
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

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Chapter 36 – Elisabeth and Herlin (Acceptance)    

It's an evil existence.

A powerful artifact from immemorial time.

The thing that devours everything. Something that should not belong to mortal world. A thing would bring the world into nothingness, as it would devour anything even the world itself.

Someone said it originally a part of tremendous existence that devour world. After parted from main body, it still retaining its ability to devour anything.

No one knows the truth of this legend.

But, as the legend passed down in generation, people gave it a name as its existence.

[Old God's Heart]

The part of unknown ancient evil god, the world devourer.

That is the true identity of black orb.

Not quite right.

The black orb Arc and Misha had seen nothing like the true Old God's Heart. It just a pale imitation according the original.

Arc recognized it, as he once seen it somewhere, even heard its origin thorough a chance.

It's from a particular city, the city he and Misha first met.

From the hellish place he originally.

From place Arc and Misha's fate started.

However, even it's just an imitation, it'd bring world into danger, as how powerful it is.

Old God's Heart imitation didn't have ability to devour anything, but it could devour any energy. Be it mana, miasma, or others. It could store energy almost endlessly, then release it.

It's an infinite power-bank.

As long someone held it, they could cast out a powerful spell, even far beyond their Rank and limit. Or, they'd summon something terrifying with it.

While Arc explaining his recognition, he was chilled all over his body.


Inwardly, he screamed.

Why the nightmare from past come here?

Arc remember the unpleasant memory.

Even though that place had been leveled to ground, it still haunting him.

No one noticed, except Misha, Arc's palm unnoticeably shaking as he was speaking.

This topic brought up his dark past he didn't want to remember.

However, no matter unpleasant the memory is, he determined won't let it disturb his current life.

His explanation not short nor long.

The matter of Dark Orb is last case to be discussed.

Not long after that, the meeting over. Arc and Misha couldn't immediately go out since Duke Saffron summoned them, asking more question before released.




Another night fell on Myrdiana City.

Misha watching the night sky. Something that strongly reminded her here is another world.

Tonight, is the night of full blue moon.

It was phenomena that happen very three or four months, the moon in the sky turned blue for three days.

Blue moon always appears without fail no matter the moon period. It could even appear in new moon period.

It was said, the phenomena caused by Goddess of Moon's divine grace. As everyone know, God is extraordinary existence. Goddess of Moon, Lunaria, would occasionally shedding her overwhelming divine in period time, and would affecting the world. Blue Moon is the effect.

Whenever Blue Moon happen, the mana on surface will be denser, and cause a chain of unknown phenomena.

Be it's good or bad.

Like what happened in Myrd City tonight.

A swarm of butterflies flying above the city. They aren't real butterflies, but mana in shape of butterflies. These things not actually affecting anything, but it makes the night scenery become more beautiful and romantic.

For Myrd City that currently filled with unrest, these beautiful phenomena very welcomed. People become calmer, as the scenery calming them down.

Some part of city filled with solemn atmosphere. Many people, especially the believer of Goddess Lunaria, believing these butterflies actually departed souls.

After the incident at night after yesterday, many people died. Misha learned it not just the Opera House got attacked, the area around was also got bombed, caused more casualty more than she could predict.

With so many deaths, people celebrate funeral for unfortune souls.

Inside Lunaria crunch.

Misha watching people praying solemnly, be it commoner or noble. Several children at her age crying near the altar.

"Arc, Raina, Herlin, let's go out." (Misha)

"Okay." (Arc)

"*Nod*…" (Raina)

"Yes…" (Herlin)

Misha, Arc, Raina, Herlin, strode out Lunarian Crunch.

Saffron come here to attend the funeral. He brought the children with him because he just felt like to do that.

Misha didn't like the solemn air in the crunch. It reminded her previous life. Honestly, she not fond that life. It that life, she lost more that she gained.

It seems everyone share same sentiment.

As they got out, they're greeted with swarm of colorful butterflies.

"Beautiful…" (Misha)

She said dazedly.

These phenomena unique to Myrd City. There's nothing happen in Everyne City at Blue Moon.

