
Every Night Star

Star that shines, is Stary there?, I wish for you, I wish, The first star of that night, A path to the universe today, Celestial shine, spark of magic, Take my soul, I wish for a family, Past, present and future, Our treasure will unite everything, One day,

Liry_Cat · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Every Night Star 9

"Hi Ryn! Not for now, I haven't died yet," Stary steps back a little, surprised at being hugged, but giving in a little, "Look, have you gone to hug Nyla yet?"

"Hmm yes… but I can hug her again!" Ryn sings, releasing the hug and running towards Nyla,

"Anaa! Where have you been? How did you find us? Is the war really over?" Stary asks, barely believing her eyes,

"I followed your trail, Stary, we came looking for you and Nyla. We were worried and we didn't rest until we found you," Anaa responds, stroking Stary's head, with obvious respect,

As Stary processes the information, Anaa looks around and notices the cabin and the fallen ship,

"Were you guys here the whole time? What an amazing place you guys built!" Anaa exclaims, admiring the cabin and the impressive nave,

Stary smiles proudly, explaining how they turned the clearing into a welcoming home. He mentions the plan to find the lost wing when the snow melts,

At this moment, Nyla appears next to Stary, with a mischievous smile on her face,

"Stary! Guess what, huh? What did I… they found," Nyla says, leaning on Anaa,

Anaa laughs, looking at the two tenderly, suddenly, several wolves, appear through, carrying a huge piece of metal, it was the wing!

"Surprise!" Anaa speaks with emotion, making Stary extremely excited,

"Nyla! Do you know what that means?" Stary shouts excitedly, "We'll be able to repair the ship today!"

She then introduces Stary and Nyla to the rest of the Ice Rune wolves that accompanied her, explaining how the two became her friends and allies,

"He? Is this Lyor from Kirysiny?" one of the Runa Gelo logos speaks, in disbelief at what he saw,

"Not only that, he is almost a god, who can talk to machines and control them with ancient magic," Anaa responds, impressing everyone, except Stary who was extremely embarrassed,

"Haha… little do they know that this isn't magic… right Stary?" Nyla whispers, caressing him,

He smiles and nods in agreement with Nyla, accepting her affection,

"Hey Anaa! How is the Fragmentos da Lua group?" Stary asks,

"They are well! They helped a lot with the ice bombs! Now the ancient temple of the Kirysiny is our new tribe! We are even building some houses around it," Anaa says, proudly,

"New tribe?" Stary asks, not quite understanding,

"Yes, see, when I got there, the wolves of Runa Ice, were almost going into a civil war, their entire tribe was divided, I managed to convince 2 of the groups to come help, now they are no longer Runa Ice…" Anaa says , explaining everything,

"They're what? Now the objective of the Moon Fragments has been completed, can we change the name if you want?" Stary speaks, reinvigorated,

"I haven't decided on a name yet… Stary, can we stay here for a while?" Anaa reveres him, with him accepting in return,

As the group gathers around the cabin and ship, Stary alongside Nyla carefully examines her condition, planning to begin installing the wing today,

Anaa and Ryn explore their beautiful cabin, and the rest of the group sets up some tents,

"That's it, carefully…" Stary lifts some wolves to install the wing, while he starts to repair some parts,

Stary watches gratefully as the wolves work as a team to carefully place the wing in the right place, completing the task perfectly,

As the Frostrun wolves continue to admire Stary, Nyla approaches him,

"Now, the only thing missing is the energy, right Stary?" Nyla asks confused, "Where are we going to get it?"

"Let's borrow it from our friend, war robot over there!" Stary points to the huge machine up the mountain, "Hey Anaa, could you send some wolves over there?"

"Of course! You're the one in charge of Lyor!" Anaa lights up, reuniting with him,

As the afternoon rested again, Stary explained everything possible, to Anaa, O'Que is an energy crystal, in the core of the machine's matrix,

A group of them heads towards the war robot, while Stary, Nyla and the rest of the group prepare to receive the necessary energy for the ship,

"I missed you, you know?" Ryn appears right behind, scaring them both,

"Ryn, it must have been horrible being on top of that tower… sorry," Stary comments, regretfully,

"It wasn't that bad, Anaa rescued me quickly… I'm the one who owes an apology, I shouldn't have jumped there in the first place…" Ryn says, also regretful,

"You did the right thing… we're not mad ok," Nyla comforts her, removing any feelings, that she or Stary would be mad at her,

As they talk, they spot the Frostrune wolves returning from the warbot, carrying glowing crystals in their jaws and claws. These are the energy crystals that will be used to power the ship's engine,

