In A world of modern society monsters from another dimension or even realm appear out of unknown reason. But with there appearence the new power's emerge in humans. These people become strikers who defend the humankind from the evils of these beasts.And with this a new era era of strive and continuous conflict between humans and monsters. The story follows one of these individuals.Genji Yamamoto a man who has been a victim of the first invasion. But his Power has more secrets then anyone else knows...
Genji went back home or to his apartment after the long day of the exams. He went in and noticed Haruka sleeping holding.... somehow a four year old baby already.. he was stunned to say at least. But he noticed it was the same infant and he began to question:
- How..the fuck did this happen?
He walked over and inspected the girl but found nothing weird..and said:
- She is a girl..but already four years old..that is weird as hell..But.. it is interesting as well..
Genji went to his room and noticed Orisa laying on his bed. But being a good guy he decided to let her sleep there. He went and got a shower and walked out. After which he layed down in his bed and smiled. He said after a moment:
- Tomorrow's Is already the first day. According and to Chiyo... I wonder what it will have in store.
Genji couldn't sleep but suddenly he got a message from Ayaka and he was confused. She wrote to him:
- "Hey how are you Genji? By the way this exam.. was insane."
Genji quickly thought and answered:
- "Well pretty normal.. let me guess Hisashi gave you my number?"
Ayaka seemed to freeze and wrote:
- "Ehehehe yeah...sorry if I interrupted you"
Genji said:
- "It's fine but I am pretty damn sure this call isn't just to ask how I feel. Right?"
Ayaka then took her time to answer. Genji was worried for some reason and thought it may be something that he won't expect. But he was ready for the worst. She then read:
- "You see. Miss Chiyo send us a information that the school first day has been delayed. But ! We have been allowed to have the day off. And there is a chance of joining the academy teachers at the beach! What do you say?"
Genji then blushed as he remembered Chiyo's words:
- All the teachers are females for... Especially for the guys. But for the girls we have a special Gym teacher. So yeah . We want our boys to feel the best.
Genji turned red as steam came out of his head and he struggled to think of an good answer. Since this idea of going to a beach full of hot,sexy and naked teachers was something that he didn't knew if he should attend or not. After a while he answered:
- " I don't know Ayaka. Especially knowing what kind of teachers there are.. I don't want to get a weird stare in the public later..."
Ayaka wrote quickly and answered:
- "Well I get it. It's like many women around a guy! Hahaha! You would faint from embarrassment!"
Genji closed his phone and just turned around not wanting to write anymore.. he was already embarrassed and red as fuck from the dirty thoughts of his mind and he didn't wanted to continue so he just went to sleep somehow after sometime..
In the almost morning Genji heard sobbing.. he went out from the room and saw the six year old child now trying to get to the bathroom. Genji didn't understood how she grew so fast but he walked and said:
- Hey... what's wrong?
The girl turned to him sobbing and said:
- I..I really have to use the toilet..p.p...papa.
Genji froze in a place and remembered how his sister used to call him Papa when he was young and was taking care of her. He smiled while shedding tears and grabbed her and smiled and said:
- Let me help you alright?
The girl nodded sobbing.. Genji wiped her tears and walked into the bathroom with her . Although it may seemed embarrassing for others. He sat down and hold her hand while she was doing her stuff. The girl felt better and safer... Genji was on the other hand happy as hell which was something that was not seen much. The girl reminded him of his sister Rin. That's why he was happy he could.. be a "Parent" again for someone he cared about. After all of that he went and made for her . She was happy and he said to himself in thought:
- "I don't know why..but..She is making me happy. And I hope she will like my food. Heh. Haruka makes good food but a baby or a child has a specific taste."
After a moment Haruka woke up and saw Genji cooking while the girl ate . She smiled and walked over and said while yawning:
- Morning..Genji-kun..
Genji smiled and answered:
- Morning Haruka Senpai. How are you?
Haruka smiled and said:
- Well it could've been better personally.
Genji handed her food over and said:
- Here you go.
Haruka smiled and said:
- Thank you.
She took it and sat down and started to eat. While the girl finished eating and asked:
- Is papa gonna go somewhere today?
Genji embarrassed immediately said:.
- Yeah I have to go unfortunately somewhere..ehehehe
Haruka was already laughing from the Papa part but she was asking herself something in her mind:
- "What the hell.... What does he mean. If I remember the academy has been to tomorrow..."
Genji went and got ready as Orisa woke up and went and ate as well in the kitchen. As soon as he walked out the small girl hugged his leg and said:
- Have a good day papa.
Genji smiled and said:
- Thanks. See you later.
Genji patted her head and went out from the apartment... He slowly walked down the stairs thinking about a few things. Mostly about the academy and his sister... But also about the upcoming plans about the monsters... He walked through the city As he felt someone following him.. he walked slowly towards an alleyway.. he knew the person was following him.. he stopped and said:
- If you gonna follow me....then show yourself or I am gonna blast you Into dust.
