
Every Night Star

Star that shines, is Stary there?, I wish for you, I wish, The first star of that night, A path to the universe today, Celestial shine, spark of magic, Take my soul, I wish for a family, Past, present and future, Our treasure will unite everything, One day,

Liry_Cat · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Every Night Star 5

"We have always had a helping relationship with them, but now, they no longer want to trade... a few days ago we captured several scouts near our territory, there are strange things happening, but the biggest one... is Aryndor King of the Day, and the Lu -a" Lanary says,

"Aryndor has much more influence in the tribe than me... we are two days away from the moon tournament, and he just stays in the war room planning things, several of the Lu-a warriors, like Leyf, want to attack the humans, however" she looks at Stary,

"Stary… I'd say you have more power in the tribe than Aryndor, he's planning something, I'm sure! That's why I want your help!" Lanary launches his speech in the moonlight,

"Open a training camp, you are Lyor, so teach the younger ones to get strong, I will help with any equipment… war times are coming, the younger ones like Nylay have to be prepared. After that, can you help us manage the tribe better with your knowledge? just like the Kirysiny? " Lanary says bowing to Stary in the process,

"Of course, of course, I'll help as much as I can" Stary says discouraged, deep down he knew he wasn't one of those Kirysiny, he was just a normal fox,

"I'll try…" he finishes speaking softly,

After talking to Queen Lanary, Stary decides to return home and wait for tomorrow, as wolves don't sleep she must have already started spreading the news,

I just had to come up with a cool name for the training center, could it be that Nyla was following him? It was kind of funny that someone as weak as him was called to train the tribe's wolves, now what was strange were the demons, these robots... why are they attacking like that? I hope it's not some crazy artificial intelligence or something,

The day ends and Stary decides to restore his strength, from the way Lanary said the wolves would be here by tomorrow afternoon, so he decided to enjoy it until then, he could study more about the book of runes, or explore more, so many things to do , unfortunately sleep comes first for now, it would be better to sleep, and wait for the start of another challenging day,

Tomorrow arrives, the sun sets the pine tree canopy and the cabin on fire, Stary was sleeping in his house, until he is woken up by the sounds of banging and screaming outside, it was as if they were building a spaceship in his backyard,

"Oh my… more…" Stary wakes up a little dazed, he was really dreaming that they were building his ship,

Opening the front door he was faced with the sight of some wolves setting up a small tent that was covering a few boxes. Stary's house had changed!

"Hey! What is that?" Stary shouts to the wolves half-drowsily,

"Lyor…" the wolves bow, "Sorry to wake you, we're already leaving, we were just finishing loading the supplies… it's an honor to meet you!"

At the same time, one last hammering was heard, with the wolves picking up boxes and leaving to say goodbye, gossiping with excitement about being able to meet the famous Lyor that everyone talked about in the tribe,

Looking around his house had been renovated! The Training Center was ready! They had even put in a mini forge to repair weapons!

The structure was expanded and strengthened, with training equipment, weapons on different shelves and areas designated for physical exercises and combat practices. A new sign is posted at the entrance, proudly displaying the center's name,

"Winging Moon Training – For Young Wolves"

"Waning moon? Serious?" Stary couldn't help but laugh, after all there had to be moon in the name,

"…" he pauses for a moment until he remembers, "Wait a minute… I'm going to have to train them! What do I do? I have never trained anyone in my life!"

Stary is stunned by the sudden transformation of his home into a training center. While exploring the place, Stary notices movement in the distance, it was his students!

"Curse!" Stary screams, running around the house, trying to find a way to avoid the inevitable,

"Okay, okay, calm down, it's easy, right? It's just me doing the basics, I'll start with something simple, okay, this could work…" he heads to the front of the house, and with a glorious pose he waits for the wolves,

The wolves, curious and anxious, approach the house in silence, carefully observing Lyor who will now be responsible for the training,

There were six wolves in total, Livy and her group Flar, Gnar, and Aris were there, with a total of 4 wolves, there was also a wolf that had black fur and two daggers on her back, Stary didn't know this one yet, and finally right behind the group was Nyla, acting normal and avoiding looking at Stary as much as possible,

"Hey Stary! All very well?" Livy shouts, sharply throwing a bottle of ice fruit wine away,

"I dragged these three with me, training alone was very boring, I'm glad the queen decided to open this center," she finishes, getting ready to train,

"Oi Lyor" Flar, Gnar, and Aris complimentam,

"Lyor…" the dark wolf reveres him too,

A silence falls over them, Nyla is the only one who doesn't say anything, just watches Stary from a distance, at least she came, now he had to keep it as long as possible, and be a true master,

"Good morning! Welcome to…" forget it, he didn't have to say the name of the center all the time,

"You know what, let's get right with it… Livy, how was your previous training?" Stary asks, so he will know how to train them,

"It was fine, just the basics of hand-to-hand fighting, nothing much, actually… I was going to stop training before, but I was curious to come here, everyone in the tribe was saying that you opened a training center… I'm very Excited to see what you can do Stary!" Livy says,

"Ha, I'll be honest, I don't know much, after all… four legs, right!" Stary laughs a little,

As he was quadrupedal, Stary didn't know much about fighting or anything like that, he could hold a knife or sword in his mouth, but nothing more than that. However, because he was not bipedal like Nyla and the other wolves or humans, he was much faster on land, which is why he was very good at escaping and positioning himself in battle,

"I can teach you the art of strategy! You know, a battle is impossible to win if you don't know where you're going to be, depending on, you can defeat someone much bigger than you, just by feeling and attacking at the right time" Stary speaks, looking at Nyla,

After all, back at the waterfall, that hadn't worked out with her, he trembles a little when he remembers that with her being right in front of him.