Stary and Nyla hurry back to the cabin, where the wolves carefully deliver the crystals, they were perfect, each one, carrying a mix of metal and energy, that could destroy this entire clearing,

With the energy crystals in hand, they prepare to install power on the ship. Working in perfect harmony, connecting crystals to systems and ensuring everything is working correctly,

"You two are amazing together. Stary, your ability to interact with machines is truly legendary, I'm proud of you being the leaders of our new tribe!" Anaa says, sincerely,

Stary and Nyla exchange a curious look, waiting for Anaa to come out to talk,

"Hey… when are you going to tell her we're leaving?" Nyla asks in a whisper,

"I don't know, she can't get this idea of ​​Lyor out of her head, she really wants me to be the leader of something…do you have any ideas?" Stary asks, to which she just nods,

Finally, power is restored to the ship. The lights come on and the systems start to power up,

With the emergence of another starry night, the ship is ready to fly again,

"We have to tell her… I don't want to be a leader, I just want to be free…" Stary says a little sadly,

With the ship properly powered up, Stary and Nyla reunite with Anaa and the rest of the group outside the cabin. The night sky is dotted with stars, creating a magical atmosphere,

Stary looks at Anaa, feeling her heart sink from having to tell her that they are about to leave,

"Did you manage to fix the flying house?" Anaa asked excitedly, to which Stary just nodded yes,

All the wolves in the place began to celebrate with excitement, howling and happy, they didn't know what this flying house was, but they were grateful to have helped,

"Anaa, I need to talk to you," Stary says, approaching her cautiously, silencing the other wolves.

Anaa and Ryn on the side look at him curiously, noticing the serious expression on his face,

"What's wrong, Stary? Did something happen?" Anaa asks worriedly,

"No… it's just about, our next step, our destiny… mine and Nyla's…" Stary responds, searching for the right words to explain her decision,

Nyla joins them, supporting Stary with an encouraging look,

Stary knew what to do to say goodbye, he gathers every ounce of charisma in his body, and as before, he jumps in front of everyone, stopping in a position worthy of a god, with his glorious tail in the night wind,

"Anaa, yes you! She is an incredible leader… Come closer, for with heavy hearts, my work here, as Lyor das Kirysiny! HE FINISHED!" Stary speaks to everyone,

"He finished?" Anaa, along with several wolves, look at each other, confused by his speech,

"Yes! It's over, the war is over... Anaa... it's time for me to leave..." Stary says getting closer,

"Although? More Stary, who will govern?" Anaa despairs upon hearing this,

"Hours, who will govern? You are clear!" Stary responds, giving her a light headbutt,

"Anaa, you've been an incredible leader for the Frostrun wolves and I'm grateful for everything you've done for us. But... we need to move on," Stary explains, choosing her words carefully,

"And Nyla is going with me! Why? Because I want!" Stary shouts, backing up next to her, "Come on Nyla get on the ship quick,"

Anaa is silent for a moment, processing the information. Then she smiles sadly,

"Stary, you are incredible, I will never forget our friendship, and if it's up to me, no one will… Nyla! You will enter the legends of the WolvesRunics, as the one chosen to walk with Lyn through the stars," Anaa says sadly, saying goodbye,

Stary feels a lump forming in her throat, noticing the sadness in Anaa's voice, before boarding the ship,

"Anaa! Aurora Wolf Tribe! It's a good name…" Stary shouts the name of the next tribe, before the hatch closes,

Anaa nods, her eyes shining with a mix of sadness and pride,

"Aurora Wolves is a good Stary name!" Anaa screams, feeling some tears form,

The group of now Aurora Wolves gather around them, howling in farewell, showing respect and gratitude,

The ship sparkled in the starlight, ready to take Stary and Nyla back to space,

The engines purred and the ship rose into the air, leaving behind the clearing that had become its temporary home,

As the ship takes off and cuts through the skies, Stary and Nyla settle into the cabin, feeling the mix of emotions that surround them, leaving the planet behind, Livy, Raven, Jade,

A new chapter had begun for Stary and Nyla, and a new chapter also begins for the Aurora Rune Wolves tribe,

What awaited them beyond the stars? a map! One way…

Towards the stars! Stary and Nyla, advance through the skies, in seconds, being above the clouds, above everything,

Increasing propulsion, with blue fire, a rapid rainbow, they pass through the atmosphere, airless, nothing, just the universe, existence, and stars,

Stary couldn't believe it, he was finally here, a month ago, that was a distant dream, but now, it was real!