Suddenly Haruto appeared right in front of Genji. He knew it must had been a hero. And Haruto asked:
- So you knew I was here.. that's something.... Isn't it?
Genji looked at him and said:
- What is a omega hero doing here in front of me?
Haruto walked up and said:
- Seems I am surprised that a normal person.. could defeat Iron monger without a problem... Isn't that ...kind of weird?
Haruto was curious. Genji noticing it said:
- Well... It's my secret... I can't really reveal it.
Haruto got a bit mad but says :
- Well.... If that is what you gonna say I won't say much. I can't really do anything..
Genji thought for a moment and said:
-Why are you here and speaking with me? Surprisingly you are a omega hero right? Aren't you supposed to go and fight high level monsters?
Haruto thought for sometime. He seemed to be struggling and finally answered:
- I have been asked by Chiyo to made sure you were fine.. although the truth is. I came here to see what the hell are you...
Genji knew Haruto was suspecting him for the worst but he just turned and said:
- If you think I am a monster.. you should be ready for me to kick your ass just for thinking that...
Haruto noticed Genji was super serious. He didn't care about possible fight. He care if Haruto named him a monster or not... Haruto didn't wanted to messed up and immediately gave him a address of the beach and says:
- If you want to speak with Chiyo she is there. And one thing.
Genji took it the paper and said:
- Yes what is it?
Genji was curious and Haruto said:
- To be exact . There is a weird activity in the sewers. But also I want you to make sure Chiyo stays safe.. understood?
Genji quickly responded in the manner:
- Fine fine. Mister all worrying ninja and samurai.
Genji started to walk as Haruto was kind of quite angry seeing him almost ignore him like he was just nothing. Haruto just ignored it and walked off quickly. Genji was walking towards the beach. But of course he did stopped by a specific building and walked in. The building was an special facility where some people came to check there powers. He walked in and looked around being there for the first time. He then looked over some of the top hero rankings but got approached by someone he didn't expected... The person asked:
- Its great day isn't it. Genji?
Genji froze and turned..he noticed his old teacher standing there. He was shocked and said:
- Miss.. Leone? What are you doing here? I thought you are retired!
Leone giggled and said:
- I am retired. But that doesn't mean I can't attend to such places. Right?
She laughed as Genji giggled a bit. He said then:
- it's alright. Of course you can.
Leone then asked:
- So how have you been? Anything new in your life?
Genji thought for a moment and said:
- Pretty good teach. I hope you are doing well.
Leone said after that:
- Glad to hear about that. And besides how is haruka?
Leone smiled as Genji blushed .. he then quickly answered:
- Well she is pretty good. Lately have been involved in a few things but it's nothing harmful.
Leone laughed and said:
- Oh boy. Genji you know you can't lie to me right? It's too easy to see.
Genji looked away embarrassed as he knew he just fucked up. He gathered up his mind and said:
- Well.... It's kind of hard situation. So yeah. Please let's not talk about it.
Leone smiled and nodded after which she said:
- Alright alright! Don't worry . Besides where are you heading?
Genji thought for a moment and said quickly he wasn't gonna lie:
- Well I am heading to meet the principal of the grandstern Academy.
Leone was very happy hearing it. And said as her answer:
- That's great! The fact you attend this academy is amazing. Not many people get even a chance. And you got one. I am proud of you Genji.
Leone smiled as she grabbed her bag . She was very young for a retired teacher. Having black hair and blue eyes she asked while moving her own hand :
- So what is your goal now Genji? Still finding your sister?
Genji smiled and nodded quickly. Leone laughed cutely and said:
- Well then good luck Genji. Hope your adventures will be great!
She walked out from the building waving towards him. Genji on the other hand out hands in the pocket and chuckled as he left the building and went towards the beach. He had his bag with him in which he had his clothes to change. As he pulled up to the railway nearby the beach he had a view on the entire beach and sea side. He noticed the academy sector of the beach and said to himself:
- Academy has its own freaking place on the beach? I didn't saw that one coming.
He walked down the stairs and went into changing rooms. Changing into shorts and sunglasses and some more biker type gloves and of course his mask. He went out and walked towards the academy section of the beach and immediately noticed the Principal in her exposing as hell bra and panties. He himself looked away and sat down at a bench. He thought to himself immediately:
- "Nope..I am not going near that place or near her.. that is way too bad idea..."
As Genji was looking all around. Someone came out of nowhere. He noticed that the person that appeared next to him wasn't just was the top twenty omega hero Razor Striker. Amelie Fushiguro. He knew she was part of the academy security force . But from what he knew all the omega heroes were busy.. but turns out. Something was wrong but Genji didn't knew about it yet. As he looked forward he noticed a storm approaching over the Japanese shores. He thought it was quite unnatural. As he continued to look around... In another place in the meantime...