"But…but first…you know, let's see what you know! Huh? haha" Stary walks awkwardly towards some training dummies that they had next to his house,

"Cento Stary, can I go first?" Livy screams,

"Hmm yes, if you like" he responds softly,

Livy quickly lunges towards the wooden doll, opening her mouth full of sharp teeth, and biting down hard,

She lifts the poor, defenseless man off the ground, putting her strength in her mouth, almost tearing the cloth with her canines, then with her mouth she throws him into the air,

When he falls, he ends with a two-foot fly. Throwing his opponent with a loud thud into the nearest tree, leaving the defeated doll on the ground,

"Wow" Stary was impressed, this would kill anyone,

"Ah that was nothing, just wait and see my new attack that I'm training for the tournament" Livy says stepping back,

After that it's Flar, Gnar, and Aris's turn. Aris shows a slashing attack, slashing the doll's face, spreading cloth everywhere,

Then comes Gnar who decides to just take the doll by the hand and throw it as far as possible,

"Hey! You'll get it later, idiot!" Livy yells at him,

"Alright, alright… sorry Stary" Gnar says,

"I'm the only one here who has the respect to call him Stary!" Livy screams again, punching him,

"Ouch, okay, sorry Lyor…" Gnar says apologetically,

"It's no big deal" Stary says, scared by Livy's show of strength,

"Okay, who's next?" Stary asks,

"See, I'm lazy… I won't go" Flar says as he leaves,

"FLAR!" Livy shouts, "We agreed to come help Stary, didn't we? Don't… don't you dare leave,"

"Hey Gnar, come on, we can climb a tree that will be cooler than here, even more Stary bro" Flar shouts leaving,

"Hey, Flar wait!" Gnar shouts running after him,

"Livy see you… crazy" Flar shouts, after moments later they leave,

"Idiots!" Livy growls,

"Okay is it me now?" the black wolf approaches,

She was tall and had two large daggers on her back, unlike the others she didn't carry a spear which was strange, looking at Livy, Stary sees that she looks with admiration at her,

"Hey Livy, who is this?" Stary asks softly in her ear, he was already trained with wolf hearing,

"This is Anaa, daughter of Queen Lanary," Livy says cautiously,

Our Stary didn't know that the queen had a daughter, she seemed very mysterious, and experienced with combat and things like that,

There were only two dolls left, Anaa goes towards one of them and like lightning, she simply takes an iron dagger from her back and cuts the doll, dividing it in half,

"Wow, she's strong Livy, that's cool, can we fight her later?" Aris asks excitedly,

"Forget Aris, she is destined to be a warrior Lu-a, we are not outcasts" Livy replies,

"Hey Anaa… I met your mother Lanary, nice to meet you" Stary shouts,

"Oh sorry for my lack of respect Lyor" Anaa said slightly bowing,

"Well speaking of my mother… she was the one who insisted that I come here to see how you are doing, I'm sorry I can't stay, I finished my training a while ago" Anaa says putting away her weapons,

"Have you ever?" Stary is curious now, was she that good?

"Yes, I'm sorry, I've already made my real weapons," Anaa replies, those weapons, must be the daggers…

"Unfortunately I can't stay any longer, I'm helping my mother in my free time. It was a pleasure meeting you Lyor, you have three great girls there! Take good care of them!" Anaa says saying goodbye, walking away in the process,

"And sorry about the training dummy!" Anaa screams in the distance,

"That was so fast" Stary says sarcastically,

Now only the three of them remained, Nyla the white wolf, Livy the light gray wolf, and Aris the red wolf,

"I heard that the queen has several spies out there, she is her daughter, she could be one too" Livy looks curiously,

"Okay now it's Nyla's turn" Aris shouts, hoping to see her fighting too,

"Nyla…" Stary says looking around to look for her,

He had totally forgotten that Nyla was there, this was all for her, looking around he was surprised, Nyla was right behind Livy, trying her best to look normal, and smile at him,

"Hi Stary… you look good!" Nyla says, trying to be funny,

"Hi… how long, right?" Stary responds,

"Yayyy go there Nylay!" Aris shouts trying to encourage her like he did with Livy,

"Come on, Nyla…" Livy looks at her too, giving a smile and a wave,

Nyla stares at the last remaining training dummy, she looks at Stary with her eyes full of pride, knowing that he is looking at her, fills her with motivation, she had to do her best, for him,

Nyla charges, running quickly towards the doll, preparing her claws to scratch it,

But moments before she wins, she starts to slow down, she starts to remember, for a moment she sees Stary in front of her,

"Oh…damn" Nyla says, stopping before hitting the doll,

Its claws scratch the cloth a little, only causing a small tear,

"I can't…" Nyla says, pushing herself away, heading back to the main group,

"Hey Nyla, what do you hear?" Aris asks,

"You know what, training with these stupid training dummies is a waste of time…" Nyla says,

"Okay, I have something else planned for this afternoon" Stary butts in, drawing attention again,

"What's Stary? " Aris asks, only to look fearfully at Livy,

"...You can" Livy responds,

"Hmm how about normal training? Yayyyy" Stary says embarrassed, while the three wolves accept,

As the afternoon progresses, Stary and the three remaining wolves, Livy, Aris, and Nyla, dive into intense training, doing the basics, exercises, and small fighting moves,

Livy leads the training session, demonstrating her agility and speed as she performs agile and precise movements, her quick and powerful strikes leave marks on the training dummy,

Nyla, in turn, remains on the sidelines, closely observing the training, her green eyes watch Stary, trying to think of a way to prove herself to him,

The afternoon stretches on, with training intensifying with each passing moment. Livy and Aris challenge each other, Nyla remains a calm, observant presence, her eyes missing no detail, as she analyzes the wolves, until...