"Miss Misha, we meet again." (???)

A woman sounded from distance.

"""Auntie Eli!"""

The children, except Raina, voiced the woman's name.

"What are you doing here?" (Misha)

"I'm accompany an acquaintance to here. I went out since I didn't like the atmosphere inside." (Elisabeth)

"Same here." (Misha)

Misha chuckled.

"Auntie Eli…" (Herlin)

Herlin ran to Elisabeth, and hugging her waist like a spoiled kitten.

"There~ There~" Elisabeth patting her head gently. "By the way, thanks for not telling them Herlin's condition." (Elisabeth)

"You knew?" (Arc)

"Well, I always be ready to protect her." (Elisabeth)

Her reply rather vague, but she clearly hinting she could observe Herlin remotely whatever the method is.

"Now I have this chance. Because of the whole commotion, I missed to ask you about something." (Elisabeth)

"What is it?" (Misha)

"It's about the cards I gave to you." (Elisabeth)

"That's right, those cards!!" (Misha)

Misha remembered the matter of Fate Cards. The whole incident made her forgot about this.

Arc and Misha intended discuss about Fate cards with Elisabeth in Opera House. Who could predict a mind-blowing incident would happen there?

"Where is it?" (Misha)

Misha rummaging her Spatial Pocket.

"Here." (Arc)

"Ah, thank. I forgot those things were with you." (Misha)

Misha showed the Fate Cards to Elisabeth.

"What are these things actually?" (Misha)

"Well, they're something given to me by my friend. She said they're artifact. Don't know if it's true or not, though." (Elisabeth)

"Seems it's true since these reacted extraordinarily." (Arc)

Elisabeth's eyelids twitched.

"...Are these cards reacted to you?" (Elisabeth)

"Yes. Well, no. it's Arc actually." (Misha)

"This Little Servant?" (Elisabeth)

"Yes." (Arc)

Her eyes widened a bit.

"How these cards reacted? (Elisabeth)

"Eh, Auntie Eli don't know? Aren't these cards yours?" (Misha)

Misha has a bad hunch. Now that Misha recalled, Auntie Eli have similar reaction in Opera House.

Before Misha could Ask, Arc spoke first.

"Auntie Eli, please don't tell us you do know nothing." (Arc)

Elisabeth stinking out her tongue.

Since Elisabeth is beautiful and youthful woman, her act looks cute.

What an outrageous woman.


"Did you just give us an unidentified magic item!?" (Misha)

That's scary and dangerous!

Even with all magic items she had bought, they have already been identified before she bought them.

Need to know just how dangerous an unidentified is. There is a time when Misha bought an unidentified magic item and got unlucky. She and Arc become a pair of frogs after accidentally activated it for a day.

A whole day!

There also time she incidentally bombed her room.

The unidentified magic item somehow bypass Arc's ability to feel danger. She then found that day, as long it isn't endangering their life Arc's ability wouldn't work.

Since then, Misha become very cautious handling with magic item, even one that didn't look dangerous at first glance.

She makes sure what kind effect the magic item haves, or she will suffer.

"No, Miss Misha. I wouldn't dare. I thought these things just expendable magic items. Ones that turn into normal item once you used it." (Elisabeth)

"Hey!" (Misha)

So, you really intended to trick us!

"Well, at least that what told to me when I received these cards." (Elisabeth)

"What does…. mean…?" (Herlin)

"You quite sharp, Herlin." She caressing Herlin's hair. "I have said I received these cards from someone, but she never told how to use those, just leave a pair note and a book along with those cards." (Elisabeth)

"Wait." (Arc)

Arc interjected.

"What are those note and book?" (Arc)

"I already gave you the note. It's the instruction for using those cards. For the book, it's useless. It's just a blank book."

"Oh. The manual." (Misha)

Elisabeth continued with resentful tone.

"If isn't for the fact I felt extraordinary mana from that book, I have long thrown it. That woman, she really tricked me!" (Elisabeth)

Who is that woman?

Arc and Misha wonder the identity of the woman Elisabeth spoke of. She seemed pissed of as she mentioned her.

