
Everyone Knows I’m a Good Man [Quick Wear]

Alternative 所有人都知道我是好男人[快穿] Author(s) :Sugar In Cat (糖中猫) Translator: Sader_Flores Genre(s) Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, NOVELS, Romance, Slice of Life Ji Changze’s mission is to guard people who will have their lives ruined by various types of scum. Then, he transmigrated as these scums. –A pampered youngest son from the 80s. –The babied genius who keeps squeezing his parents care. –Phoenix man with a high education who prefers to be lazy. –Unfilial child who refuse to acknowledge his parents because he considers them a burden to himself. After Ji Changze came through. –The unmotivated lazy hearted youngest son turned out to be the richest man in the area. –The giant baby turned out to put all his energy into research. –The useless phoenix man turned the tides when his wife’s family almost came to bankruptcy. –The ungrateful son returned to his hometown to find a famous doctor for his parents.

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387 Chs

 The traitorous minister who sells his teacher for glory (13) (treacherous minister or patience? (Sanhe...)

After being reprimanded by His Majesty, Ji Changze lingered on the bed, and he couldn't bear the illness.

  Soon, the capital knew the news.

  I heard that the imperial doctor also went to see him, and he said the same thing, only that it was a disease caused by exhaustion and exhaustion.

  Of course, the sudden onset of this disease, it is inconvenient to say whether there is a reason for being reprimanded by His Majesty.

  Anyway, everyone knows that Ji Changze was alive and kicking before he was reprimanded, running around the barracks and commercial streets.

  As a result, now, I don't talk about the door behind closed doors, and I rarely speak when I go to court. When I ask, I say that I am still in a bad mood, but everyone looks at it and seems to be depressed.

  I can't blame people for being depressed.

  Regardless of what happened in the past, this time it was indeed His Majesty who did something wrong.

  If you want the horses to run, it's okay to not let the horses graze. Not only did Ji Changze not let him graze, but he also threw away the grass he found himself.

  Not to mention Ji Changze, who has always been incapable of being wronged, it would be the same with anyone else.

  But Ji Changze deserves to be the most loyal by His Majesty's side.

  I heard that when he was in the barracks, he asked those soldiers to express their worship to His Majesty every day, and when they paid their own military salaries, he also told the people in the barracks that these were all because of His Majesty's sake.

  But who doesn't know that this money was earned by Ji Changze himself.

  The shopping street was built so well, His Majesty did play a role in it at the beginning, but his role was nothing more than nodding and agreeing to Ji Changze to build the shopping street.

  Buying a deserted street, building a house at a high price, and attracting merchants to settle in are all Ji Changze's own methods.

  People have worked so hard to plant peach trees, but His Majesty is good. When he comes up, he picks peaches and eats them. It's fine to eat them. He also ordered the owner of the peach tree to give him all the peaches in the future.

  Although Ji Changze's reputation is not very good, everyone looked at this scene and couldn't help but feel a little sad.

  His Majesty's cronies have been treated like this. If they encounter similar things in the future, it is not to be slaughtered by others.

  Originally, the emperor had no one who was very loyal to him except his cronies in the court. After all, most of the courtiers who were very loyal to the emperor and patriotic were upright.

  The rest don't have such strong loyalty to the monarch. If it wasn't for the emperor sitting on the throne, they wouldn't listen to him.

  But who made him the emperor?

  Therefore, even if a lot of things His Majesty did make them complain, they can only bear it.

  Forget those people before.

  Zhao Zuijian and Zhou Quanxiao, these two have indeed committed crimes, and it is reasonable to be dealt with.

  Keji Nagasawa...

  Along with Ji Changze's silence, the courtroom also became dull. Except for the emperor sitting high above, everyone else noticed this.

  Everyone tacitly shut up and said nothing, but they all had some ideas in their hearts.

  Ji Changze saw it in his eyes and knew that the emperor's plan to cultivate new cronies was about to fail.

  The emperor has killed his cronies too many times recently, and a completely innocent Ji Changze has also been scolded inexplicably. Those who may have had expectations for the emperor now dare not think about it.

  Ji Changze Ji adults are cold, let alone them.