"Wow, you guys are amazing!" Stary breaks the silence,

"Stary! Do you want to see me and Aris fight?" Livy says excitedly, she seems happy with her training,

Stary watches with excitement as Livy and Aris prepare for a brief demonstration of fighting,

Livy advances with agility, launching a series of quick blows, Aris, in turn, tries to dodge as much as possible, but finds gaps in Aris' defense, managing to land precise blows and knock her to the ground,

"Yayyy I won! So Stary… which one of us was the prettiest wolf fighting?" Livy says while stretching cutely,

Stary analyzes the fight by watching Livy, but now he can't help but blush as he analyzes her stretching, making him shake his head in the process,

"Livy, of course it's me! You know I'm the prettiest wolf here!" Aris screams, getting up from the ground,

"If Stary was a wolf, he and I would already be dating if you must know!" Aris states, laughing at Livy,

"Is that true Stary?" Livy asks laughing,

"Aaaaa" Stary rolls her eyes, trying to ignore the situation,

"Stary… if so… you were a wolf agent… which of us would you choose?" Livry asked blushing too,

"Well I'm not a wolf… you know," Stary says embarrassedly,

"Psss you're not! But you're really pretty, you know that? Now I know what Nyla saw in you!" Livy says cutely too,

"Hey, what do you think about us pretending you're a wolf for a day? Let's enjoy training and I can show you how we fight!" Livy seems to be very, very excited about this,

"Hmm Livy I don't know if that's a good thing.from this yearAris tries to speak before Stary interrupts,

"Okay… let's fight!" Stary responds, this would be perfect for him too without showing it to Nyla,

Livy throws herself forward, getting ready to fight Stary, she was going to try to let him win, but not that she wouldn't have some fun too,

"Come with everything little wolf, I'll let you make the first attack!" Livy says shaking her tail excitedly,

Stary growls, running up and jumping, in the process biting her neck, weakly, but enough to pin her to the ground,

"There is good, but not enough!" Livy simply picks him up and flips him over, placing him on the ground very easily,

"Haha that was cute Stary…" Livy says blushing, sitting in front of him, "You would be a really cool wolf to date, you know?"

"Wow! Seriously? Thanks!" Stary says having fun, without noticing the ulterior motives,

"Come on, hit me, I promise I'll let you win Stary!" Livy says having fun, she really didn't want to win, he deserved it after all, Stary was the nicest person she had ever met,

Nyla watches the interaction between Livy and Stary, feeling a pang of jealousy form in her chest,

Livy's words about Stary echo in her mind, increasing her insecurity, an anger rises in her, somehow, she wishes she had Livy's attitude,

"Rrrrr" Nyla blushed,

Unable to contain herself, Nyla approaches where Livy and Stary are, interrupting their friendly fight. She forces a smile, trying to hide her discomfort,

"Hey Stary, can I fight too?" Nyla asks, dying of embarrassment,

"Hi Nyla" Stary says laughing, "Sure, come… do you… want to fight… like"

"The fight is just simulated, it's a game after all!" Stary says shaking, afraid that Nyla will take the fight too seriously,

"Hey Stary! Why don't you have a fight, wolf against wolf?" Nyla says with anger in her voice, looking at Livy,

"I'm not going to fight you Nyla…" Livy responds rudely, half ignoring the proposal,

"Hey guys, don't you think it's too hot in here?" Aris interrupts, laughing embarrassedly,

"NO!" Stary, Nyla and Livy scream looking at her,

"It's quite cold actually," Stary comments,

"Rrrrr!" Livy rosna for Nyla,

"Rrrrrrrrr!" Nyla growls more intensely,

"Hey Stary…." Aris whispers, "I think we better end it here today, huh?"

"Yes? I mean, yes of course," Stary says, startled by the two's behavior,

"Hey, are we going to finish for today? Shall we continue tomorrow?" Stary shouts at the two angry wolves, making them both move away obeying her order,

The tension in the air was palpable, but everyone knew it was best to calm down and return the next day with renewed energy, Stary was surprised, he had never seen Nyla so angry before, not even that day,

He makes a mental note to talk to her privately later, to understand what's bothering her, about Livy she was a nicer girl than he thought,

Livy and Aris exchange lively banter, sharing laughter and promises to meet again the next day, Nyla is immersed in her own thoughts, she looks at Stary and blushes with embarrassment, looking away,

Night came, casting its soft shadow over the training ground. Everyone left, tomorrow he would try to talk to both of them,

The day after tomorrow was the moon tournament,

The next morning, the sun rose over the horizon, painting the sky in golden tones, the weather was pleasant and serene, the sky full of clouds, and the group's energy seemed to have dissipated with the gentle breeze. It was the beginning of a new day of training,

Livy had arrived to train first, and Nyla later, the bad atmosphere between the two was visible, they barely looked at each other, they decided to wait for Stary to wake up to start,

"Hi Livy…" Nyla says trying to be rude and charismatic,

"Hi… Nyla…" Livy says with a growl,

"Where's Aris?" Nyla asks, hoping not to be alone with her,

"She can't come… and before you ask, today it looks like it's just the two of us" Livry responds rudely,

"Great… did you like your game with Stary yesterday?" Nyla asks growling,

"Hmm Stary? Yes, he is a very cute and attentive boy, you know that? Yesterday he bit my neck, very weakly so as not to hurt, if I had known I would have become friends with him sooner!" Livy responds with a mischievous smile,

"Rrrrr! Bitch" Nyla says quietly, making Livy laugh,

"Just so you know, he's already slept with me twice! That's something he never varies with you… and he also… he… never bit me…." Nyla says getting sad,

"Serious? Weren't you guys super friends? At least that's what he told me" Livy asks,

"A… Nyla! Our! You are jealous?" Livy screams in surprise,

"Mouth to mouth!" Nyla replies,

Livy laughs loudly, unable to contain her amusement at the situation. She approaches Nyla, ignoring the look of anger on her face,

"Look at angry, reserved Nyla being jealous! Who knew?" Livy teases, with a mischievous look,

"We were already friends, remember?" Livy says trying to remember her,

Nyla growls again, irritated by Livy's words. However, something inside her awakens a flame of courage, she decides not to be put off by the provocation and give a worthy response,

"AND! I am jealous! And? Stary is my friend and I would die for him, what I did to him is unforgivable, one more day Livy, I will be such, such a friend to him, that he will sleep with me every night, and if you don't know, he You already promised me that!" Nyla screams,

Livy, despite feeling a pang of jealousy in her own heart, also recognizes Nyla's feelings,

Livy arches an eyebrow, impressed by Nyla's change in attitude, she realizes that perhaps she underestimated her former friend. Instead of responding with more provocation, she decides to adopt a friendlier stance,

"You really turned into a very strong wolf... maybe Stary deserves you" Livy says looking at the clouds in the sky,

"Do you remember our friendship?" Livy asks,

"Hmmm yes…" Nyla responds, confused by her change in attitude,

"Look, not that I don't like you, but what I'm going to say now is for Stary" Livy says,

"You're right, Nyla! I'm sorry if I seemed insensitive, maybe I was having too much fun with you. Stary is a special person, and I value him a lot… but I also believe that each of us has something unique to offer him" she stop for a moment,

"This is not a competition!" Livy states,

Nyla relaxes a little, feeling the sincerity in Livy's words, she realizes that maybe she doesn't need to compare herself so much with the other wolf,

"If he asks me to be his friend, which I'm sure he will... I'm just trying to say... I'll try to be his friend Nyla" Livy says sadly,

"No, I won't fight you for him" she shouts, stopping Nyla from speaking,

"And hey, we look like two cubs fighting, like, Stary isn't even a wolf… he's our Lyor, so let's try not to act like two wolves during the hot season, okay?" Livy asks.