"Could you show us the book?" (Misha)

"Sorry, I can't now. That book in my atelier currently." (Elisabeth)

"Is that so. Then we will visit your place later." (Arc)

Arc's instinct told him that book very important. A key to understand the cards prophecy.

"Okay. Now, tell me what happened with those cards." (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth realigned the purpose of her visit. The conservation has branched too far.

"Oh." (Misha)

They were distracted.

"It's like this." (Misha)

Misha explained how Fate Cards worked.

"So, images show up when you used those?" (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth nodded at the explanation.

"But how it'd worked on Little Arc?" (Elisabeth)

"Maybe because I have that so called Seer Aptitude." (Arc)

"Seer Aptitude? What was that? (Elisabeth)

"Huh, isn't that written on the manual you left?" (Misha)

"Is there?" (Elisabeth)

Arc took out the manual.

"Here. Written on here." (Arc)

Arc pointed the word.

This manual based on Seer's Divination Teaching.

Unless someone with Seer Aptitude, no one could use these fate cards.

Elisabeth frowned.

"Where?" (Elisabeth)

"This one. It clearly written." (Misha)

Elisabeth's frown deepened.

"Sorry. All I could see was blank space." (Elisabeth)

""What?"" (Arc, Misha)

They shocked. It's unexpected turn.

To confirm this matter, Arc brought the manual to Raina.

"Can you see?" (Arc)

"I can." (Raina)

"What?" (Elisabeth)

This time Elisabeth turns to surprise.

"You can!?" (Misha)

"Herlin?" (Arc)

"Me too…" Herlin nodded.

Elisabeth's face strained. It seemed only her that couldn't see the word. She focusing her gaze on the paper, but still couldn't see the word.

After a while, she stares Misha.

"I'm apologize for being rude. But, could I take back that note, Miss Misha?" (Elisabeth)

"Sure, you can." (Misha)

"My deepest gratitude." (Elisabeth)

It was terribly rude to take back the gift that already given. However, her pride as high rank Magist suffered as only lone person that couldn't see the invisible word.

She stuffed the manual into Spatial Bag.

"We getting distracted again. Please tell me more about those images." (Elisabeth)

"Yes, right. These images that show up." (Misha)

Misha honestly tells her.

Elisabeth fell on deep contemplation.

A picture of sun and moon with hourglass symbol

Picture of ruined castle with flag symbol

Black sun with symbol of tree

The ominous black card.

That the images that showed in their Fate Cards divination.

"I impressive those cards really work. However, the last two images sounded ominous." (Elisabeth)

Arc and Misha agreed.

Because of those cards prophecy Misha lacked a sleep. Though, all that thought blown by in Opera House mayhem.

"Have tried again?" (Elisabeth)

"No, we don't." (Misha)

"For some reason the cards won't react again after we used it." (Arc)

"What difficult items to use." (Elisabeth)

"Or maybe as you told to us, these things could only use once." (Arc)

"No, I still felt the mana inside those cards, albeit faint." (Elisabeth)

"Really?" (Misha)

On side, Herlin and Raina tilted their head as they heard their conservation.


*Ding* *Dong* *Ding* *Dong*

The crunch bell ringing.

The children look up, attracted by the loud dinging sound.

"Oh, it's the time." (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth murmured.

"We've talking for long. Sorry, Miss Misha, Little Arc, but I should go. We'd continue our conservation for another time." (Elisabeth)

"No problem. But, what about Herlin?" (Misha)

Elisabeth patting the silver haired girl's hair for a while.

"Sorry, Herlin. But could you stay with them for while?" (Elisabeth)

"...Why?" (Herlin)

Herlin's face like an abandoned kitten.

"Don't make that expression. There's place I need to go, and it very dangerous. I couldn't be brought you there. So, please, stay with them for time being." (Elisabeth)

"...Okay…" (Herlin)

After silent for a while, Herlin nodded.

"Good girl." (Elisabeth)

Once again, Elisabeth pats her head.

"Miss Misha, you not mind, right?" (Elisabeth)

"No." (Misha)

Misha shook her head, expressing her approval.