  Although it is difficult to be promoted as a court official who is honest and honest, it is not hopeless, but if you work under the emperor who loves to kill his own people, you will simply put your head on the belt of your trousers.

  There are also people who dare not go to the emperor, and want to follow the dragon's power, so they set their sights on the four princes.

  The eldest prince was banned, and there were only four princes left in the royal family. With a one-quarter probability, the situation of being right is still very large.

  It's just that when they just came up with such an idea and wanted to implement it, the first step failed.

  Although the four princes usually do not get along with each other and their relationship is normal, they are worthy of being brothers. As soon as they feel that something is wrong with the court, they immediately close the door to thank the guests, and no one is seen.

  I heard that they locked themselves in the study during the day and only came out at night. After all, they are also princes. People who want to see them can't break into the study.

  But, think about His Majesty above...

  He was able to reprimand and kill a few of his cronies inexplicably, not to mention ordinary courtiers like them.

  The courtiers became more and more cautious in their words and deeds, and everyone entered a state where they could talk less and never talk more. The emperor above was thinking about the palace all day, but he didn't find anything wrong with the court.

  Outside, the four princes hid behind closed doors, as if they were about to sit through the study.

  Some politically insensitive courtiers can't figure out these twists and turns, but they can also feel that something is wrong, and they all learn from the princes. Those who knew the inside story thought they got the news in advance. Although they didn't know what the news was, they all kept cautious thoughts and acted in a low-key manner.

  Everyone in the capital, who is a little big, has their furniture in danger, and they are a little careful when they go out and speak.

  However, in the capital, the common people are still the majority of the population. The complicated mind and dull atmosphere of these people have not affected the common people whose biggest problem is what to eat every day.

  The street was full of joy, and the people were huddled in the crowd, happier than the Chinese New Year.

  It turned out that the commercial street was officially opened. According to the rules of the commercial street, there was a celebration when it first opened, so many businesses who settled in after this period of time tried their best to celebrate.

  If you don't have money, you can sprinkle some snacks. Actually, it's not a lot, but watching others grab it is also very beaming.

  The rich directly throw money, in fact, there is not a lot in total, but it is very different when it is thrown out with copper plates.

  The poorer people, such as Huzi who rented a small shop with others, can only stand in front of the shop and watch others lively.

  He looked enviously at the people who went in after taking the snacks from the shop opposite, hating why he was so poor, otherwise he could get something to attract customers.

  While watching, a man suddenly walked up to his shop and looked down at a small gourd he had placed on the table outside.

  This small gourd is beautiful, a small round bead, not carved, but naturally formed, and it is no more than the size of a fingernail in the palm of your hand.

  This is what Ah Hu received from the village below when he received the goods. Because it is not made of any rare objects, only because of the size of the last sentence, Ah Hu received it at a relatively low price.

  "How much is your gourd?"

  To Ah Hu, these words are like the rain from heaven. He is an active mind, otherwise he would not have started a business by himself. He figured out the trick in three or two times, and hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you, my lord. Reminder, thank you sir, the little one knows."

  So when I spoke, I couldn't help but feel a little weak: "It's not worth any money, this is not carved out of something, but grown by myself, so it only needs three cents."

  "Why didn't you get this one? You don't know how expensive firewood is, and how much money 70,000 big and small guys can eat in a day. If it wasn't for the support of this commercial street, this official would have gone by now. I've asked your grandfather for money."

  Ji Changze waved his hand, and the industrial and commercial management member who was inspecting with a serious face in uniform came over immediately.

  Ah Hu was overjoyed and a little timid at the same time. He used to walk the streets and alleys to sell things, and the customers he came into contact with were all ordinary people like him. Where did he ever see a rich man come to buy things in person.

  He took the plan and took the person by his side, and let the other party do a lot of things.

  "No need, I just watched you count, and it's true." Ji Changze smiled very talkatively, found three cents of money from the money and handed it to Ah Hu, and said to him casually: "The inspection team here has They all carry the change they have exchanged for, and sometimes if they need to exchange money, just go to them directly without charging any other fees."

  In addition, on the first day of opening, merchants tried various ways to attract tourists. For a time, other streets in the capital were actually empty.

  What's going on here?

  The inspector agreed with a serious face, immediately took down the purse hanging on his waist, carefully weighed the silver ingot, and then took out enough change and put it on the table.