Nyla stares at Livy for a moment, processing her words,

"It's okay… Livy" Nyla says embarrassed by all this,

"Lucky for you I'm a good friend!" Livy laughs, breaking their embarrassment,

"You're an amazing girl Nyla, I know that, you know what? I'll let you play with Stary today!" Livy says throwing herself on top of her, leaving her three times embarrassed,

Livy moves away and stands up. They exchange complicit looks, knowing they are willing to leave the past behind, and Livy was willing to help Nyla train for the moon tournament tomorrow,

Stary woke up early, feeling refreshed after a night's rest, the main objective was to strengthen her bonds with them, even more so with Nyla,

Upon arriving at the training area, Stary found Livy and Nyla already ready and waiting,

"Hello girls! You guys seem calm today… where's Aris?" Stary asks with a yawn, wagging her tail excitedly,

"She didn't come" Nyla and Livy say at the same time,

"Wow you guys seem kind of, I don't know, bonded" Stary is happy to see the two of them being friends,

"So Stary, what do we have for today?" Nyla asks, unable to contain her anxiety,

"Speaking of which, the tournament will be tomorrow! Tonight will be your Stary party" Livy says excitedly, "Everyone from the tribe will be there, it will be there in the arena at night"

"Tomorrow! SERIOUS?" Nyla screams loudly, "Oh shit… I haven't even trained enough yet, hey Livy have you made your weapons yet?"

"Mine? Not yet, in fact I'm going to do it at midnight, when the moon is high in the sky, what about you?" Livy says excitedly too,

"What do you mean weapons?" Stary asks curiously, did they have to make their own weapons?

"Oh Stary! I don't even have the materials to make mine yet, I've been following you all these days… I mean…" Nyla says hysterically,

"It's like a ritual! In wolves, we live a long time, you know, Nyla and I, for example, are very young, humans think we are 17 or 19, but for their age we are both around 37.40… it turns out that we have lived a long time" Livy explains,

"Wow, I didn't know that, you must have seen everything, right? You must be very wise," Stary asks,

"More or less... things are a bit stagnant, Nyla and I never dated, like, at least I'm quite rebellious if you know what I mean, Nyla seems like she never grew up, so we're just old in time, not in mind , just look at Flar yesterday, he's still a stupid teenager!" Livy laughs a little at this,

"Hey Livy, I didn't have to tell you everything, I'm not that teenage, I've survived longer in the forest than you!" Nyla mumbles in the corner trying to prove herself, typical of a young man,

"Coming back here... we are old enough to be real wolves, and by real wolf, I mean... let's make our soul weapon ourselves, a weapon that we have to carry throughout our lives," Livy finishes explaining, sighing after,

"What about you Nyla? like this tournament, will you want to fight there?" Stary asks impressed,

"Hmm I don't know" Nyla responds,

"I don't know damn, of course you will! You have to fight me there Nyla" Livy throws herself at her trying to cheer her up, "It was your dream remember,"

"Is this your dream Nyla?" Stary asks happy to know her dream,

"Almost that…" Nyla replies discouraged,

Stary hearing this becomes more excited than ever, if this was her dream, he would do his best to make it real,

"Right! Let's train then and then I'll help you make your weapon," Stary paws the ground, speaking with courage,

"More Stary you have your party tonight" Livy ponders,

"To nem ai!" Stary grita alto surprendendo as lobas,

"Stary what do you mean? It's your party, you have to go" Nyla says trying to convince him,

"Nyla, you're my friend, right? If this is your dream, I don't care about this party! I am your friend! And I will help you!" Stary says with a firm voice,

Nyla and Livy look at each other in surprise, he was actually willing to ignore the party, even if the king and queen were mad at him, just to help a friend!

"Lucky little wolf!" Livy growls laughing at Nyla,

"Let's go!" Stary says walking towards the training field,

When they get there, Nyla focuses on her posture and starts practicing her fighting moves, she even trains a little with Livy, even though she is embarrassed and obviously holding back from hitting her, she is trying,

Stary lets out a laugh when she sees this, it was cute to see Nyla trying to look stronger than another wolf,

Meanwhile, Livy walks away for a bit, determined to keep her promise to help Nyla make her soul weapon,

"Hey Stary, I'm going to go out for a bit, I'm going to ask my dad for some iron and silver... don't worry Nyla, together we're going to make your weapon" Livy says saying goodbye, it was nice to see her also trying to help in her own way,

Livy, before leaving, comes close to Nyla who was focused on training and whispers in her ear,

"Come on girl! Take him" Livy says, walking away, laughing shyly,

Nyla feels her heart speed up at Livy's encouraging words. She turns her attention to Stary, who watches her with a smile, she knows what to do,

"Hey Stary… do you want to fight… I mean train?" Nyla approaches, laughing nervously,

"Hmm I don't know let me see" Stary stops thoughtfully before jumping up, "Of course YES!"

They both get into their battle positions, looking at each other, having to forget the past and fight once again,

"Stary", Nyla begins, her voice full of sincerity, "I know what you're feeling, after that day... I can't do anything anymore, I still see your blood on my claws..."

