
Everyone Knows I’m a Good Man [Quick Wear]

Alternative 所有人都知道我是好男人[快穿] Author(s) :Sugar In Cat (糖中猫) Translator: Sader_Flores Genre(s) Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, NOVELS, Romance, Slice of Life Ji Changze’s mission is to guard people who will have their lives ruined by various types of scum. Then, he transmigrated as these scums. –A pampered youngest son from the 80s. –The babied genius who keeps squeezing his parents care. –Phoenix man with a high education who prefers to be lazy. –Unfilial child who refuse to acknowledge his parents because he considers them a burden to himself. After Ji Changze came through. –The unmotivated lazy hearted youngest son turned out to be the richest man in the area. –The giant baby turned out to put all his energy into research. –The useless phoenix man turned the tides when his wife’s family almost came to bankruptcy. –The ungrateful son returned to his hometown to find a famous doctor for his parents.

Sader_Flores · perkotaan
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387 Chs

 The traitorous minister who sells his teacher for glory (12)

 Although the thief was sent by Ji Changze, the soldiers who caught the thief did not know that the "thief" was a regular visitor.

  They found the thief again and again, and sent it to the boss again and again, watching the boss promise to send the other party to the yamen.

  As the thieves came to visit the shopping street less and less, until they finally disappeared, the soldiers said nothing on their faces, but they were very proud in their hearts.

  There are the most petty thefts in the capital, and it has always been repeated. Why is it almost never seen in the commercial street, isn't it because of their reputation?

  Recently, they had eaten and dressed warmly, and trained according to Master Ji's request every day.

  I only talked about running. I used to run, but I ran in the military camp. The ground of the military camp was full of sand and dirt. When I ran, it was full of dust. People didn't even cough. It made everyone feel ashamed. To be a grey man.

  It's different now. Master Ji specially asked them to run on the brick-paved commercial street. The neat bricks still have patterns that are pieced together. No need to go deeper and shallower.

  The most important thing is that although the commercial street has not officially opened, it is already allowed to visit.

  Every day here, many people come to see the shop or just come to join in the fun. No matter what these people are doing, when they see the soldiers running by with their heads held high, they will stop and stop without exception. Looking at their figures with admiration.

  "I heard that they eat meat for two weeks now. My neighbor's kid is a soldier here. He only went back yesterday, and he also brought mutton. It's such a big piece, but I envy my son to death. Going to be a soldier."

  "People also eat this mutton, you didn't see their spirit, they caught a lot of thieves a while ago, and their reputation spread, and the thieves didn't dare to come to the commercial street, for fear of being caught and sent to the yamen. ."

  This is true. Although the fake thieves are caught, the real thieves are not stupid.

  Because of the large number of these soldiers, they all came to run in rotation, and after one round, from the dawn of the day until it was dark, there were soldiers running in the shopping street.

  At night, no one is there, but at night the entire shopping street is closed. The wall here is not something that people can climb on. Not only is it high, but there are all kinds of sharp tools on it.

  Can't get in at all.

  There are so many soldiers in the daytime, and they can't come in at night. In addition, there is no business at all, and there is nothing to steal. Wouldn't the thieves just give up.

  These words were heard in the ears of the soldiers, but they were as sweet as honey.

  They are all from poor families, otherwise they would not be soldiers. When they were selected as the imperial guards, they were already considered very good in the army they were originally in, otherwise they would not Being selected for such a "good job".

  Who wasn't happy when they were elected? I feel that I have become His Majesty's personal soldier, and I will say it well in the future, and my life will definitely be very good.

  Who would have thought that being His Majesty's personal soldier would be so hard.

  When they were in other places, although they weren't really tasty and spicy, they could still fill their stomachs, or if they were 80% full. Just give some to your boss.

  In the western suburbs, Zhou Quanxiao did not let them go out, deducted their salaries, and did not even fill their stomachs.

  Many people were starving and dizzy, and their original spirits were smoothed out a little bit.

  Enduring hardship is not the most terrifying thing, the most terrifying thing is that forcing you to endure hardship and not letting you try to change the status quo on your own, they are locked in the western suburbs like prisoners. Xiao was charged with desertion.

  Although everyone knew that the man was obviously hungry and couldn't bear it, he wanted to go out and hunt some prey to fill his stomach, but Zhou Quanxiao was a Shangguan, and what he said was what he said.

