
evil throne

In a Europe like world an empire consisting of 21 countries thriving with population in trillions every country has its own king, a prime minister, states, army and magic, and a general council, but despite all these, all 21 bow down to a single throne ruling them all, with dragons and angels under its feet the throne rules three continents out of the five continents in existence, it all started 3000 years ago as humans became capable of absorbing the four natural energies of the world, dark light, space and elements found within the surface of earth, allowing humans to grow stronger. they exceed two hundred years life expectancy. gaining every single species under their control. with hundreds of battles, a single family with exceptional bloodline. as if gifted by the gods, they managed to subdue three whole continents. and managed to increase their lifespan by 500 years. our main protagonist who's just 8 years old. quite ambitious, and cunningness in his blood. secretly aims to overthrow the current empire and win over the throne. (this will be a very long story and level up system exists, inspired by game of thrones and one piece)

Vivek_Patil_9912 · Fantasi
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2 Chs

mountain hunting

A seagull big as a three-story building, soared through the bright blue sky, the clouds in the sky shifted and made way for the bird. the bird looked seemingly old and was about to return back to its nest, when suddenly he spotted a pack of wolves. it was just the pups and not the grown ones. they were happily playing as a total 11 of them were running from the twelfth one. most likely playing a game of theirs. the bird was a small ruler of nearby mountain cliff. the bird was nearly two kilometers above the ground and looked quite small, his keen vision allowing him to look clearly look at the pups. he had recently gotten new family members. he had the responsibility to feed them as they couldn't feed themselves. he leaped in and in a swift second caught 7 of them, and crushed them on spot, as he soared through the sky the blood felt downward like a rain of blood. the other pups shouted loudly. they screamed and began to run around. they were young and unbeknownst to the worldly dangers. just a month old, they were scared to their deaths. they wailed in order to call their mother for help. their mother who was relaxing few minutes distance away. she was tired from their troubles and was busy all the time. today she finally got time to relax as the children had grown enough to play on their own. the male wolf was away hunting. suddenly she heard her children`s cries. with a big thud in her heart. she started running at her full speed. her two daughters followed her behind. as they were scared, they tried catching up to their mother but unable to, due her dashing forward at her max speed. upon arriving at the scene, her heart ached in sorrow and anger. her eyes bloodshot as she with her lungs blasting out.

the seagull was about to dive back but upon looking at the mother wolf crying out loud to make a call for her male wolf. the old yet wise bird thought it was better to avoid the conflict. as he fixed his prey in the mouth which was the size of a bull. a head of the pup got chopped down as it began falling towards the ground. it the mother wolfs head. she was crying with her lungs about to burst. she went ahead and started licking its head. other children who were injured due to the brushing of the bird. started crying as they rubbed themselves against their mother, she took them all in. she was very big. nearly thrice the size of the bird just in height. she was still young, so she was not very big in size. but big enough to tear apart the fully grown bird hundred times. if she was around, the bird would even dare come anywhere near them. she regretted ever leaving her children aside. the male wolf who was hunting with his big claws around the size of a tractor. he was hunting a small colony of Rabbits. he was about to finish hunting them. the rabbits were nearly 3 meter tall. and were very fast dodging and running trying to attack the wolf. but the wolf was very thick furred. they would have normally run away, but their newborn babies didn't allow them to do so. they had a responsibility to protect them. but they were very tired now, the wolf though was very slow had fearsome strength. as it seemed that they were about to be crushed by the wolf the wolf suddenly stopped. the male rabbit who was the head within the family looked surprised as he saw the wolf stunned and worried. he stopped with his hunt and leaped back to go. he was probably few miles away from the pack. but his mates call was clear enough to make him run back. he ran at a speed of About 120 mph. reaching the pack at his full speed in less than 5 minutes. he had the same reaction as his mate. he cried out loud, scaring many birds and small animals in the area. the sky was clear in the morning, but looking at it now, it seemed clear that rain was going to happen soon. the wolf swore within his heart that, he would kill the animal who did this. 

on the shore on an island. which had no traces of humans civilizing it. suddenly a women came shouting loudly, ''jack, come back, jack, where are you?'' she seemed worried and was wondering in the shore right beside the wild jungle, she seemed tiny compared to the 100`s of meter tall trees. barely 5-foot 8 inches. she would be helpless against any attacks by the mutated insects let alone wild animals. the island was really scary. but the women still shouted loudly. ''Jack, where are you.'' on some distance a huge coconut tree, stood 370-meter-tall tree. a small kid barely 3 foot in height, was climbing the tree, he was halfway through. but due to a sudden call for his name. he was startled. he was trying to secretly climb the tree and pluck a coconut. keeping it a secret from his mother. he lost his balance, and barely stuck to a small patch in the tree. the women, jacks' mother, was sickeningly pale after looking at her small kid nearly falling down the tree. his 8-year-old bones would not survive. but he grabbed a small bud on the tree using another hand, he started to climb the again. the mother, jessie was trying to convince jack to come back and not go upwards. but he continued, '' don't worry mom, I am fine.'' that was all he as able to speak. his childish yet loud voice. the wind was strong as one could easily see the strong storm was coming. jack still didn't stop. after nearly 15 minutes of hard climbing, he managed to touch a coconut somehow going through the challenge. he somehow gained a spot on the coconut and waived his hand at his mother. the mother seemed relieved looking that her son had managed to safely climb the tree. ''now, get down son the storm will come soon. yes mother. the coconut nearly 2 story building big and of 2 tons weight. he looked like a bug compared to it. he wanted to cut down the coconut but, wouldn't do so. as it might hurt his mother below. he was about to start climbing downward. but suddenly he was attacked by a spider that came out from his hiding. he wanted to secure some more food for the storm that was about to come. jack jumped below and cached a small tread hanging out of the tree. he barely managed to survive both the fall and the spider. he hanged on the thread with his life on the line. he wanted to attack the spider, but while jumping the big kitchen knife he had stolen from the home secretly it hit a rock nearby due to the strong wind. the spider started to move forward. he was about to attack jack again.

on the ground below at the nearby bushes few Leafs moved as a shadow moving at an unimaginable speed went forward at the coconut tree, climbing the tree under few seconds. the shadow cut down the spider and the coconut tree itself in a single swift attack. the shadow had cut down a giant spider and the skyscraper like tree in a single cut that also from the kitchen knife he picked from the ground that he picked while rushing forward. he caught jack and fell downward. he directly landed on the ground causing an impact strong enough to crack the ground. the women fell back. jack quickly went forward and checked upon her mother. '' are you ok mother? are you hurt anywhere.'' asked jack with sadness in his eyes. '' I am fine dear, but you hurt me more.'' jack knew his mistake, making his mom worry. ''jack, you made our mother sad.'' said the shadow figure, he was jacks elder brother, '' I am sorry mom.'' 

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i hope not to get a contract. :)

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