Stary hears this with her ears rigid, immediately turning to Nyla, her words hit him hard, making him shiver a little,

"I don't want to be like this" Nyla continues, "I want to play with you, like Livy yesterday, I want to act normal with you, I know you're scared, whenever I come near you… so. Don't hold back! I want you to come all over me"

"Please! Beat me" Nyla screams, waiting for her feelings to reach him,

Stary looks at Nyla with respect, understanding the seriousness of her words. He has always believed in Nyla's potential and knows that she is strong, her friend was asking him to go all out, so he would go all out,

Stary takes the lead, and with a quick impulse he runs towards Nyla, he knew what to do to fix her feelings,

Nyla feels Stary lunging at her, and prepares to take a blow, however,

Nothing, nothing happens,

Stary stops, a moment in front of her, Nyla opens her eye, seeing him looking with an angry look,

"Nyla! You're really stupid, you know?" Stary breaks her stance with a laugh,

Then he does something that leaves Nyla surprised and paralyzed,

He gently gets up and bites her neck affectionately, letting out a laugh in the process,

"Stary" Nyla says laughing, "What?"

Only moments later, he growled in a playful tone and threw himself on top of her, biting hard on her wolf ears,

"Hey, we were supposed to fight" Nyla laughs uncontrollably, "I was waiting for your blow"

"Scam? was that it? Well wait then!" Stary launches a barrage of cute bites at Nyla, making her laugh uncontrollably,

The two play on the grass under the shadow of a cloud, laughing at the relaxed moment,

"Hey for… haha ​​for… fa…st" Nyla tries to say amidst the laughter but without success,

Afterwards, Stary launches a surprise attack on Nyla, throwing her weight on top of her, causing her to fall to the ground, trapping her, and staring into her eyes,

"I won!" Stary laughs,

"And you won!" Nyla responds looking in awe,

"See, I'm much stronger than you!" Stary boasts with a laugh,

"That's you" Nyla responds laughing, with small tears appearing in her eyes,

"HEY!" Stary shouts looking at her "Nothing like that Nyla, you are strong too, if you cry I will kill you with laughter!"

"Okay… okay" Nyla replies with a big smile, she was finally happy,

Stary had finally won over her, finally she no longer felt ashamed of him, it was as if this feeling was so strong, that it could make her conquer the world, just to see him happy,

"I never want to see you crying again, do you hear me?" Stary asks, as the two look at each other,

"Yes! I promise" Nyla laughs, making Stary get off of her,

"He comes! Let's play… I mean fight more!" Stary says laughing, being followed by Nyla,

"Nyla?..." Stary looks to see her standing there staring into space,

"Stary, can I ask you something?" Nyla asks next, "You really don't remember anything? Are you really a god… like Lyor?"

This question leaves Stary surprised, would he have to tell the truth? Well, yes he would, he trusted her now with that, but one thing at a time,

"It's true… I don't remember" Stary says as the wind blows through her hair,

"Our! I thought you were making something up, I didn't know it was real" Nyla says running and hugging him tightly, "I'm sorry…"

"Nyla, there are more things… I… am… not… this Lyor thing!" Stary says waiting for her reaction,

"What!" Nyla screams in shock, "Is that a lie? Stary if anyone finds out about this, you will be arrested or expelled!"

"It's complicated, you know… I'm not that god, you would believe me if I said that…" Stary stops for a moment, gathering courage,

"Am I from another planet?" Stary says closing her eyes,

"…" Nyla looks at him curiously,

"…" Stary is silent,

"What is a planet?" Nyla says, apparently she didn't know what that was,

"Oh… okay… look Nyla, I don't want to distract you, let's do it like this" Stary looks at her deep in the eyes,

"I promise that after the tournament I will explain everything to you!" Stary says with conviction,

"And I don't want you to treat me like that Lyor guy, I'm just your friend!" he finishes

Nyla doesn't understand much, but she nods, she can't help but laugh a little excitedly, Stary was definitely different, it's good that she trusted in being his friend,

Stary was also happy, he felt like he had finally put his fear of her aside, she was no longer the unknown wolf she was before, who fought against him,

She was Nyla's best friend, and he couldn't wait to talk to her every day, and see this strong wolf winning this tournament, and proving to everyone how badass her friend was,

The two wolves continue to run and train through the grass, while playing, Stary makes an exaggerated face, showing her teeth in a funny way,

"Hey Nyla look… I'm King Aryndor" Stary says laughing, "Come on Lyor, I'm the king, and I'm strong… that's all",

Nyla bursts into laughter and imitates him, sticking out her tongue playfully,

"Hey Stary… my name is Silverlock I am the night and I am going to rob you" she says pretending to be a sneaky thief,

"Oh that was good" Stary laughs back,

As they continue to play, Stary has a sudden idea. He walks away for a moment and returns carrying a stick,

"Shall we play dodge the stick?" Stary asks,

"That's it" Nyla responds laughing,

As night falls and the sky fills with stars, Nyla and Stary continue training, spending the day together to make up for the week they were away.

Upon arriving at Stary's house at the training camp, Livy returns, carrying with her the materials needed to create Nyla's weapon, she was determined to fulfill her promise to help her friend,

"Wow, the tribe is a mess, everyone is getting ready for the party" Livy says entering Stary's house

"Hi Livy" Stary and Nyla shout, letting out small laughs,

"Wow, it looks like you guys had a lot of fun!" Livy comments, seeing Nyla drunk with laughter on the table,

"Haha, almost like that!" Stary laughs back at Nyla,

She watches Nyla with admiration, noting how her friend seems more confident and radiant,

"You're shining, Nyla," says Livy with a smile, "This friendship between you two is truly amazing,"

While spending time together, they share funny stories and reminisce about fun times they spent together. Livy tells about a time when she got lost in the forest and ended up encountering a family of dark squirrels, and ran away in fear,

Nyla tells how she met Stary, and how she was tempted to free him, after a while she was even planning to let him escape without wanting to, he looked really funny hanging on that log,

Stary tries to remember something from his past to tell, but he can't remember anything,

The sounds of the party begin to echo through the forest, making Livy stand up suddenly,

"Wow, the party has already started, is it so late? Sorry Stary, but I have to go make my weapon, see you tomorrow Nyla!" Livy plays running towards the door,

"Nyla! I got some extra materials, I'm looking forward to seeing your weapon, I also stole some steel at night for you... don't tell my dad anything, see you guys!" Livy screams running out of the house,

