
everybody struggle in their own way

At the age of 22 Hani is struggling with her own thoughts.she realized that every dream and ambition she had was just her desires . she actually wants to travel , dress well, live her life in peace , look good , meet new people and explore herself and the world. money is everything she needs right now.she wants to have her own house, decorate it in her own way.. all these thoughts makes her restless, she feels so heavy as if her brain will explode and her thoughts will overflow. everything brings her back to those golden days when she was so happy , carefree and thoughtless.she was hopeful , hope was the only thing that kept her going. now everything seems so hard, cruel like in a freaking hell she is living where she stucked in a hell loop continuously having those harsh memories repeatedly.she tries so hard to get out this hell but helpless ..she feels like her desires are choking her , turning her into a helpless women with low confidence.