  However, just when many people were desperate and had already accepted their fate, Master Ji came.

  In the first month of Master Ji's arrival, he only gave them food and drink, but did not let them do anything except for daily training.

  Wait until the body is almost finished, and then start arranging other things for them to do.

  It's like running in a shopping street and moving bricks.

  After Master Ji came, they resumed their vacation, and everyone could rest every month. They only found out when they went out that it was because Master Ji did this and made him be discussed by others.

  I feel that Master Ji is using it for private use, and that he is using his personal soldiers as long-term workers.

  After the news was passed back to the barracks, many people were very angry.

  Especially since they already know that they are no longer relying on the national treasury, and all expenses are borne by Master Ji alone.

  Although they were illiterate, they knew exactly how huge a number 70,000 was.

  With such a heavy burden, Mr. Ji not only did not starve them, but also tried his best to feed them meat and let them rest well. Although Mr. Ji didn't say anything, just look at this time, after they moved the bricks, all the staff immediately After eating meat and going for a run in the commercial street, the food is also a lot more meaty than before.

  This is clearly because Master Ji can't support them, so he found a way to let them pick up some other things to make money.

  It's all for them!

  If it wasn't for them, moving bricks, catching thieves, these problems that can be solved by hiring some long-term workers and buying a few thugs, why let them come.

  Mr. Ji is well-intentioned, and he is struggling alone, but those people outside are still talking about his gossip, which is really hateful.

  Those officials who felt that these personal soldiers would definitely be dissatisfied with Ji Changze's ordering them to do other things never dreamed of it, and the harder they worked, the more they felt that the other party was kind to them.

  Ji Changze was very clear about this, and it was Zhou Quanxiao's responsibility.

  Zhou Quanxiao was stingy, and felt that these personal soldiers would easily get hungry when they were active.

  So, he came up with a very genius idea.

  It's easy to get hungry at the event. Wouldn't it be good to not let these personal soldiers fail?

  No daily training, no warm-ups.

  Don't even think about going out, and you don't have to do anything else, just take your breath away.

  They are all men who have endured hardships and sins and earned money from their own labor. You let them do nothing and wait to die. Even now, the nightmares of many personal soldiers are these past events.

  Therefore, after Ji Changze came, he satisfied the condition of feeding them well, not to mention letting them move bricks for a few days, but letting them build houses for a few months, they all felt very happy.

  After all, the most terrible thing in the world for them is not working, but not letting you eat enough and not letting you work to earn food.

  Now the big guys are full during the day and have time to chat at night.

  Chatting back and forth, the topic is still more around Ji Changze.

  "Those people say this, your lord, you won't ignore us when you get angry, right?" The soldier who said this was full of fear. After these days of abundance and happiness, he never wanted to go back to the old days. .

  "My lord will not. Your lord is so kind to us that he can't afford to support us and even built a commercial street to make money. He will definitely not want us."

  Don't get me wrong, this person is not here to supervise the soldiers, although he also took care of this incidentally.

  I have never met a good officer before, and their salary has been withheld. This time, a good officer like Master Ji finally took over them. In the end, the above would rather build a palace and leave them alone.


  After Mr. Ji came, he bought them new quilts. After buying them, he told them to bask in the sun more, because the quilts were all the same, and he told them to mark them well to avoid getting them. When I took the wrong quilt, I smelled the smell of stinky feet on someone's body.

  After hearing this, the soldiers present were not very happy.

  The same is true in the military now.

  Everyone was even more worried. If Lord Ji couldn't hold it any longer, what would they do? Will the imperial court send someone again? Would that person not treat them as human beings like Zhou Quanxiao?

  It was raining that day, and His Majesty could not help but feel a little irritable when he heard the sound of the rain.

  Even though the eldest prince is now a prisoner, he can sometimes still recall the image of the Manchu dynasty praising the eldest prince.

  Even now, this idea has not changed in the hearts of many people.

  "It's hard to come across such a good official as an adult, and I don't want him to go."

  Ji Changze sat in his study and quietly recalled that there was nothing wrong with what he did during this time. After confirming that there was no problem, he shouted: "Fuquan."

  When the people in the palace came, he hurriedly handed the eunuch a big ingot: "Brother, it's been hard work, brother, take this back and buy some delicious food."

  Not only quilts, but he also taught them how to make chimneys and bought charcoal fire.

  "Who knows."