"Wow, it was really nice of Livy to help us, right?" Stary says while looking at the materials one by one,

"Well, there's a small forge outside, I think we can make something cool!" Stary says trying to get excited about the idea,

"Have you decided what you want? a sword, spear, axe?" he asks,

"I don't know much about fighting actually Stary… something long range would be perfect!" Nyla says happily, she would make her weapon, especially with her friend, there was nothing better for her,

"Like a bow? there is also the beast…" Stary thinks aloud, and Nyla shrugs an ear ironically,

"Haha, a beast? This is very expensive Stary, only humans have it" Nyla responds,

"I think… I want something simple, not too complicated, just like our friendship, how about… a short sword!" Nyla says happily with the idea, "Too bad I don't know anything about weapon decoration…"

"Oh I know!" Stary shouts anxiously, not even he knew where, but he would make the best weapon for her, "I know a little about carvings and runes, I can help!"

"Let's go! We can't delay!" he pulls Nyla by the arm, and they both run to the furnace next to his house,

Stary and Nyla run out of the house, they light the nearest torches, and focus on starting the process of forging the metal, this would be the most complicated part, but together they would make a simple but beautiful weapon,

The heat from the flames warms their bodies and intensifies the excitement they feel, at least as far as Stary knew, it was their first time trying something like this, but he was confident,

Stary takes a piece of steel and places it over the coals, waiting for it to reach the right temperature to be shaped,

"Is that so?" she says as she watches with curiosity and excitement,

"That's the tricky part, Nyla," Stary says as she watches the steel begin to glow. "We need to control the fire and ensure the metal is malleable enough to be shaped,"

"Where do you know all this?" Nyla asks in surprise,

"Hmmm, I don't know" Stary responds, getting ready to take off the heated night metal,

But something unexpected happens, the bar doesn't heat up, it was as if the fire avoided the steel at night,

"Huh, it was supposed to have heated up already…" Stary analyzes, is the fire still weak?

"Well, that's night steel… only good blacksmiths like Livy's father know how to work with it," She shrugs, upset that they couldn't do it,

"Night steel?" Stary asks, "What is this anyway?"

"Well, I don't know much, I just know that weapons made with it are always cold, and they don't heat up, that's all…' Nyla responds, humming,

Does it heat up? Well, the fire was at its maximum, that was obvious, if the tribe's blacksmiths were able to work it, there had to be a way to make the fire hotter,

Until a memory comes to Stary, a memory of him taking a shower,

"I already know! I'll be right back Nyla" Stary says running into the house, returning desperate at the same moment,

"What it was? Did you remember anything?" Nyla asks scared,

Stary smiles and reaches for a small cloth bag that was hanging on his waist. He takes out with his mouth a bright red flower, the spark flower,

"This is the key, Nyla, The flower from before… has magical properties, I think. It heats up everything it touches, which will help us build up the fire,"

Stary places the spark flower on the heated steel, and the flames immediately turn an intense red. The heat intensifies,

With skill and patience, Stary teaches Nyla how to begin shaping steel, using hammers and molds to shape the blade of her sword,

As Stary and Nyla work in the forge, she feels the heat, she observes its glowing petals and smiles, feeling a magical connection to something,

After a few hours of hard work, the short sword begins to take shape,

"Wow Nyla, it's looking cool, how did you know how to do that?" Stary asks about the shape the sword is taking,

"Actually... I was inspired by you, more by your tail, I think it's cute, and I wish my sword was too" Nyla says shyly,

However, a sudden noise echoes through the forest at the moment,

"Lyor!" a voice shouts, "Are you here? Your party has already started!"

A huge group of wolves, carrying flags, begin to approach the house, leaving Stary and Nyla afraid,

"Damn it! It's the Lu-a guards, they must be here because you didn't go to the Stary party" Nyla comments with fear,

"Let's go quickly then!" Stary says trying to cool the blade as much as possible

He then removes the sword from the furnace and dips it in water to cool and harden it,

"Come on, there's no time, if they get here, I won't be able to decorate your sword Nyla!" Stary then does the unthinkable,

He takes and throws a cloth wrapped around the sword, and taking it to his mouth, it's still a little hot, causing him to burn himself a little in the process,

"Stary… no need. just be careful" Nyla shouts, before he runs away,

"Come on Nyla! Grab the engraving equipment, let's go to the forest" he says running towards the trees,

As they run to the safety of the forest, Stary and Nyla feel the urgency in the air. The night is illuminated by the full moon, whose silvery light shines brightly upon them, and just above, the magical glow of a mesmerizing dance of Northern Lights colors the sky,

"Nyla, you're going to make the handle, you can scratch some of that wood, and sharpen it with your claws in this shape here!" Stary says showing the base of the blade,

"I'm going to do something I learned!" Stary says taking a tool in his mouth,

Nyla stands next to him, she adds subtle details to the wood, like small carvings, she makes a cute drawing of her and Stary laughing together, on the wooden handle that would go on the sword,

Meanwhile, Stary focuses his attention on the blade, he remembers the blacksmith's book, for some reason the runes arrive clearly in his head and he quickly begins to carve the magical runes on the surface of the cooled night steel,

As Stary carves each rune, bright sparks appear, forming luminous symbols that appear to dance in the moonlight,

Runes have a deep meaning, bringing with them power,

Stary carves the first letters of the runes, forming "Y S A", he looks at Nyla, who watches him with curious and trusting eyes,

"Wow, where did you learn that?" Nyla says surprise, but Stary is too busy to respond,

After a moment, he finishes carving the necessary runes, giving the blade to Nyla,

"Here Nyla, your soul weapon is yours… I think you should memorize it, come and I'll teach you" Stary says handing her the weapon,

"I don't know…" Nyla says, stepping back for fear of ruining the weapon that Stary made with so much care,

"Hey! Look here" Stary says sharply,

With a quick movement he throws the sword on the ground, and lies on top of it, looking towards Nyla, Stary is medium enough for him to stay on top of the sword, leaving a space for Nyla to draw,

"Nyla I'll be with you ok! I'll stay here and watch you… if you get scared, just look into my eyes, okay?" Stary says blushing with embarrassment,

"OK!" Nyla says, kneeling on the floor and picking up the carving equipment,

In front of her she sees her hands shaking, she didn't even know what she was going to draw on her soul weapon, however,

In front of her was also Stary looking at her with courage, his violet eyes shone in the light of dawn,

She feels like she is seeing the most beautiful scene of her life, deep down she already knew what to draw on her gun,

"Ready!" Nyla shouts, finishing the drawing and fitting the handle.