  This is an adult.

  Beard Fang: "..."

  He tried to comfort him: "This business street seems to be developing well, and I just hope it will become prosperous soon."

  "grown ups."

  Ji Changze took out from his body, took out a silver ingot and put it on the booth, picked up the gourd, and thought about it carefully.

  Not to mention that there are fewer pedestrians, the others are in a hurry as if they are on their way, and depending on the situation, many people are running in one direction.

  In the Wen Dynasty, only people with official positions could be called adults, not to mention that this was called out by the people of the inspection team.

  Originally, he had been here a few times before, and he could be considered to be familiar with the city, but it turned out that today's capital seemed a little different.

  "A little more, sir?"

  As soon as I thought of this, I heard Ji Changze say: "You didn't think carefully, I have done a lot of things with you in the past few days, but you didn't see that I was short of money, but you kindly asked me to help. The shopkeeper just now, who will help this official, isn't a couple of taels of silver money?"

  "This officer has invested so much money in it, it must be prosperous."

  This day is a day for foreign businessmen to enter Beijing.

  He watched for two seconds, and then heard the merchant standing in the small shop very embarrassed: "This gentleman, this money shop can't be found."

  He glanced at the other person: "People rely on their own abilities to eat, not beggars, and don't rely on alms. If everyone thinks like you, who would be willing to work hard to earn money? Together, it would be better to be more pitiful than anyone else."

  Ah Hu spoke more politely: "The young family is poor, and they don't have much money to disperse the joy, so they can only watch."

  He was afraid that the rich man thought this gourd was carved, and he would feel cheated when he bought it back.

  This idiot, Hu Fang, clearly saw him pretending to be ill, yet he could still think that he was really depressed, hesitating and hesitating, so he hesitated to follow him and became a follower, as if he was worried that he would not be able to think about it.

  Hu Fangyi thought about it too. He was earning money with his own hands. If he did this, he would be suspected of looking down on others.

  Damn, fortunately, I didn't express my admiration.

  Ji Changze didn't care about his stammer, and only asked him: "I just watched you staring at others, why don't you lose your joy yourself?"

  Before taking two steps, he saw Fang Fang who was waiting for him.


  He felt ashamed in his heart and lowered his head: "What the lord said is that the lower official did not think carefully."

  Ah Hu was stunned as he held the three cents of money.

  "Otherwise, do another lottery. You can draw as much as you spend in your store. The prizes should be richer. Get three prizes, and the rest are cheap small prizes. It seems that you let the profits go out, but in fact, more people are attracted to buy your things, and you will only make money."

  "This money can't be found, you help to find it."

  "You can leave without money. Let me teach you a trick. You can buy one for one, buy two for one, or buy three for one for the items in your store. The things you get are cheaper or It's usually good if it doesn't sell well."

  All in all, the whole body is full of the temperament of a rich old man.

  He didn't come to the capital to do business, he just sold things in a nearby city. When everything was sold out, he wanted to visit the capital. After all, it was an imperial city, and it was very lively. It would be better if he could bring in some goods and go back.

  "I bought it."

  More and more I admire Mr. Ji.

  How can you see things so clearly.

  This gourd is indeed small, and it looks small and cute in the palm of his hand, but what he likes is that it is small enough.

  Beard Fang: "..."

  Seeing that he understood, Ji Changze nodded, took the small gourd and turned to leave.

  "Big, lord?"


  "...It is indeed admirable for your lord to support 70,000 personal soldiers for the imperial court, but it's just not up to this level yet, right?"

  The guest was tall and slender. He was wearing clothes that were very expensive at first glance. Because the weather was cold, he was holding a stove in his hand.

  The first commercial street in the Wen Dynasty, the first street to go all the way down is all selling things. This is a great surprise for the people who used to be scattered around to buy things.

  Ji Changze is so happy, the bearded man is a little stupid, but his ability to do things is still OK.

  As soon as Ji Changze passed, Hu Fang immediately started talking.

  Prosperity is definitely prosperous.

  "My lord, I saw it just now. Since the small trader can't find it, why didn't the lord just let him go. He looked very pitiful, and looked at other people's houses with guests."