
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
56 Chs

Chapter 44 – Start of Party    

Some revision chapter 6 - 10

What is fate?

What was future?

Is God or destiny really existed?

If so…

…how could they let something like this happen?

Such questions resounding in Misha's mind, seeing the sight before her.

"Arc, are you okay!?" (Misha)

"Ugh… I'm fine." (Arc)

Arc reassuring her.

She not convinced.

Holding tight his right arm, she checking his condition while keep watching the terrible situation of city.

Arc was bleeding at head. Moreover, it's serious wound.

Misha very anxious.

For some reason, her magic not really effective. She still could use it, yet her magic couldn't heal the bleeding.

For what sort happened in her surroundings, it only needs a short sentence to descript.

Black Sun Burning Earth.

A very apt description for what happened.

"M-Master…" (Raina)

"A-Arc… Misha…" (Herlin)

In Arc's left arm, Raina lay powerlessly, wounded by previous battle. Herlin curling on his stomach, already frightened.

Looking at them, her anxiousness deepened.


Why this happen?

In their surroundings, corpses littered and buildings was burning. The battle hasn't yet finished. At distance, sounds of blade clashes was heard.

Explosions happen there and there, breaking out the landscape.

Terrifying scream resounding throughout city, filling the city with symphony of madness.

People desperately ran away for their life; some brought their family with them, some only brought valuable things, some ran alone without minding anything, some there even sacrifice others. But all of them was same. They currently carelessly about anything except escape.


In sort, it was a total chaos.

But all of them not truly mattered.


Misha looked up.

The cause of everything.

The frightening darkness still opening in sky above.

A giant eye looking below.

Oh God.

Oh destiny.

If you really exist, please answer me.

How could something like that exist?




(Everyne's Myrd Mansion)


Arianne stood in front Misha's room with somewhat impatient expression.

"Misha, are you done already!?" (Arianne)

"Wait a moment, Sis!" (Misha)

Misha shouted out replied from other side.

"Just hurry up. We're getting late!" (Arianne)

Arianne crossing her hands, grew bored waiting her sister changing clothes.

She turned aside.

"Why none of you helping her?" (Arianne)

She asked the small servants that standing beside her.

Arc pointing at himself.

"I was kicked out." (Arc)

Then pointing at Raina.

"She still need help to wear her maid uniform." (Arc)

Arianne sighed deeply at his reply.

"Yeah, I know she isn't exactly an experience maid since she employed rather abruptly. But really, she couldn't wear her own clothes?" (Arianne)

"Well, apparently there too many buttons for maid uniform for her." (Arc)

"How she wears her clothe then?" (Arianne)

"I helped her." (Arc)

"Hmm?" (Arianne)

Arianne eyeing him suspiciously.

"Something wrong?" (Arc)

"...why is it you helping her?" (Arianne)

"Because no one want and Misha couldn't do when she tried before." (Arc)

"…" (Arianne)

Why is that the master that helping the servant to clothe?

Lately, Arianne realized how unnoble her behave behind their family after opening up with them. Now she little worried what their father would done if he finds it.


Their relaxing conversation stopped as door on Misha's room opened.

"I finished." (Misha)

She was out, not in her usual simple dress, but wearing a beautiful dress befitting with her noble status.


No reply came from them.

Her appearance made Arc remembering a saying.

Dress changes a woman.

He agreed with it, as it's currently happened to Misha. Her temperament somehow felt more graceful when she was dressing like noble.

Quite an abrupt change to people that know her, though.

"…" (Arc)

Arc was speechless.

As usual, he still couldn't get used with her change. It's always weird to him seeing Misha in dress remembering her usual behavior.

"Arc?" (Misha)


"Let's go, my lady. Others have waiting outside." (Arc)

Unconsciously, he speaking politely.

"Okay." (Misha)

Thus, they're go.




(Roumay, 24th Bumitrith 1987 Morse)

(Myrdiana Capital, Myrd City)

The whole city was filled in festivity mood.

Today was the celebration for crown prince coming-of-age birthday, coinciding with Myrdiana national day. The reason why entire Everyne member went to capital first place, or what her father used as reason.

After roughly two months staying in capital, the celebration finally held out.

It just two months, but somehow felt like been a year. Many things happened during the stay in capital. She couldn't believe all of them could happen just in couple of months.

Misha wondering if it's normal or it just her that have very eventful life in daily.

"Sister." (Misha)

"What?" (Arianne)

"Tell me honestly. Are people life as exciting as mine?" (Misha)

"..." (Arianne)

Arianne ignoring her little sister, returned her face to window. There no way she could answer such pathetic question.

"Ngh…" (Misha)

Seeing her sister actually ignoring her, Misha's cheeks bulged out.

The day already evening, yet the surroundings outside the carriage still crowded by people. Some of drunk men even blocked the carriage way.

Arc was out to solve it.

Because he's a child, none of men took him seriously until he gave them good beatings.

After opened the way, he returned in carriage.

"Okay, you two still remember what I said before, right?" (Arianne)

Misha's face anguished hearing the same warning over and over from her sister. After a while resisted to sighed out, she replied.