Nyla thought this was incredible, it was like traveling to a place that no one could tell where it was, but it would be incredible,

In the distance a medium planet appeared, that was where they were, Nyla ran to the back window, admiring it with admiration, feeling something she had never felt before, a unique emotion,

"Were we there?" Nyla points out, shaking with anxiety,

"Yes… it's really hard to believe, right? something so small here, but so huge there!" Stary comments trying hard to study the controls,

"Where do we go now? Don't tell me…" Nyla freezes, asking the obvious,

"Yayyy, let's go to the guiding moon!" Stary responds, making Nyla throw herself back,

"The moon guides? Stary wow! Like… for generations… myself, I grew up in my tribe, hearing stories about the guiding moon, as a deity, is it a planet? Are there wolves there?" Nyla fills him with questions,

"Well, it's a moon… so no, the atmosphere is different…" Stary says, looking on the ship's map, where this moon could be,

In the distance, they saw the planet's two giant twin moons, nothing more than a third moon, strange...

"Strange…" Stary says silently, analyzing the onboard computer,

Nothing, there was nothing, not even a record of a third moon. He swore it existed, he had seen it himself, how come there was nothing here?

"Knock knock…knock…" a noise echoes through the cabin,

"..." Silence, Stary and Nyla stop everything they were doing, analyzing the unusual noise,

"Did you hear that?" Nyla turns away from the window asking,

"Toc…ai…" a thin, grounded voice says,

They cautiously move towards the sound, following it to a small hidden compartment,

With their hearts racing, they open the compartment door and find Ryn cowering inside, her eyes wide with fear,

She looked scared and shaky,

"RYN!" Stary and Nyla scream, as the little red-haired girl leaves,

Ryn swallows hard before responding, her voice still shaky,

"I… I heard something, something scary. It sounded like a voice whispering strange things, I got scared and hid here," Ryn says, stepping back, scared,

"I didn't want to leave you either…" the little girl says, leaning against a wall, with Nyla going to help her, worried,

"A voice?…" Stary asks himself, before returning to the ship's controls,

Tension rises as silence settles again,

Suddenly, a wind passes through the cabin, coming from a mysterious place, carrying some red autumn leaves from a fan,

Stary, Nyla and Ryn look at each other, approaching in fear of the wind,

"Sheets?" Stary approaches, it was actually dry leaves, not typical planet blue, more red,

The wind blows again, stronger this time, causing Stary to slip on the leaves, falling to the ground,

"There!" he screams, falling face first, dropping everything from the bag he was carrying on his waist,

A small green metal ball rolls on the floor of the ship, stopping centimeters near Nyla, with a slight green glow, illuminating the room,

"Stary… what is this?" Nyla says curiously, running to help him get up,

"HEY!" Ryn screams, grabbing the object, "I know what this is! It's Jade's heart!'

Upon touch, the sphere decreases its brightness, stopping the wind and leaves from falling from the ship's air grilles at the same speed,

"She was the one who asked me to keep it… if you want, you can stay… she seemed to like you more, Ryn…" Stary says, getting up from the floor with Nyla's help,

Ryn is amazed at what Stary said, and keeps the small sphere with the greatest affection in the world, and a thief's bag that she used to steal things,

Stary started to get up, a little dizzy, they heard something again, whispering incomprehensible words that echoed through the cabin,

The three friends look at each other, alarmed by the intensity of the sound,

"Did you hear that this time?" Stary says scared, leaning on Nyla, with Ryn running into the hug too,

Deciding to follow the sound, they head to the ship's control room,

Stary, Nyla and Ryn approach the control panels, trying to identify the source of the sound,

Then, they realize that the voice doesn't come from anywhere, it's just an electronic device in the ship's system,

While examining the control panels, Stary notices a blinking light on one of the consoles,

Approaching, the sensors simply signaled the location of a third planet nearby, influencing the ship with its gravity,

It was the guiding moon! which now clearly appeared on the ship's radar!

"Hmm, it must have just been a miscalculation… let's move on!" Stary speaks, taking control again,

He approaches and presses the corresponding button, causing a secret panel to open, revealing a small communication device,

"That's a voice transmitter!" Stary exclaims in surprise, "Someone was watching us and communicating with us the whole time!"

They notice that the device was emitting the strange voices they heard earlier,

"Wasn't that the company's ship? how is this here then…" Nyla says, pointing to a symbol on the monitor,

Stary analyzes the transmitter and finds a small symbol engraved on it, similar to the symbol of the ancient wolf tribes they encountered earlier,

That couldn't be a coincidence,

"Let's go to the guide moon, there I hope to find answers…" Stary says, adjusting the thrusters,

Heading towards the guiding moon, Stary skillfully maneuvers the spaceship, bypassing the third planet in the system. As they get closer, they are amazed at the sight that unfolds before their eyes,

The guiding moon was majestic, with its silver glow and the planet's two twin moons reflecting their light on it. However, something seemed wrong,

Huge cracks crisscrossed the moon's surface, forming an intriguing pattern that resembled a compass.