The runes shine brightly beneath your efforts, incandescent stars etched,

"What did you draw Nyla?" Stary asks in awe,

"You…" Nyla responds, shrinking in shame,

The sword is ready, radiating magic and protection, a tangible manifestation of the friendship between them, it was sharp and a little large for a short sword,

Next to it was a beautiful drawing of a fox, very similar to Stary, around several stars,

Surrounded by the magical glow, they hug each other, happy, celebrating the completion of the journey.

Tomorrow would be the tournament, and Nyla would do her best to win!

Finally, the day of the moon tournament arrives, the opposite of what you would believe from a party named after the moon in the middle, the festivities begin at the first rays of light,

Several trumpets echoed throughout the entire tribe, all the wolves were having fun and gathering in front of the arena, there were several food and music stalls, there was even a dye-your-fur stall here, she dyed her fur in any color, the best It will still be free!

Echoes of the noises travel far away, reaching the ears of a fox and a wolf who lived far away through the forest,

"Oh, just a little more…" Stary says in her sleep, hiding her fox ears in the blanket,

"Knock Knock Knock" a sharp noise happens at the door of the house,

"Hmm" but Stary remains unshakable,

He was dreaming that he and Nyla were drinking drinks in front of a majestic beach, he was finally happy to have won her friendship,

Stary saw her in a completely different way now, she had been through so much, in a way he saw himself in Nyla, just like him, she was introverted,

One day I'll tell you everything, everything about the ship, the universe, and my treasure map, wait... treasure, if I have a map that leads somewhere, what is this treasure?

"Treasure…money…pudding…" Stary mutters in his sleep,

"WAKE UP!" a scream echoes, next to a flying woman tearing the door off the house, it was Livy,

"WHAT IT WAS?" Stary and Nyla scream, waking up violently together,

They turn to see Livy in front of them, carrying an ax on her back, and looking at them scared,

"Vish, I'm sorry… Nyla, when I said come on girl, I wasn't talking about that," Livy couldn't help but laugh,

"Like this? agent just…" Nyla says before looking to the side and seeing the truth,

Her tired eyes look to the side, meeting Stary's, yes apparently they slept together last night, with Nyla's new sword between them,

"You guys are so cute when you sleep, it makes me want to go there too" Livy says carefree,

 "Livy, that's not…" Stary and Nyla try to explain themselves only to be interrupted,

"HEY! Cut that out, we have more important things to do, the tournament is about to start, just because the name is the moon tournament doesn't mean it's at night, and you're already late, especially you Nyla!" Livy says walking out the front door,

Stary and Nyla exchange quick glances before standing up with a start. They quickly run after Livy, with Nyla's sword,

When they arrived at the arena, there were several wolves, everyone was equipped, the youngest were inside the arena lined up in a line, and outside, the guards were trying to accommodate everyone for the event,

The wolves are crowded together, eager for the tournament to begin, Livy guides them to an area reserved for competitors, where other participants are already warming up and preparing,

"Aaaaaaa" Nyla yawns cutely,

"Nyla, it looks like you slept well huh!" Livy teases her,

"Stary Lyor!" voices behind them scream,

It was a crowd of young wolves and she-wolves, he was revered for having come to watch the moon tournament,

"Lyor!" A young wolf shouts, "My victory today is in your honor, when the crowd has chanted my name Redf, I will dedicate the trophy to you great Lyor."

This Redf was a very strong wolf, he had red fur, and runes written all over his body, he had a large shield, and claws that looked more like saws capable of cutting down a tree,

"Hmm ok" Stary responds, moving away a little,

"Stary Lyor!" another loud voice shouts,

"Aiai, what happened now?" Stary says rolling her eyes, only to be startled by the sight, of the queen,

"Lanary! Hi" Stary says nervously,

"Don't worry… Livy told me everything, I'm not mad that you didn't show up at the party yesterday, now I can't say the same about Aryndor, he's looking for you like crazy to talk to you," Lanary says in an imposing voice ,

"And to all of you, may the moon guide you!" Lanary shouts motivating the youth, turning her attention to Stary,

"Stary, I recommend you stay with me, my seat is separated on the opposite side of Aryndor in the arena, so he won't see you… come this way!" the queen finishes, calling him,

Nyla feels mixed emotions as she watches the other competitors, some sporting impressive soul weapons and gleaming armor, and she grips tightly onto the sword Stary made for her,

"Nyla… don't worry" Stary says, headbutting her lightly, "You're awesome! Now go there and beat everyone up."

Nyla couldn't help but laugh at the comment, this silly fox, trying to cheer her up with jokes, Stary was awesome,

"It sounds cliché, but I'm going to prove myself to you… Stary!" Nyla says taking her old spear, when she sees him going with the queen,

"My eyes won't see anything other than you there Nyla" Stary says quietly, knowing that she heard it because of her wolf hearing,

Finally, it's time for Nyla to enter the arena,

She stands next to several other young wolves, including Livy, the music stops and everyone is lined up, with everyone from the tribe watching, waiting for the king and queen and Lyor's speech,

"In the light of day, reverence you, only one will be left standing here! To see the night moon, you will have to prove yourselves worthy," Aryndor says in a deep voice, "Good luck!"

"The light of the moon, awaits the winner, here you will be welcome! Get over life, and with the moon, light your family's path," Lanary says afterwards, "Good luck!"

"Stary… your turn" the queen says calmly to him on the side,

"And me?" Stary stutters, he wasn't expecting to give a speech either,

The crowd stays quiet, watching the fox appear next to the queen, King Aryndor however, watches him with disgust for missing the party, everyone is looking curious to hear what Lyor is going to say,

Stary knew he had to say something motivating, he decides to deliver his speech to Nyla, and well, the other half copy from the queen,

"The light of the stars illuminates you, here, today, my people watch together! I wait for the inevitable, because in the end you have already proven yourself to me," Stary says fearlessly, "Good luck!"

