
Evil Gods Prophet

Anti-social student reincarnated by a goddess to win a bet for her.

ericthener · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

First real steps

"Ugh, where am I now?" in a daze he looked around. He was in the middle of a stone circle. Each stone was shaped like the razor sharp teeth of a monstrous worm.

To his displeasure he noticed that not only did he woke up naked, but that his stuff was no where to be found. 

He started to inspect the stones closer to get his mind of things. They were all carved with a lot of detail. Many circles and waves formed a hard to comprehend image. The clearing the circle was in had to the tree line dense bushes he didn't know. Their flower reminded him of lilies though. Behind those he did not see anything but a dark and old pine forest whose branches hanged high like a cathedral's roof. Only at some spots did a ray of warm sunlight found it's way to the forest's with pine needles carpeted ground. By now the stuffy smell of resin and dry pine needles reached him. Far over him he saw a bit to large sun glistering, by now it had to be at least 11 in the morning with the heat of a far along summer warming his skin. Hearing into the darkness of the woods he could only hear some skittering noises and a few birds far away were singing unfamiliar songs between themselves. Under the melody he did notice the bubbling of a creek, though only barely.

Slowly he moved through the bushes, making sure to not cut himself on the many sharp thorns or equally sharp looking blossoms, which had a sweet and intoxicating smell to them. He did not notice any reduction in his senses though. Stepping under the dense roof, which was slowly moving with the wind far above him he could feel the humid warmth that they trapped. Many patches of moss and small herbs were a matting to his bare feet. As far as he could look with, which wasn't far considering the thick tree trunks, he saw little overgrown rock structures. They had the same engravings as his stone circle. 

Not long after and the noise grew, and he could perceive the tree line bending as far as it could manage over a wide brook. Behind the brook was a tall rockface. Only now did he notice how the forest was by a large mountain which reached high into the clouds. Following the creek a bit up stream he started hearing a thunderous waterfall. The stream itself came from a small pond with a waterfall over head, which under the sun looked like a bowl of pure glass being continuously poured into a broken bowl. The waterfall was about 3 stories high and crashed not far from the pond on a stone slab. The water splashed around and collected itself into the pond which had many colorful lotuses growing out of it. A few meters away from the waterfall he noticed a carven stair up the tall rockface. It may not have been the smartest idea, but hoping he could make out a settlement, he decided to climb it. Climbing the rough stairway up was expectantly easier said than done, as he was often almost thrown down by the stone breaking under his feet. Finally, after losing his grip more than once he reached the cliff's top. For a moment he didn't mind the view and just plucked little stones from under his feed that had pressed themselves into his by now sore sole. After which he enjoyed the view in full. Before him a large round valley surrounded by high mountains stretched itself before him. Wispy clouds formed themselves by the many cliffs that like any other place so Theodor felt was completely claimed by the many trees, which's tops made the valley into nothing but a sea of spiky tips. The only place not part of the sea of green-tops were the tops of the mountains, cloaked in a misty white and nothing else. He couldn't see a way out of the valley. At least not from his point of view. The only thing similar to a settlement he did see was a old and completely dilapidated castle, entrapped under the sea of treetops it at some places dared to break up their dominance and rise out of it with its overgrown prowess. Where the river flowed to he could not see for far, but he decided that the best chance to find someone would be following that creek.

Before the sun left it's daily peak he walked back down from the little vantage point high up in the hills. From there he turned left and put his sore feet to rest in the cool pond and got comfortable in the soft grass that was growing tall and green by the water. When he rested there, he began thinking back to his home. His friends, his peers, his family. It only now really hit him that he might not see them, or anyone he has known for that matter ever again. Even though he never has been faint of heart that thought made his heart ache deeply. Soon he regained his composure and stood up. He was fine again, even though he noticed his empty stomach and creeping hunger. By now the sun stood noticeably lower and the mountains started throwing a long shadow over the valley. 

He walked by the creek and followed it's flow downwards. Following it for many hours he came by some rapids and some shallow parts. Soon the sun touched a mountain peak, signaling to Theodor that soon he would need to find a spot to sleep at. And as soon as he reached a weeping willow the last light left the valley, swallowed by the white tipped mountains. 