"...Yeah, Sis. Don't make trouble, don't approach trouble, and don't drag into trouble." (Misha)

"Good, don't forget it." (Arianne)

"No way I could forget if you repeating same sentence for two years already." (Misha)

"Did you really remember them? Then how could thrusted into troubles all this time?" (Arianne)

"Sis, that…" (Misha)

"Stop, Misha. Impossible for you argued that." (Arc)

"See, even your servant agreed with me." (Arianne)

"Arc! Why you sided with her!?" (Misha)

"Eh, I'm not. And it's a fact." (Arc)

Misha was wronged by her servant unexpected betrayal.

Then inside the carriage turned chaotic as Arc and Misha turn into small quarrel. A wry smile formed on Arianne's mouth seeing them like that.

Really. Those two more like in sibling relationship than master-servant relationship.

She turned back to window.

As the children quarreling inside carriage, she saw their destination entering in sight.

"Looks like we almost there." (Arianne)

Seeing they almost arrive, she called them.

"Both of you stop and tidy up yourself. We are almost arrived." (Arianne)





Inside the dark room, several robed people gathered.

Compared the past, their number greatly dwindled down in last confrontation. It'd be said all here was the remain of survivors.

Their mood was very heavy recalling that incident, with an exception of one man who watching the meeting in ecstasy.

Most people in the room cast chilly looks at him.

The culprit of their current predicament.

"Finally, finally. The day we've waiting finally have come!"

The Robed Man Leader, Ferdinand, the man that almost took Arc and Misha's lives out, observing his underling with ecstasy on his face. He was laughing with bloodshot eyes and spurted out saliva.

His current demeanor very annoying, very different from the dignified figure that night.

His underling pulled back, disgusted with their leader strange behavior. They not even hiding the hatred in their gaze.

"Hoo, you all have good expression there."

"Cut the crap! What the meaning of this, you bastard!?"

Bazz yelled, shouting out his dissatisfaction.

In last confrontation, he was luckily survived. Though he not really grateful with his savior, as all his man died.

"Didn't I taught you to show your respect in front of your leader?"

The Leader gently reprimand him like a good elder. But Bazz know better what was hidden behind that façade of gentleness.

"Show respect your ass! I'm almost died that night because your thoughtlessly!"

"Huh. Is that how you be grateful to someone saved your puny life?"


Bazz's face red from angry.

"How could I grateful when almost all my man wiped out!!"

The Leader cleaning his ear.

"What? They are fallen soldier in our cause. Just how naïve was you think there will no sacrifice in our mission."

"Mission my ass. It's because your deed we're all almost dead!"

"I also have much to say."

Unexpectedly, Rascal who was wrapped bandage step up.

"As much I hate it, he was right. What you done that night just beyond line. Give us explanation or…"

"Or what?"

"You could imagine yourself."

"Are threatening me?"

"No, just saying a fact."


Although Rascal spoke in kindly tone, there is rebellion spirit shining in his eyes. It's clear he has intention to threatening him. Knowing what his rival actually thinking, Bazz humped, not exactly grateful with his help. But isn't stopped him since he more than happy to punch this hateful leader of him even its mean he has to work with his hateful rival.

Encouraged by them, one by one, people inside the room starting to rebelling against the leader. Leashed him with their bottle up dissatisfaction.

For a while, Ferdinand not saying anything.

Rascal and Bazz thought they have win.


"Ku… Ku-Ku-Ku…"

He starting to laugh eerily.


Hearing his laugh sending chill on all their back. Even Rascal who known with composure grew uncomfortable with him.

"You… what are you laughing at!?"

"Nothing! I'm just pleased with your attempt to overthrow me!"

"...You're mad."

How could there someone pleased be betrayed by their underling?

"What happened to you?"

Rascal and several intelligent members wondering with his condition.

All of them thinking their leader was changed.

Previously, even he was weird, he nothing like madman now. His demeanor never like this, always filled with dignity. It's like that until he obtained the black orb.

Ferdinand ignored them as he lost in his own world.

"Rejoice! As gratitude for this amusing show, I'll show you all the blessing I just received from Lord Satryssfa!"

From his back, tendril crawling out.

It's appearance creeping out them.

"Y-You… what is that!?"

"Didn't I said it's a gift I received from Lord Satryssfa?"

"Gift my ass! There's no way it'd be a gift!"

Suddenly, the temperature inside room sharply chilled down.

Bazz's comment unexpectedly waken Ferdinand from his own world, as he gazing at him. His chilling gazes penetrated Bazz.

"For there Satryssfa's follower not recognizing His gift… What a pity. Don't worry my fellow, soon, you'll know it."

"What do you mean?"

Ferdinand not exactly answering the question. He's only snapping his fingers, and that happen.

A big and long tendril shot out from darkness, caught one of them and dragged the unfortune man into darkness. The man didn't even have chance to scream until his swallowed into darkness.



A dreadful silent fell on the room.

All of them stupefied. Can't registered the even just before.

No one was moving, as it too much for them.

When another tentacle appeared, the stillness broke up.

"What the hell are you doing!?"

"Rejoice everyone! Tonight, you will enjoy Satryssfa's blessing!"

Ferdinand let out a madman laugh, watching his comrade taken by tentacles one by one.

Their terrified screams around him just like a music in his ears.

His laugh wasn't stopped, even tentacles took him like others.

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