
Evil Gods Prophet

Anti-social student reincarnated by a goddess to win a bet for her.

ericthener · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

His fate

"Am I dead? I for sure feel numb and cant see. So is this it? Eternal darkness?" he pondered, not able to move or feel anything.

"Hey buddy, wake up already!" a voice commanded.

"Oh god I'm hearing voices now?! I'm mad sooner than I would have anticipated." he feared.

„Wake up or I'll kick you. You fucker lost me my bet, cunt." commanded the voice again, becoming more agitated.

"What? This isn't a illusion I think."

„Oh, I forgot, you're in a catatonic state, lol. I can be such a goober sometimes." the voice laughed, losing the agitated tone as quick as it got it.

"I can feel my fingers, and even my eyelids! Finally, I can see again." 

„Did I survive?" before him he saw a tall room akin to a mall with many different stalls installed in it. A tall woman with large dark eyes sat in a beanbag in front of him, wearing a crimson dress. 

„Ah, see who's awake now. And no, you're very much paste on a sidewalk. But that doesn't concern you any more bro. To make this quick, you ever read a isekai?" the woman asked with a annoyed expression.

„What- I... I guess I have? What, will you have me reborn?" he answered confused.

„Yeah, no. That would take too much time. Your ghost will go and reform a body at a place I've designated as my realm." she answered back, picking her teeth with one of her claw like hands.

„Ok?... So what should I do? You don't look like the type to have me kill a demon king, right?" he asked now, still a bit unsure what to make of this situation.

„Whaa- hell no! If anything I'd have you be the demon king. You'll go and form a cult in my name, or don't, I really don't give a fuck any more. I lost the bet now anyway desu."

„I don't understand, my goddess, could you explain more?" Theodor asked, too intimidated to ask her about her weird way of talking.

„First of all, quit it with that formalities baby. Call me Ashtka, got it?" she now reprimanded him. 

„Got it."

„So, where to start... you'll be my medium to influence the world. The same rules that apply for me will apply for you. Just remember that the powers you'll hold won't be your own. I lend them to you, got it? Treat them like a allowance." she explained bored and uninterested.

„I guess I understand? But what about that cult thing? And isn't this all a bit vague? What powers exactly will I have?" he now asked, worried that he wouldn't be informed enough for what awaited him. 

„Ugh, you'll figure it out soon enough kid. I'll give you some leeway in the first week so better be thankful. See you space cowboy." the woman raised one of her claw like hands and a red pentagram formed under him in a instance.

"What's happening?! First this weirdo of a goddess summons me and now I'm being engulfed in blinding red light?! I feel as if I'm going to puke." he thought as he tried to leave the pentagram to no avail.

„Ah, before I forget. The more prayers reach your or my way, the more I'll be able to expand the powers that I impart on you. Oh and also, have fun with the urges lol." moments later he was gone from the space.

The woman stretched herself, breaking her skin and ripping the dress, transforming back into the serpent like monster she actually is, tearing the dress completely and crushing some of the stalls she created out of boredom. 

„Fucking ugh, that damn brat wont stand a minute against that monster that Sodes dug out... no, I won't let that pompous shitlord have the satisfaction of defeating me. I'll just have that guy hide from that thing so I can play on time and find another way to defeat that asshole. Just gotta keep him away from the west. I'm sure once he dies of something else than a servant of Sodes I can just get someone else and win that way, right?" talked the creature to itself, descending its surrounding back into the formless void it preferred.