He walked under the willow, which's fernlike leaves dangled down like a protective roof over him and the ground was a fine moss that grew up to the stem. He stared further along the creek. The darkness had put hold on any plan to walk further, so Theodor had no choice than to stay for the night. Later into the night his tries to doze off were still unsuccessful. The ground was uneven and any time he found a comfortable spot he had the feeling a root would find it's way into his back. When the moon's shadow shifted directly above him the thirst that crept it's way onto him couldn't be ignored anymore. He decided to bet on his fortune in misfortune and decided to drink from the clear water flowing besides it. It was cold and clear and as he drunk he felt not just the thirst but also hunger subsiding. As he did the sky filled his view. It was equally crystal clear, with a never ending amount of lights. The creek itself became a ever changing mirage of gems, reflecting the radiant lights. After having satiated his needs he calmed down, laid back down and soon later slept soundly. 

As he slept a visage revealed itself before him. He had the smell of blood and iron in his nose and his eyes were blinded by a great fire ingulfing a city underneath him. As he walked gave the floor way and he fell into the flames, neither afraid nor bracing for pain. Only moments before he awaked he saw in the flames a white light flicker, telling him it would come for him.

Slowly he got up and stretched his arms. He wasn't tired, but did not sleep well either. The night was too cold for a naked person to endure and the morning due made his skin feel wet and grimy. At least the sky was a clear blue with no rain or similar in sight. The dream was on his mind a lot that morning, as he walked further along the waterway, that had by now become a full fletched river. Also he could make out a passage going outside of the valley. Two to be exact. One was the same direction the water flowed, the other was to the right of it. A wide mountain that didn't go too far into the clouds was between them. From afar he noticed some kind of tower up on that mountains top, but more he couldn't make out. By now both sides of the river had trees growing, which gave his progress a certain amount of ambiguity. Soon though a tree line arrived in front of him. When he stepped out of the thick foliage he was momentarily blinded by a high midday sun greeting him. Also a undisturbed lake greeted equally shining. The blue was deep and shaky, with water plants giving it's shore a fitting wild look. He had the inlet besides him and a outlet further out the valley far far ahead of him on the other side of the equally wide as long lake. Slowly walked Theodor towards it, scanning the shoreline. A moment he was sad about the abandoned look of everything, sitting down by the water and looking if at least some fish would be so kind and be his breakfast. No luck.

Not soon after though he stood up and scanned the shore again. Almost hidden by the dense foliage he actually saw a person running away with a bucket of water. Only for a moment did Theodor gasp before running towards the person, to not lose them in the dense forest. Not soon after and he was a good way into the forest. The constant noise of a stream was gone and a ominous silence fell around him. The even denser and larger trees made his view completely limited and his breath heavy with anxiousness. He took few steps before, as if out of no where, a man held a dagger to his throat. Theodor tensed up completely, unable to make even the smallest of noise. Another tall man, clad in pelts and a dark green tunica stepped into his view, looking intently into his face. His face was hidden by dark cloth, only the piercing amber eyes and long brown hair were visible. "What is a naked human doing in Hepetonis? Are there more of your kind?" he asked with a raspy voice, clearly aggravated. Theodor, still shocked by the dagger did not speak or meet his gaze. He could only muster to look to his feet. "Speak now!" he now yelled, which shook even the men that now assembled around them, more out fear of what the noise could attract than his anger it seemed. Now something changed in Theodor, his gaze met now that of the man, it was as if a new emotion was flooding into his heart and drowned the fear out. An emotion of deeply hurt pride. He did not answer, just yet. "You'll talk. You'll have to." the man now commanded and motioned to leave back home. The man with the dagger sheathed it and grabbed Theodor by his neck, covering his head with a bag, making him trip and fall forward.

Soon they reached a patchy path which led to a barricade out of logs and ropes. Walking inside it smelled horrible. Away was the stuffy smell of forest and here was the smell of what ever unspeakable some men buried in the soil by the barricade. They stepped through most of the village, many onlooker in a state of surprise, fear or astonishment at what was brought back into the village. The village had to be at most 300 people and was made of mostly simple tents. Once about the center was reached they came before a larger tent with a regal looking design. The man who commanded the others grabbed Theodor now and took him inside. Only when he sat down did the bag come off. Before him sat on pillows five people. The group consisted of four elders and one man in his 40s.

"Who is supposed to be that Rebtoch?" did the seemingly oldest, at most 60 years old, of the five ask the now sitting man who commanded the men that captured him. He now was able to get a better look at them as well. Rebtoch had well kept long hair and was clean shaven, whilst the other much older looking people had ornate head dressings and very long grey hair. The three men of the four elders all had long braided beards. Besides their hair fashion they weren't close to resembling humans, with their skin color a unnatural ashen grey giving them away as something else. Especially their eyes were striking, with their amber iris that seemingly glowed and cat like pupils. Also their ears where long to the side with a fine hair coming out of the top of it. "So? Are there anymore humans around here? And how did you get so far into Hepetonis anyway? Your god forbade any settlements here, didn't he?" asked the old man who asked Rebtoch before.