The moon was covered in electromagnetic storms, creating a luminous and dark spectacle,

When it gets close, the ship's sensors go crazy and start flashing uncontrollably.

"We won't be able to land, this storm could destroy our ship…" Stary comments, retreating from the planet,

"Let's follow the compass pattern!" Ryn says surprising them, "Look! the lights flash more in that direction, let's go there!"

Stary hears this in surprise and shrugs, the girl's idea wasn't even that bad,

"Right! Let's go," Stary turns the ship's controls, following gravity, bordering on the moon,

The ship finally reaches the center of the compass pattern, with a subtle vibration,

From space, one of the compass marks, similar to an arrow, pointed directly at the sun, causing the moon to come in front, creating an eclipse,

"It's beautiful…" Nyla admires the arc of fire, being separated by the circumference of the guiding moon,

"Stary! Look there!" Ryn shouts, pointing to the side,

The said arrow pointed to northern space, following the moon, in one of the sun's fiery arcs, where there was nothing, now, a giant object revealed itself,

It was a ship! just like a cruiser, only bigger, mysteriously flying over the moon,

"That wasn't there before!" Stary, says curiously,

As they approached, the ship appeared ancient, and had an alien architecture, unlike anything they had ever seen, even for Stary,

The ship's gravity was so great that it pulled their small ship, attracting it to a trap, like a magnet, forcing an abduction of their smaller ship,

"Get ready… this ship… has taken command of ours, we don't know what to expect, Nyla! You and I will go out first ok! Get ready to shoot!" Stary screams, releasing the controls,

Upon entering, you are greeted by a stunning environment. The walls are covered with shiny blue and purple metal, reflecting the light of the stars that seem to have been engraved on them,

The ship's advanced technology is evident in every detail,

Landing inside, without any preparation the hatch suddenly opens, scaring Stary, with her paw covering her mouth,

He was afraid of running out of air, and the aliens suffocating them to death, but his mind soon rested when he saw Nyla and Ryn breathing and leaving the ship calmly,

"Stary, are you going to stay there? He comes!" Nyla screams, walking around exploring everything,

"More Nyla!" Stary runs after her, "And the preparation part, they could be enemies!"

"Relax, the place is abandoned, there's no one here!" Nyla exclaims, putting away her rifle,

"Abandoned?" Stary looking curious, leaving the ship with them,

The ship had actually been abandoned for what seemed like centuries or thousands of years!

As they explore the corridors, they notice drawings of stylized foxes adorning the walls. The drawings portray the creatures in a majestic and revered way, as if they were guardians or important figures,

As they explore the ship further, they find rooms with interactive holograms, showing constellations and distant star systems,

"Wow," Stary said to each room they passed,

Arriving at a large central chamber, they come across an imposing statue of a fox, carved from a crystalline material,

The statue seems to emit a subtle aura, and its eyes seem to watch the visitors intently,

"Stary… that's a lot of adventure for one day," Nyla says in surprise, her day was amazing,

"This… appears to be the command room…" Stary approaches the statue in the middle, revealing a stone throne,

Some holograms were broken, others activated, showing graphs and analyzes of the planet below,

The ship appears to be a true cosmic library, an archive of knowledge of the stars,

"Ah, sorry guys, but I have to do this!" Stary lets out a megalomaniac scream,

The fox then runs and throws himself, sitting on the throne, laughing uncontrollably, feeling like a god,

"Hihihi, look Nyla, I'm the king of space!" Stary laughs, jokingly as she supports herself,

He accidentally rests a paw on a hologram, revealing something incredible!

Patterns of lights form from the entire control room, making the entire ceiling of the ship transparent! Revealing the outside, like an invisible metal,

The view of the sun, the guiding moon, and the planet of the Runic Wolves in the distance color the entire ceiling. Several lights light up with the gesture, as well as a giant hologram in the center of the room,

"Wow," Stary, Nyla and Ryn admire, transfixed by such beauty,

In this giant transparent panel, they see a peculiar constellation, where the stars form the outline of a fox,

The constellation is connected to a series of solar systems and unknown planets, placed in a layer, something difficult to understand,

"This is amazing!" Stary jumps with excitement, laughing with joy,

Nyla and Ryn run closer to the throne above, anxiously looking for a better view.

"Stary!" Nyla shouts running over, "Is that your treasure map?"

