

It hasn't been heard of in centuries He never expected to have another mate Having always wished for a mate, Gianna Walt finally gets what she has been wishing for but she didn't expect him to be Alpha Vladimir of Crest fall pack. Alpha Vladimir of Crest fall pack didn't expect to have a second mate after the tragic death of his first mate and unborn child. So when he begrudgingly goes to the Moon child pack for the soon-to-be Alpha's wedding and meets his second chance mate, he is determined to have her as the Luna of his pack and nothing more. With the mystery surrounding the death of his first mate and a mistake of a drunken night, would his plan of keeping her at arm's length succeed or would she fight to mean something more to him?

Hannie305 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs



My wolf has been antsy since I left the pack house today for the meeting, although the alpha's summit held at Gerald's pack didn't begin until tomorrow. I was glad for the opportunity to leave the house especially now that I was practically an outcast in my home. I knew my parents would hear about my argument with Gianna soon and probably from Jo. She never knew when to shut up.

The alpha of the Crypt pack, Gerald was one of my few friends who I could trust with my life, so I knew I wouldn't be a bother if I came a day earlier. I was sure Jasmine would be pleased seeing as she nags me about not visiting often.

My wolf had been restless but I just assumed it was because he was missing Gianna, so I blocked him, if he goes on like that I would have a headache. It was in situations like this that I wished I could talk to my wolf, so he could tell me what was wrong, but I couldn't so I'll just have to stick with blocking him to prevent a headache.

When I had told Gerard that I was coming a day earlier, he allowed it but made sure I would agree to have dinner with him and his family. By the time I had finished getting some paperwork done, it was time for me to go see him. I shifted to my wolf form and ran to the pack house. Immediately after I got there I was ushered to the living room where I was engulfed in a hug, by Gerald's pregnant wife, Jasmine.

"Oh my goodness, Vladimir you're here" she finally released me and I smiled at her, she smiled back but looked confused.

"But I thought the meeting wasn't until tomorrow," she asked, I was going to answer her when Gerald walked in and did just that.

"He wanted to come a day earlier darling now stop asking him questions and let's go have dinner. I'm starving". He said to her, grabbing her by her waist.

"How have you been Vladimir". He said to me.

"Good, I hope Jasmine here is not troubling you too much". Jasmine walked toward me and smacked my arm.

"I don't trouble him; he troubles me instead," she said pouting.

"Ok, darling, whatever you say. Now, why don't we carry this conversation to the dining room I'm sure we are all starving, especially Jasmine and our little one" Gerald said patting Jasmine's swollen stomach which grumbled making us all laugh.

Looking at Jasmine's swollen stomach sent a pang to my heart. Even though it's been four years since the unfortunate tragedy, I still felt that pang of longing whenever I see a pregnant woman. It just reminds me of what I would have had if things didn't happen the way they did. I shook away those thoughts and followed them to the dining room. We sat down, while the staff brought in the food.

"So Vladimir I heard you found a mate. How is she". Jasmine asked.

"She's good" was my answer.

"Well make sure you bring her over next time you visit, I would love to meet her and do visit more often". She smiled at me. I was about to answer her when I noticed Gerald's eyes glaze over which could only mean he was getting a mind link.

He stood up from his chair with such force that the chair flew to the wall and crashed which startled everyone. I stood up on my feet as well, something was wrong.

"Gerald what's wrong," Jasmine asked worriedly, getting up also.

"Timothy just informed me that our borders have been breached. We are under attack by rogues, quick Jas, I want you to go with all the women, children, and elderlies to the safe house, okay and none of you should come out till I tell you to". He said before hugging her and rubbing her bump.

"Okay Gerald, but please be safe alright and you too Vlad," she said already directing some of the women to follow her.

"I will, I'll see you later Jas. I love you and our baby okay". She nodded and left the dining room. I turned to look at Gerald.

"Let's go". I said to him already moving towards the door.

"Thanks, Vladimir".

"No need to thank me, Gerald, those rogues choose to attack the wrong pack". I said cracking my neck. I was ready for a fight. I immediately left the pack house with Gerald to the Pack border.


The rogues had been much but it was an easy but long fight. We had finished killing all of them but speared the leader to get information from him. Gerald had left the disposing of the dead bodies to his beta Timothy, after which he mind-linked Jasmine that it was safe for all of them to leave the safe house now. It was early the next morning at around 5, that we finally made our way back to the pack house. I was exhausted and wanted to go to bed now so that I could get up early for the meeting which was at nine.

Immediately after we entered the Pack House Jasmine ran up to us. I was sure she was excited about Gerald coming back safe without a single scratch. But what she said from her mouth was not what I expected to hear

"Vladimir, your Pack had been calling throughout the night, but we were all in the safe house and no phone was there. So when I came back this morning, one of the staff came to me with my phone. There were tons of voice notes. So I had listened to one and- "she was talking so fast that Gerald had to stop her.

"Calm down Jas take a deep breath" she did just that, "Now tell us what the voice note said.

"It said that Gianna was on her heat last night- ". My face paled and I couldn't hear what else she had said. All that kept ringing in my mind was that Gianna was on her heat last night.

Oh goodness, what have I done?

If I had waited and come today for the meeting then she would not have had to go through it alone, and why on earth would I forget something so important? That was the reason my wolf was restless throughout he must have felt her pain, but the bond wasn't strong enough that I'd feel it also.

"Hey man, I'm so sorry you should leave now," Gerald said worriedly.

"Yeah". I said dazedly.

I ran outside immediately shifting into my wolf form and it wasn't probably a great idea, but I started running at full speed. I was going to run for five hours to my pack. Not a good idea with how tired I was, but I wasn't thinking right now. I could hear Gerald and Jasmine shouting after me not to do it, but I didn't care, all that was running through my mind was getting to Gianna right now.