Nyla feels a mixture of excitement and nervousness as she watches Stary make the announcement, unfortunately she doesn't understand the message at all,

"It must have been difficult for him to speak to the entire tribe…" Nyla thinks aloud,

"Now wolves and she-wolves, you have your soul weapons, throw your spears at the start, and let the tournament begin!" Aryndor says,

At the same time, all the wolves, including Nyla, throw their spears forward, hitting an ancient wall, with a scream from the crowd, starting the moon tournament,

The music starts playing, and the competitors prepare for battle, Stary from above watches everything with enthusiasm,

The first challenge will be a fight, everyone against everyone, practically a fight of resistance, whoever gives up or weakens first leaves,

In total there are 39 wolves in the arena, the main fight only ends close to dusk, when there are only 6 or 3 wolves left in total,

"First, I know you guys are excited!" Lanary shouts into the arena, "But we have rules, I know you are eager to use weapons, but try not to kill each other!"

However, the noise of the music drowns it out, making it seem like no one cares much about this part of the rules,

"Kill…" Stary feels a shiver run down her spine, "Has that ever happened?"

"Well… no… see Atlthea has a medicine that she created in the past, together with the light from the moon temple, this medicine closes any wound" Lanary stops for a moment,

"Relax Stary, they are not idiots, every tournament someone comes out without an arm or an eye, an ear too… but never without their life… if something happens I can intervene," the queen says comforting him,

He trusts Nyla and the queen's abilities to intervene if something goes wrong. However, a feeling of apprehension remains in your chest, as if something isn't right,

"The Moon Tournament! Start!" the king shouts, starting the battle,

The young people who were all lined up before quickly disperse,

Stary follows Nyla with her vision, she and Livy decide to stay together, and run to the corner of the arena,

Nyla's first challenge will be, not to be defeated, she had to think carefully, being tired in something like this wouldn't be good, so she had to think of a strategy,

Luckily she was smarter in combat and had already thought of one,

"Hey Nyla!" Livy shouts, wielding her ax in her hands, "I like your sword"

"It cost!" Nyla responds, squeezing her hands as tight as possible on the handle,

"Hey! This is no place for puppies" a wolf shouts heading towards them,

Nyla focuses on the fight in front of her, the specific wolf had a large shield, but not just him, quickly a group of 2 others surrounded her,

"Livy… I'm kinda… oh forget it, I'll take care of them myself" Nyla tries to call for help, only to see Livy looking at her claws and fixing herself,

The main wolf attacks her, launching an attack with his shield, hitting Nyla's body,

"There! Serious? Is your weapon a shield?" Nyla says, retaliating with a scratch,

But the shield defends, leaving marks on the wood,

"Of course, psss, what are you saying? yours is a sword, that's so corny" the wolf laughs,

Quickly another wolf with a spear comes from behind her, taking advantage of the opportunity,

Nyla successfully evades, but a spear and shield would be difficult for her to handle,

"Hey! Nyla, do you need help?" Livy says, standing on top of 3 knocked out wolves, still careful of their claws,

"Ugh" Nyla muttered, turning her attention to the fight,

As if that wasn't enough, at the same time, another wolf also appears, dragging a knocked out wolf by the leg, he had a huge ax on his back,

"Hey guys!" the wolf screams excitedly from the fervor of battles,

The three wolves look at each other, looking at Nyla in the process, it was clear they were friends, this wasn't good, now she would have to face them all at once,

"A spear, an ax and a shield… Stary help me!" Nyla speaks sarcastically, looking at Stary on top of the stands, eating berries,

The spear wolf decides to make the first attack, which Nyla defends with her sword, she tries to get closer, but is stopped by the shield in the process,

The wolf with the apparently strongest ax comes towards her and delivers a powerful punch to her face, leaving her stunned.

Stary spits out the fruit he was eating, almost choking in the process when he sees this,

Nyla falls to her knees, but she couldn't give up now,

The spear wolf again decides to give her a light jab, but she rolls to the side, saving herself once again,

He will come and with a powerful attack, decided to hit her with the spear, using it as a sword, only to feel his movement being stopped,

"Rrrrr" Nyla holds the spear in her hand,

She pulls the spear close, bringing the wolf, she holds his face with her claws, and punches him so hard that she almost knocked him out, then she throws his face on the ground with a thud,

"Oh, is he gone? Now I think it's me! Come on, I haven't even had time to use my axe yet" the strongest wolf says, taking the ax from his back,

Nyla gets up quickly, feeling the adrenaline running through her veins, she faces the wolf with the axe, determined not to let the adversity get her down,

Your body is sore, but your will to win is stronger than ever,

With agility and speed, Nyla skillfully moves around the ax wolf, dodging its powerful blows, she heads towards the shield wolf,

She makes several attacks with her sword, but none of them have any effect, until she tries something different,

She makes a strong thrust with the sword, sticking it into the shield and pulling in the process, disarming the wolf,

"My weapon, please don't break it!" the wolf screams at Nyla, in fear,

"Give up?" Nyla growls taking her sword from her shield,

"Yes…" he says, with her throwing the shield, and him leaving defeated,

"Hey Adri! Really?" the ax wolf shouts, a little disappointed with his friend's attitude,

Meanwhile, Stary closely watches the battle, feeling helpless that he cannot intervene, he fervently roots for Nyla,

Nyla takes advantage of a moment of distraction from the ax wolf and moves forward with motivation,

She delivers a series of quick and precise blows, using her sword masterfully,

However, the ax wolf is not easily defeated, he retaliates with brutal blows, trying to hit Nyla with all his strength,

Meanwhile, Livy continues to fight the wolves beneath her feet, watching over them with her sharp claws. She struggles to stay balanced as she pays attention to Nyla's battle,

The crowd watches with fascination and tension, rooting for their favorite competitors, the roars, screams and the sound of clashing metal echo throughout the arena, creating an environment of pure emotion and rivalry,