"…" Stary analyzes, with one ear pricked, "Hmm No!"

Nyla collapses at this statement, leaving Ryn laughing, seeing her funny reaction,

"But still… this is TOO MUCH!" Stary jumps, stumbling and crashing into more controls,

So, let's say, removing the ship's camouflage field, which hid it in space, causing, moments later, several lights to start flashing,

"...sorry…" Stary says, frozen, turning back slowly,

Quickly, in the orbit of the moon, next to them, a giant spaceship jumps, teleporting, appearing in front of them,

It was the company ship, the same as before!

Stary, Nyla and Ryn stare at the sudden appearance of the company ship before them,

"Stary… it's gone, right?" Nyla asks simply,

The company's ship wastes no time and starts firing a volley of shots towards the alien ship they are on. The explosions shake the environment, making them grab each other for balance,

"HEY! I apologized, right?" Stary screams, the ship shaking from side to side,

Nyla and Ryn look at each other, with neutral expressions, glaring at Stary angrily,

The ship's cannons began firing, bombarding the shiny blue and purple metal of the alien vessel. Immediately she releases a flurry of drones towards them,

"STARRY! DO SOMETHING!" Nyla and Ryn scream, holding onto the metal throne,

The impact of the shots caused the ship to shake violently, while the walls showed signs of damage,

"I DON'T KNOW!" Stary shouts, fiddling with every possible button and control in front of him,

He knew they couldn't surrender without a fight. It was time to act,

"I already know!" Stary shouts, calming everyone down! "I'm going to deactivate the company's earnings, and activate ours!"

"And how are you going to do that?" Ryn asks, before an explosion rocks the ship further,

"I DON'T KNOW!" Stary cries again, throwing herself onto the control table, practically taking a bath in it, messing with as many controls as possible,

"So this is how… we're going to die… it was good while it lasted Stary…" Nyla says, sadly,

"WE ARE GOING TO DIE!" Ryn next to her screams, running across the entire command room,

Explosions and gunshots echoed through the ship, leaving them even more distressed,

Suddenly, a thought crosses Stary's mind, the blacksmith's book of ruins... was the answer...

He stops between explosions, placing a sequence of runes on the panel, then…

The ship comes to life again, activating the shields, generating a huge explosion of accumulated energy, enough to disable all the technology on the company's ship, leaving it wandering in space, forever,

The engines start, activating the impenetrable shields, and making the ship turn slowly, towards infinite space,

"Stary, did you make it?" Nyla speaks, taking her hands away from her eyes, looking at him proudly,

"Runes… Y emotions, A power, F destiny and W leave… I learned this, to make your weapon…" Stary responds victoriously, as the ship reactivated,

"Where when?" Nyla starts to ask before a tremor happens again,

The drawings of foxes on the walls glow, surrounding Stary's throne, making Nyla run to hug him,

The huge ship's thrusters begin to activate, bending the space around them,

"Stary…" Nyla says, starting to feel herself getting sluggish,

"Nyla…" Stary starts to speak before being stopped next to her,

A giant force field surrounds the two, completely paralyzing them, they hug each other on top of the metallic throne, with runes and symbols, all around the floor,

"Guys!" Ryn screams, running closer, she was far enough away to not be affected,

Runes however, begin to form at their feet, creating the same shield around them, paralyzing time, protecting everyone,

The ship gains more and more power, filling the room with a beautiful rainbow light,

It was time, the time for the end,

Like a spear of light, it advances in one direction in infinite space, towards nothing,

Towards infinity, like a shooting star, she follows the light, flying alongside it, traveling between the universe,

In Stary's last thoughts, before he blacked out, his entire adventure passed through him, Nyla, his friends, an anxiety enveloped him, along with the runic symbols in front of them,

It turns out that the ship's engine wasn't just any one, which only folded space, it was a cosmic engine, unlike anything else, which traveled between dimensions, between concepts,

Taking the heart of those who commanded it along, leaving matter and dust behind, carrying the spirit, to a new place

Among the stars, but not only that, among the stars of the soul, which guide each of us to our destiny, incomprehensible, cunning,

Like a fox, leaving only its tail behind, the ship will take them to a new destination, completely different from what everyone thought,

A new place, a new concept, appears in front of them,

A ship falling from the sky, leaving a trail, a rainbow tail,

A mountain immobile in time,

Y, A, F, W, Conflicts, normality, pride, advancement,

Walking among bright stars, I immersed myself in the cosmic immensity. My soul, already eager to unveil the secrets that the universe held, with a treasure map in hand, I walked on a path,

But this time, I was with my friends, my family,

I was always a fox who knew where to go.