Theodor raised his head slowly, the feeling which buried his fear was gone by this point, drained by the embarrassment from still being naked. "I was send-" Theodor stopped himself. Could he tell these people his background? It may have been a goddess that send him here, but would they believe that and more importantly what opinion of Ashtka do these things have? After some seconds he recomposed himself and took in a deep breath. "I have just woken up here, alone. I can't remember anything from before. Not my name, my home or anything else." he answered now, looking blankly onto the table that sat between them. To this the five grumbled. "Failed teleportation?" one said only to have him told that such spells "Are not possible anymore". Again the oldest opened his mouth, leading to silence of the three that argued. Only Rebtoch kept silence throughout the whole interaction, giving Theodor a despising gaze. "If it is as you say, then that's all. We will give you some cloths and you will lead some of our men and me to the place you've awoken. Can you do that?" he commanded. Rebtoch now bursted out in anger "Lembrandt! What do you think you're doing?! Trusting that human juvenile will be our death!" The old geezer, apparently named Lembrandt answered calmly with a question "Human, what is the name of people like us? Oh, I know you lost your memory, but what would you name people like us?" Theodor was puzzled about the meaning behind that question, but played along anyway. "I'd say... maybe... Elves? I remember there being a word like that for people with long ears." Rebtoch looked on with a small and quickly hidden grin. The other four weren't so composed and laughed loud into the tent. "See Rebtoch, no one who has a shred of knowledge about this world could say that without at least a shred of a smirk." Lembrandt assured him, "I concede, but still, we don't know if he's alone" Rebtoch agreed to Theodor's astonishment. "Is that really such a great misconception?" Theodor asked to himself.

Before the still snickering chiefs could collect themselves they send Rebtoch off get some clothes for Theodor. Soon enough Theodor wore a slightly too long brown pants, slightly too small leather boots and a way to big light green tunica, which would bunch up by his simple belt making his upper body seem bigger than it actually was. It was the same day that a small group made of a few hunters, Theodor and Lembrandt left for the stone circle, the sun stood above one of the many mountain peaks, at most four pm.

The group arrived quickly a stream that flowed from the lake. Soon they left the lake behind them and reached the willow and even quicker they came to a spot where the foliage was trampled and broken. The hunters were good animal trackers, so it was easy to follow the tracks Theodor made in the brush. Soon enough the hunter leading them began to notice a sweet, intoxicating smell. He held the others back. "We can't go any further, there are Peferinims in this area." another Hunter, clearly shocked from this said "So that was his plan! Lead us here and make us easily picked off!" as he walked towards Theodor with his knife in hand. "Calm yourselves or are you already drunk on the flowers scent?" the old man reprimanded them, "Do the tracks lead further that way?" he asked the hunters now. They confirmed that. After a moment to think Lembrandt decided to send the hunters back to the village, but told them to be cautious of being followed or attacked. He would brave the danger those plants seemed to embody without his entourage. 

Only a few yards and Lembrandt began to walk more stiffly, some more and he began to sway so hard Theodor had to help him. "Does the scent not bother you, child?" he asked with a mix of astonishment and annoyance. "Not at all. At most I notice something off with the sweetness." was the answer he got, which made him mutter something. "Is it just intoxicating or is it more dangerous than that?" Lembrandt at first didn't even register he got asked something. A full minute passed before he slurred "Being so intoxicated makes most people into easy prey, you understand?" to which Theodor nodded. Soon they stood in front of the patch of the sharp, beautiful lilies. Now even Theodor could smell it, Lembrandt could barely hold himself standing. Theodor took a long stick and bashed most of the plants into bits whilst Lembrandt rested by a tree. Something in him commanded him to leave some though, which he obliged. After a few minutes the now a bit recovered Lembrandt came besides him, looking at the circle with some worry flashing over his face. "Tell me young one, can you really not remember anything from before? Nothing?" he asked again, sounding insecure and afraid to what that answer could mean. "Nothing" Theodor assured him, with a knot in his stomach. "Well," he said entering the circle, "could you please remove all the moss over the middle part here? I myself am to old to do such work sadly." he requested which Theodor decided to oblige.