
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

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56 Chs

Chapter 11 – Stranded in the woods 2    

"…*Pant*…*pant*…" (Misha)

"…*Pant*… Looks like we've got away from them…" (Arc)

"…Yeah…" (Misha)


Misha fall sit after Arc confirming their safety. Her breath ragged since she had run crazily from their chaser.

Arc didn't fare better. Although his state same as Misha, he keeps his feet firmly on the ground until he truly made sure their safety. He watching the surrounding outside the cave thoroughly for some time, before fall on the ground his master.

Both of them staying for long time, restoring their strength in silence.

"Ahh, my poor legs…" (Misha)

"This ain't, is it?" (Arc)

"Un, this is getting worse." (Misha)

Arc and Misha conversed, showing their strength have restored to certain degree.

"True." (Arc)

"Why this happening?" (Misha)

"For me, I keep wondering why this always happening?" (Arc)

"…Yeah." (Misha)

Misha weakly responded at Arc's sad mutter.

That's true. Since couple years ago, Arc and Misha often dragged in strange incident. Their situation getting worse and worse in each occasion. Because of that, Arc and Misha have abundant experience of desperate time that unfit with their age.

When she looks back, Misha feels tear threatened burst out her eyes. Wrong, her tears already leaked.

Arc viewing the slightly darkened scenery, and sighed.

"Seems like we must spend a night here." (Arc)

"*Sniff*…I hate to admit it, but you right, Arc." (Misha)

"It's fortune we found this cave… Are you crying, Misha?" (Arc)

"No!" (Misha)

Misha shook her head in denial.

It's a small luck in their unfortune.

When they running away from monster swarm, Arc happen spotted the cave. It was in good location and naturally hidden in nature. If isn't for chance, Arc would miss the cave entrance. He then dragged Misha with him to hide in cave.

Arc checking the cave. The air inside was little humid. There's a small stream of drinkable water gushing from the cave wall. Overall, the cave was a perfect shelter that could be found in wilderness.

As Arc taking deeper look, he discovered unexpected thing.

"Whoa!" (Arc)

"What did you find, Arc?" (Misha)

"Misha, look this!" (Arc)

Arc pointing at the things he's found.

It's a small room with a complete set of primitive furniture.

The small room equipped with a bed made from leaves, clothes from monster leather, bones waste, and crude tool and weapon made out wood. In corner of room, there're old objects that have been broken by time piled up. Those things indicating someone has been living in the cave.

"There's a caveman here, caveman!" (Misha)

"Caveman?" (Arc)

Arc puzzled by Misha's another mysterious term.

"Yes, cave man, Arc. He is a man that live in wilderness, far from human civilization. He's fierce and ferocious, living strongly among beast, and his body very muscular. His muscle must very thick and covered by hair like bear since he lives by fighting against monster every day." (Misha)

Misha passionately descripting the caveman of another world to Arc.

"In short, this person was dangerous." (Misha)

After finished her long description, she then notices Arc took a step back from her, giving her skeptical look.

Her cheek turned red realizing how embarrassing her state was.


"W-What is it, Arc?" (Misha)

Ask Misha, attempting to dispel her shame.

"I definitely didn't know what was caveman you talking about, Misha. But I'm pretty sure whoever live here not a person like you descripted." (Arc)

"How could you be sure, Arc!?" (Misha)

"Because of this." (Arc)

Arc pulled out the supposedly caveman's clothes.

"What wrong with the clothes?" (Misha)

"Isn't it obvious?" (Arc)

Misha tilted her head, unable to discern Arc mean.

What Arc hold was leather clothes at her size that caveman supposedly wear, nothing else was wrong with them in her view.

...Wait a second.

"…The clothes… Isn't their size too small?" (Misha)

"Correct!" (Arc)

Arc clapped at Misha's correct answer.

"Just look at the size. This clothes obviously at your size, maybe slightly bigger… But this showed he isn't a muscular man like you said!" (Arc)

"…Is that so?" (Misha)

Respond Misha in down mood, can't believe losing in argument against Arc, again. It's her mistake being too passionate and missed obvious evidence.

The most saddening fact for her was being beaten in terms of intelligence by him, the young child who was supposedly under her care.

Misha slumped her head down, then felt comforting warm on her head.

"…Hmm…Arc?" (Misha)

"Yes." (Arc)

"Why are you patting me?" (Misha)

"…Nothing. Just felt like to do it." (Arc)

He said, not stopping his hand.

"…Just stop that." (Misha)

Reluctantly, Misha pushed Arc's hand from her head. Her heart beating in shame, knowing she was comforted by a child.