"I personally didn't have problem with it. But, why are you trusting us?" (Misha)

This something that made her ponder. How could she easily trust them with her disciple? Especially when they were strangers some days ago.

Elisabeth smiled.

"Well, that because I was a traveling merchant. I have met various people, and saw their face, even the face behind their face. Because of that, I have confidence to judge people nature with my eyes." (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth's sight penetrated the children.

Misha realized they were being judge.

"From what I could see in you are and your family, I could trust you all. Don't underestimate my ability to see thorough people."

Misha's eyes widened.

It's same eyes. The clear eyes that occasionally appears to Arc. The eyes that as though could through everything.

"I could trust the people that Robert served. Beside…" (Elisabeth)

She pushes Herlin forward.

"Miss Misha, Little Arc, what do you think of her hair?" (Elisabeth)

"!!?" (Herlin)

Herlin terrified.

She has a face as though she was betrayed by her close family.

Arc and Misha nods in understanding at her reaction. They saw Herlin with pity. Arc and Misha exchanging glances and smiled.

"It's beautiful white hair." (Arc)

"Yes, very beautiful white hair." (Misha)

"!? …Beautiful…?" (Herlin)

Herlin almost teared up. She put an unbelieving expression.

"*Tilt*…?" (Raina)

Just Raina clueless with the development.

"Y-You… you could see…?" (Herlin)

"Well, yeah?" (Arc)

"Since when…?" (Herlin)

"From very beginning." (Misha)

This something Arc and Misha just found this morning. Apparently, everyone except them saw Herlin's hair was black.

"Ah…" (Herlin)

Herlin's small mouth widened, almost you could put boiled egg inside.

"Y-You… a-are you… n-not disgusted…?" (Herlin)

At this question, Arc and Misha's expression wry.

"Of course not." (Arc)

"Yes, why should we?" (Misha)

The origin was unknown. Since long ago, white hair pretty much hated in this world. The people that possess white hair regarded as filth, or worser, criminal in current society.

This situation reminded Misha the earth witch hunt history.

To protect Herlin, Elisabeth disguised her white hair to black. As long it not someone that stronger than her, no one else can see through the disguise.

So, it's natural for Herlin shocked and frightened when she found Arc and Herlin can see her disguise white hair.

One she never expected was they already knew her secret since their first met. But not just they not disgusted, the still befriend with her.

It's mystery how Misha and others could see through the disguise.

Herlin still remembers that, almost as if it just happened yesterday, the face of people when they saw her white hair.

If weren't for Elisabeth, Herlin might have been died on roadside now, or worser.

"Like we've said, it's really beautiful white hair." (Misha)

"Don't be scared, we won't hurt you just because your hair." (Arc)

"Uuh…." (Herlin)


This the first time she heard her hair beautiful. First time someone in her age acknowledge her.

"Ah…" (Herlin)

Because of her circumstance, she afraid getting close to people.

Afraid get hurt, afraid get rejected.

Misha and others can close to Herlin through coincidence. The fact they help her in predicament and their coincidence meeting, it brought them close to Herlin.

No matter how hurt she was in the past, Herlin still a naïve little girl, easy get lonely. In her lonely she sought friend, yet she afraid of people.

The arrival of Misha, Arc, and Raina made her lower her guard, becoming friend with them. Still, they couldn't become her friend in truest sense, as Herlin couldn't get past the hurdle of her white hair.

Herlin was afraid. If Misha and others found the truth of her white hair, she might be rejected and abandoned again. Like the past.

She doesn't want get hurt again.

"…Uh…*Sob*…Uuhhh…" (Herlin)

"Herlin?" (Misha)

"…Just let her be." (Arc)

"?" (Misha)

But now, Herlin found what she worried of was nothing, but just an unfounded worry. She was relieved, felt as though a heavy burden have been lifted off from her shoulder.

"*Hick*…*Sob*…" (Herlin)

For a while, tear won't stop from poured.

She was crying inside Elisabeth's embrace.

With warm tone, Arc said.

"You really a crybaby." (Arc)

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