  But he just boiled down, like a long thorn, stabbed in the emperor's heart.

  "I don't want Mr. Ji to leave. If Mr. Ji has no money, I am willing to move bricks and do Raff's work. I have hands and feet. I can earn my own food money, and then I will pay all the money. To Master Ji."

  It stands to reason that if there is no quilt for the winter, some cold rice is eaten every day, and there is no doctor, the eldest prince should have died of illness long ago.

  Especially after they knew that the money they were spending was all from Ji Changze himself.

  The next step is almost time to go.

  The eunuch looked at him with a half-smiling smile: "Why, Mr. Cai has never been so polite before, this is something I have to ask for."

  It was raining, which meant that the place where the eldest prince was located became more and more difficult, but he, the eldest prince, didn't know what was going on. It had been so many years, but he still insisted on it.

  They lie in a row in a huge tent, which is so big that it can accommodate a hundred people, a yellow group.

  Those things are not made up by him. Since he has done good things, why don't he say it and play the good deeds without leaving his name.

  Everyone talked a lot, and gradually, sleepiness came up, and many people fell asleep with the same worries.

  If Master Ji was dragged down by them, they would be completely hopeless.

  Occasionally, some human intervention is required.

  The matter of the emperor handing over military power to Ji Changze but not giving money has always been known only to the courtiers before, and there is a bit of the emperor's meaning in it.

  Fuquan, who was always on call, immediately pushed open the door and came in: "Master."

  "Yes, me too."

  But as a human being, it's still a bit unreliable to just go with the flow.

  Nuan He sometimes has to be afraid when they wake up in the middle of the night, for fear that this is just a dream.

  After all, although he was happy when he was done, it was still a bit embarrassing for the emperor's soldiers to let his officials take care of him.

  They were imperial soldiers, and if they weren't dead and disabled, or if they were 50 years old and couldn't move, they couldn't leave.

  Naturally, this is Ji Changze's man.

  Since then, soldiers no longer sleep like they are in an ice cellar at night.

  No one noticed that among these people who were the first to express their opinions, there was a person who had no previous impression and was made up when everyone was scattered and grouped.

  "It should be rich. I heard that His Majesty is going to build a palace. When I went out, I saw them say that the palace is the largest and most luxurious palace since the dynasty. It will take at least eight years to build, and now it is recruiting people."

  The emperor didn't know what went wrong. The people he sent were indeed guarding the outside day and night, and everything he sent in had to be approved by him.

  "Why does Your Majesty want to build a palace at this time, doesn't it say that this year is a year of disasters, and there is famine everywhere?"

  Ji Changze was not that good-natured. He used his wealth to support the emperor's soldiers, and he had to hide it for the emperor when he was finished, so that these soldiers thought it was the emperor's grace.

  Well now, 70,000 people, almost all of them know that they are able to eat and drink because of whom.

  "I don't know how long Master Ji can last."

  Early the next morning, steward Cai got up and started busy taking care of various dishes.

  Of course, Ji Changze believed that these soldiers were not the kind of people who didn't know how to repay their favors.

  You can't count on others, the only hope is Ji Changze.

  In the past, even if a hundred people were crowded together, they would still shiver when it was cold, because there was no cotton wool in the quilt, and it was very damp. Zhou Quanxiao disliked the quilt drying outside, so they were not allowed to use it. So it became more and more humid, and finally the hard cover on the body had no thermal effect at all.

  "Go and tell Cai Fang's steward to do as I ordered."

  "But why do you want the adults to support us alone, is there no money in the treasury?"

  Just arrange a fire buddy, there is a big ingot to take, the eunuch smiled and agreed.

  It seems that when the news of the commercial street spread all over the capital before, if Ji Changze sent a bunch of people out to play the role of passerby A and passerby B, and talk about all kinds of commercial streets with "unbiased" fairness from the perspective of passers-by, the news would not have spread. So soon, people will not expect so much.

  Ji Changze didn't think there was anything wrong with arranging people to praise him.

  Cai Guanshi accompanied him with a smile: "No, I have a distant relative who is also working in the palace. I used to have a little face, but I was unlucky and broke my leg. Naturally, the masters will not I love to use him, and the relative asks someone to come to me, so I don't care whether it's okay? I'll bother my brother, it doesn't need to be good, just let him burn the fire. "

  After some guidance, the hearts of these soldiers were full of gratitude to Ji Changze.