
Evil Through The Multiverse

A Man reincarnated in the world of Avatar The Last Airbender, with a system

Alpha_Ace · Komik
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

Author: Thank you for waiting, if I reach 50 reviews, I'll post a bonus chapter as soon as I can.


"It was about your Siege in Ba Sing Se." Azula said as she narrowed her eyes.

"What does he want to talk about?" I said, as I looked at her in interest, In the two years I joined the Siege when Iroh left the Siege for his dead son, dumb action it was.

'I completely annihilated the Earth Kingdom in a matter of days, which took Iroh many years, the Earth Kingdom was colonised and annihilated, its army was killed, and made docile by surely yours, me!'

'It was a day I can never forget, I took many lives that day and it wasn't disappointing in the least.' I thought as I looked at the flustered Azula.

"What is it?" I said as I looked at her flustered... ness.

"N-nothing, it's just when you have that look in your eyes, it is when you have something planned in your mind and that is also when you only smile." She said in a sweat.

"I see, I am gonna get dressed, other generals are also joining right?" I ignored her as she responded "Yes." to my question.

"Good." I closed the door and wore the fire nation armour for the meeting, it was the same as what Zuko wore when he challenged his father.

"I am ready." I said as I looked at myself in the mirror, I took a shower to wash the sweat off me.

I opened the door and saw Azula still standing there.

"Princess? You are still here?" I said as I looked at her, waiting with her arms folded.

"There was sometime for the meeting so I thought, I'd wait." She said.

'She's acting strange. Is it time?' I thought as I only nodded cautiously at her comment, and analysed the whole area for any attacks or traps.


I moved through the Hall as I looked at my Status with Azula behind me.


[Name] : Kuro

[Age] : 11 Year Old

[Race] : Human

[Passive Skills]:

[Hand to Hand Combat Lvl 88], [Cooking Lvl 21], [Accuracy Lvl 25] , [Swimming Lvl 23], [Instincts Lvl 70]

[Active Skills]:

[Sprint Lvl 77] [Stealth Lvl 52], [Lying Lvl 90], [Fire Bending Lvl 25], [Energy Bending Lvl 15], [Blood Lust Lvl 57], [Domain Lvl 15]


'Yes, Kuro is the name which I got from Azula who named me Kuro when she and I were sparing, I didn't hate it so I changed it in the status too, also I got the two new skills from the time I spent in the Siege.'


Intimidation is induced on the target, reducing the capabilities of the target by 50%. Intensity increases with each Level.


Increases the capabilities of the user by 20% and decreases the capabilities of the target by 10% when inside the range. The range is increased by 2 meters with each Level.

I looked at my status with satisfaction until I stopped in front of the huge metal door in front of me.

"This is it, Princess, thank you for escorting me." I said as I turned around and looked at her.

"Whatever." She said as she with her hand made shooing gesture.

"Open." I said to the fire bender as I entered the room, big as a hall.

In the middle was a long rectangular shaped table with generals on each side sitting and in the short end was sitting Ozai and facing was an empty chair.

"General Kuro, welcome, we have been waiting for you." Fire Lord Ozai said as he looked at me.

"My apologies, Lord Ozai for keeping you waiting." I said as I looked at the other generals who had glared at me.

[Bloodlust activated]

[Domain activated] 

And in an instant bloodlust leaked from me as all the generals broke sweat and turned their eyes away from me.

'W-what is he, a monster, that's what he is.'


'T-the hollow look in his eyes.'


'S-stay away from me.'



'I peed a little.'

With every step I took the generals shuddered, as if a demon walked, shaking the whole place.

I sat on my chair which was facing the fire lord.

"You may continue." I said as everyone shuddered as if pressure increased in the room.

"A-ah yes." Ozai said for a minute, forgetting that he was the one who should've said that, he gestured toward the other general to speak.

"A-ah, yes, after the Siege in Ba Sing Se, which was successfully done by general kuro, there are people rebelling to take over the Ba Sing Se again."

Ozai looked at me, getting the hint, I said "It's simple, the rebelling people are nothing but people fighting in vain, the public execution of some of the rebelling people is enough but if there is group, you can contact my special unit I have trained personally, who are more than capable of handling these situations." I said as I looked at the general with hollow eyes.

"But." I said gaining the interest of everyone in the room.

"For a permanent solution, change their tradition and their culture from the roots, make them torment and instill the fear of the fire nation, starve them until they obey if not then kill them, there are more than enough replacements in Ba Sing Se."