No matter how her current look, Misha still a reincarnator. She supposedly older and mature than Arc in terms mentally. However, lately she found it was Arc would the one comforting her when they in difficult situation and unknowingly enjoying it.

"…" (Arc)

Looking Misha rejecting his hand with pitiful face, made Arc curled the corner of his lip. He found Misha's pitiful expression was cute and tempted him to tease her.

Slightly forceful, Arc's hand went through Misha weak rejection, continuing patting her head. He must to admit, her fluffy hair made him addicted to touch it.

Resigning her fate, Misha let Arc pat her. She actually doesn't truly mind, as she also felt comfortable under his hand. Without her realize, she purring pleasantly like a kitten.

For a while, both of them enjoying each other care, truly forgotten the place and situation they currently in.




It's night.

"No, no…!"

In depth of forest, the man who caused Arc and Misha dragged by monster was fallen.

"Stay away from me… STAY AWAY!"

In his fear, he screaming hysterically at the approaching Little Shadow.

Surely, anybody would be frightened by someone who attack them without word.

The man crawling, dragging his bloody body away from the assailant. He thoroughly terrified by her, especially the claw that shredded his skin and arm.

––Meanwhile ago.


The man taking deep breaths under tree.

"…I did it…"

Delighted, the man releasing a mad smile. Knowing he was managed to escape from his predicament.

"Hahaha. I did it. I'm rich!"


The man's expression froze hearing at the soft sound of falling object nearby.

He snapped, saw a little shadow suddenly appear not far from his position.

Little shadow silently looking at him with cold eyes without doing anything. Then, slowly, she walks toward the man.

Alarmed, the man thought she was a monster for a moment. He's found her presence was creepy and dreadful under the shadow of forest.


The man shuddered, coldly sweating profusely under Little Shadow's chilly sight. Just merely being sighted, the man felt like his neck pressed by cold blade.

One, two, three, and more second. Every second and distance between the man and Little Shadow was narrowed reduce the man's sanity.


Losing his mind from fear, the man's made wrong decision. He rushing toward Little Shadow, intending to brought down the thing that causing his unrest.

Little Shadow who saw the man attempt, lightly swing her arm in place.

Next moment, a silver line appears on the man left shoulder, pierced through his skin.

Then the man's left arm detached and flew into air. For a moment, the man didn't understand what happens as it happened so fast.


When he realized his state, a blood-curdling shrills escape from his mouth. The man could only scream as burning pain and gushing blood deprived his thinking ability.

Nightmare for the man, Little Shadow wasn't finished yet. Another silver lines shrouding the man, cut thorough his body. Fortunate or unfortunately, it's weaker than previous ones and only cut his skin.

Little Shadow barrage attack filled the man with bloody wound. His skin thoroughly shredded along with rope that binding the Holicorn infant on his back.


The Holicorn infant dropped on the ground.

It's cried loudly, as soon the binding on its mouth was released.

"…Stay away…Stay away…!"

The man was no longer cares with the monster infant. He no longer can afford to care anything. Right now, he just wants to survive and disappear from Little Shadow before him.

The man no longer stays sane.

Because he moving desperately to escape, more blood coming out. Not realizing his state, the man quickly pushed to brink death state.


His voice grows fainter and fainter.


At the last of his word, the man curses Little Shadow. She frozen by his last word.


Finally, the man stopped entirely.

Little Shadow no longer looking at the man, as she lost her interest. She didn't move, as she waiting for something.

No long after, a pair of wounded Holicorns appear. They hurriedly went to their child side as soon they saw it.

Holicorns cry excitedly at their reunion, happy their ordeal was over.

Then, the male Holicorn snapped at Little Shadow, as it just realized her presence.

It growled at her, thinking Little Shadow was another threat. The female Holicorn thought same as it hid their child behind its body.


Looking at them, Little Shadow somewhat lost. She leaves knowing Holicorn treat her as enemy.


Once Little Shadow gone, Holicorn infant cried loudly toward her and its parent.

Little Shadow never heard it, as she already gone far from Holicorn family.

Same as always.

It was cold.

Little Shadow run through dark forest under light of half-moon.

Somehow, she felt very cold.





Bonfire was lit, illuminating the dark cave.

Currently, the sky had turn dark and half-moon emerge, indicate night has come.

Arc could use the magic item they've brought for lighting but decide not to, as he's afraid their hideout would be revealed once use them. Some monsters very sensitive toward magic and could attracted by magic from magic item activation. That why he chooses to uses bonfire.

Taking fire from bonfire, Misha lit up the ordinary oil lantern she accidentally brought, giving them additional light.

