
Everybody Loves You

Earvin_Eugene · Fantasi
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1 Chs



In this Los Angeles ledge house resides Samuel Pierre. A modern art design home with unique faces. It was surrounded by a small forest with a stone path leading to the steps of his dwelling. Temperate climate and bright sun made the area captivating. Presented inside were white walls filled with portraits of extravagant paintings. Artwork resembling "Café Terrace at Night" and "Nighthawks" by Edward Hopper. The space had a huge spread, larger than it would seem from the outside. In his office lied books from the past. Varying subjects, such as "War & Peace", "This Side of Paradise", and no good home can exist safely without the bible. The office was filled with clean furnished wood. This was his place of solitude. In the living room there was his big smart television at the center, a comfortable couch, a few chairs, and to the side a shelf filled with scripts and screenplays. In the city of angels, it was only right for Sam to be a Hollywood writer. On the shelf were works he wrote and developed like "Story" and "Jaded". And others of idols like Quentin Tarantino's "Once Upon A Time in Hollywood", Jordan Peele's "Get Out", and Martin Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street". The kitchen was simple and nice with a black granite island and counters. In the silver fridge were fruits and vegetables, but mostly Devil's Spring Vodka. Sam kept them cold to make the drinks more palatable. There were two bathrooms at the residence. One of which was spectacular possessing black marble at all corners. A sauna and jacuzzi for entertainment. A shower with an area to sit and all possible water pressures. A heating red light and complete ceiling with a mirror to witness his dirty acts of pleasure. The other bathroom was heavenly with white design everywhere. Inside, the sun would shine through mosaic glass. A white porcelain jacuzzi stood in the corner. The shower had clear glass and clean corners. Finally, the master bedroom was something from MTV Cribs. A king size bed where the magic happened with red velvet sheets. Black carpets, a television, and a

walk-in closet. Two windows with massive curtains. His favorite part was a doorway that led to a balcony.


Samuel was sitting in the living room drinking the vodka. The TV was white noise as he dreamed of another time. He remembered the family trip he took to Mexico when he was about twelve years old. He was with his dad, mom and siblings. The weather was hot and sunny in the Summer. It was tropical with natural beauty. He past the rural towns, there was blatant poverty on the way to the resort. Sam recalled how upset that made him. He felt helpless and never wanted to experience it himself, perhaps that is what motivated him to be the success he is today. Samuel did not understand how the people could still be hopeful with the cards they were dealt. The poor natives were all happy with a strong community that appreciated a fine connection between family and friends. The area was fruitful for what seemed likes miles of vegetation and natural resources.

At the resort, Sam's family went jet skiing, snorkeling, and scuba diving in blue clear waters. One day he almost drowned swimming. He could not breathe, and he was disappearing to infinite darkness. It was a scary time that felt like lasted hours. A resort worker saved him. He was lucky. Young Sam was grateful. At that moment he wished that at any bad point in his life that someone would save him.

Now starting the second bottle of Devil's Spring, he floated in and out of consciousness. Samuel haphazardly walked upstairs to the bedroom. He rested on the soft bed and attempted to watch YouTube on his laptop. It was no use, with a few more gulps, he was off contemplating about a memory from the past.

Mister Pierre in high school was a somewhat popular fellow. He spent time with the jocks, nerds, and stoners. Never choosing sides, he enjoyed the company of interesting classmates. Awkward and young at the time, he talked to this ordinary girl online without barely conversing with her in-person. From the guidance of his friends, they advised him to talk to as many girls as possible to find a match. One was bound to stick. This girl eventually would come over his house to hook up. In his basement, they shared small talk about school and music as they watched a movie. The two kissed and he felt her supple breasts. Sam wanted to take it a step further, but the girl stopped his proceedings. She explained, "I do not really do this." No harm no foul, he valued their time together and they talked for a few weeks before cutting ties.

In immature fashion, he talked to the girl's friend, Cara. They communicated sparingly. Eventually, his brother partied with her. During the event in a drunken blur she performed fellatio on him. In the ensuing days, Sam's brother gloated about the interaction with Cara. Out of spite, Samuel invited Cara to their house when his brother was away at work. Sam and Cara drank some beer. She asked of Sam's brother whereabouts, he replied "He's not around." That evening, Sam and Cara had sex. He was quite satisfied of his decision and never told his older brother of the occurrence.


Samuel Pierre finished the bottle. He walked to the balcony. Now, he had no idea where he was. The world was spinning. Again, for the final time he stood with poor balance and thought about something old. He fell forward over the ledge.