to check up on me. Guess I was just a means to help 'maintain' their grades.

Not willing to retire back home for the day yet, I decided to spend some time exploring Bargon city before calling Dan to meet up with him if he was free. As I walked out the station, I wanted to take a snack at the nearby cafe but dreaded the idea when a certain embarrassing memory flashed through my mind.

I took off on an opposite direction to the Cafe, exploring the city as I walked along the road. Bargon City was the third largest and most populated city behind Nidea and Artes City in the Low-lands. At this juncture, it is crucial to point out that the Low-lands were not at all full of dilapidated buildings as cities in the Low-lands could be compared to that of a developed country in the past. Thus, describing how exotic or futuristic the Highlands were would only be futile as the picture is overwhelmingly amazing.

My gaze got attracted to the city park where several inventors showed off their inventions to kids and adults. The park was an open-square with artificial structures and park benches close to the metal fence where people could seat to take a rest and enjoy the view of the artificial fountain. I crossed the almost desolate road and proceeded into the park, spectating several inventions before finally taking a seat to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.

"Peaceful, isn't it?"  a Middle-aged man, seemingly in his 40s said beside me with a bitter smile on his face. I nodded my head in response to his words and closed my eyes to further enhance the sensation I felt that moment.

"What are your thoughts on Time-travel?" I shot my eyes open as I heard his words and looked at him warily, he wore a gentle smile but his next words sent a cold shiver down my spine.

"Jenkins Curtis?

what are your thoughts about time travel?.... share in the comments

Yusuf_I_JRcreators' thoughts