Arc spreading a mattress on the cave floor, then placed dry ingredients and simple cooking tool on it, preparing their dinner.

Misha watching Arc intently.

"You seem quite good at it, Arc." (Misha)

"Of course, I have been under Mr. Zafh care for couple weeks. I'll show it isn't a show." (Arc)

"Two weeks? You're this good just in couple weeks?" (Misha)

Misha marveled watching Arc skillfully making their dinner. Unexpectedly, Arc have some knack in cooking.

"Yeah, Mr. Zafh surprisingly arduous in his teaching. He didn't even allow me to sleep until I finished the task he gave." (Arc)

Arc recalled his hardship, then throw them to void.

"Yeah… That's why we lately sleep late." (Misha)

Since Misha's birthday, Arc'd come visit Mr. Zafh after dinner every night, learning how to cook until late night.

As Arc late return to room, Misha then came to know his cooking learning and went accompany him.

At first, Misha participates with Arc. However, her grand failure made Mr. Zafh forbidding her from touching cooking tools. Since then, she could only watch Arc learning from side.

Arc touched by Misha action. She didn't need to accompany him until late night, but she chooses to do that than take more time on her bed.

Misha action somehow struck Mr. Zafh's nerves. His lesson become harsher after Misha proclaim to accompany Arc.

Wry smile formed on Arc's face recalling his couple weeks hard work.

"I relief having gone through that hard work since my skill could be useful right now." (Arc)

"That's true, I'm happy you can cook, Arc. We might have eats them raw for dinner now if you didn't know how to cook… like that time." (Misha)

Misha muttering, recalling one her painful past.

"Ugh, that's way I want learn to cook. I simply don't wish to experience that again." (Arc)

"Thank you." (Misha)

Time passes as they enjoying their simple dinner.

*Thut* *Thut*

As Arc and Misha cleaning up their plate, they petrified by unexpected ring sound that they hoping to hear since beginning of ordeal.

Arc and Misha facing at each other, then turned at Misha's Spatial Bag, where the ringing come from.

Swiftly, she searching the source of sound and took it out of bag.

"…It's connected. The [Whispering Orb] was connected!" (Misha)

"At last!" (Arc)

Arc and Misha excited seeing the glowing and ringing orb in Misha's grab.

[Whispering Orb] was a long-ranged communication magic item. It's a truly expensive and hard to obtain magic item. Duke Saffron gave such rare item to her daughter as precaution, since Misha haves tendency being dragged in trouble.

Misha sending her mana to orb, feel a light connection. The orb glow brighter and show small projection above it.


The projection shows broken image and voice at beginning. Then it gets better and better until the image and voice was clear.

<<Hello Misha! Are you there!?>>

A vivid image of a young man appears above the orb.


Amazed, that how Misha felt every time she using Whispering Orb. The thing in her hand felt like an advanced or black technology that shouldn't exist yet. Magic item such this was that made Misha reevaluated this world of her.

"I'm here, brother Rian." (Misha)

<<Thanks god. I finally could connect you>> (Arc)

"Same here, Brother." (Misha)

<<Misha, what happened? I couldn't get a single call pass through since you disappear>> (Rian)

"I don't know. My [Whispering Orb] also won't respond me either." (Misha)

That's the truth.

Misha would call early if she could do that. Yet, her whispering orb won't respond her like usual no matter how much mana she sent for some reason.

<<Is that so?>> (Rian)

Rian image grimaced hearing Misha's report.

"Brother Rian, please don't mind it now. Since you managed call me, could tell us the situation over there? It's better if you can tell us how get out here as soon possible. We don't know how long the connection could hold up." (Misha)

<<…You're right>> (Rian)

Rian image nodded at her word.

<<Then… Father, here>> (Rian)

<<…Misha>> (Saffron)

The image of young man replaced with a middle-age man.


Misha got unprepared by Duke Saffron appearance.

It's seemed Rian handed over the Whispering Orb to Duke Saffron in other side of call.

"Y-Yes." (Misha)

Misha responds tensely at the middle-age man.

<<It's good knowing you're safe. Since we might doesn't have much time, I'll cut this short. Tomorrow I'll send rescuer at your place>>

Arc and Misha listening Duke Saffron arrangement. They aren't aware the presence that spying them in darkness.




In dark forest.

Little Shadow coldly looking at the pair small humans who occupying her nest.

It was unexpected for her there someone invade her little nest after she gone for a while.

Little Shadow hasn't made her move yet. She could feel through her skin, those small human pair different from Weak Human before. There dangerous feeling shrouding them, especially the small human boy.

Staying in her place, Little Shadow waiting the right moment to strike them in surprise.

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