Headquarters of the Alpha and Beta class heroes. At the Main tower of the City both teams of the heroes were discussing soemthing. As the iron monger came in embarrassed... The first to ask was Emerald Neptune who said:
- Well well Iron monger defeated by a student? That is surprising..
Iron Monger said:
- If you have something to say mind your own business cockroach...
Neptune got angry and stood but before he could say anything the Number one. Black Assassin spoke out:
- Enough both of you . We have bigger manners on our hands then some stupid arguments.
Both immediately sat down and were silent as at least one thousand heroes were listening to Black assassin who said:
- Listen everyone. The latest information shows the increase in the monster activity in the territory A,F And S. We have been trying to find a reason. But nothing has been found yet. Expect that. The omega class heroes will be back just in couple of days.. we can't on those who stayed.
Another hero Poison Serpent lifted hand up and said:
- But if it's true that they are busy. Then that would explain the monsters more Aggressive attacks right?
Most heroes seemed to agree with her. Since the dissapearence of the best heroes did made the monsters more Aggressive and more straight forward then before. But some argued that it wasn't true. One of the heroes who was known as Rank three Alpha titled Lighting Spear spoke:
- Ok let's just calm down. I say he isn't telling lies. In my opinion something seems weird..we are still here the alpha heroes. We are more then scary for the monsters. So I don't understand how would this happen. Everyone looked a the black Assassin who seemed frustrated. He then after a moment of thought said:
- The possiblity of monsters or beasts planning something massive is giant at this point. Our spies have reported there is something going on. But we know nothing yet. That's why I want to speak about the possibilities and actions we can take now. Any suggestions?
Many heroes started to talk with eachother discussing the entire situation... Suddenly Haruto came in all the heroes went silent and made way for him. Omega heroes were considered to have almost a cult like respect in the others. Haruto walked to the table and dropped a giant bugs head on the table and said:
- I found at least 50 of them in one sewer then 50 in another one and another total I killed 500. But guess what they just keep coming.
Everyone started to think what did he meant by that... Black Assassin asked:
- And what can this mean Omega Hero Haruto?
Haruto quickly answered saying:
- The enemy is planning to attack Tokyo and Japan. I don't know how or when but we all must be ready. The situation may get worse if we don't do something. So a mobilisation is the best idea. But Only undercover. We can't cause public disturbance. Understood!!?
All the heroes yelled at Haruto's words:
Black Assassin stood up and said:
- We shall begin the mobilisation of our heroes. Good luck Haruto-san.
Haruto nodded as he walked out dissapearing behind the door in instance. But he didn't quite dissapear. He went downstairs to meet with Hiroto and Akihito who were waiting for him. Hiroto asked:
- Anything you found weird or suspicious?
Haruto thought for a moment as he walked down the stairs and stopped in front of them. He said:
- Nothing. Nothing at all. And besides. These attacks are suspicious... Don't you think?
Akihito quickly responded while checking his phone:
- What mattes now is the academy. And besides. We still have this case to solve... The one Hiroto told us about...
Haruto was Skeptical but wait quickly:
- Ok I know it's weird that a human was friends with a monster human hybrid. But that doesn't mean it's our priority. We still have to solve this case first. If we don't it can be a disaster.
Akihito took out cigarette and said while smoking it:
- I get it I get it Haruto. Everyone here wants to know that. But even if we find the culprit. Or the one behind this entire mess... We can't really now do much. Although we are omega class. We have our own missions now. And we have to fulfill them quickly.
Haruto and Hiroto nodded at that statement. Both knew that they had there respective missions and had to fulfill them first before taking any bigger scale events. They all separated walking away in silence.
Meanwhile on the beach Genji was relaxing on the bench where he was before. For the first time In many months really he had a time to take a break from his big monster hunting. But of course. Principal Chiyo noticed him and walked up saying:
- Well well~ would you look at that Genji you actually have came on my request.
Genji opened eyes and looked at Chiyo and blushed red and said:
- Why women have to wear such exposing clothes Jesus..
He immediately looked away with his eyes as Chiyo giggled on his words. She sat down next to him and said:
-Its beautiful day on the beach isn't it? Pretty nice for a relaxation.
Genji quickly said while looking away from her:
- Its really nice I do admit. But can you stop saying it in such voice.
Chiyo although confused for a second after realising bursted out laughing and smiled and out her hand on Genji's leg. Genji immediately froze from the touch. He didn't admitted it but in his mind he thought:
- "A women is touching me... A WOMEN IS TOUCHING ME!!!"
Genji was panicking as he never was touched by women before. He really never liked that because he thought it meant they are a couple. Genji was sweating not knowing what to say. Chiyo giggled and said:
- Seems I am the first women is touching you Is it Genji?
She moved her hand across his chest and said:
- Wow. Harder then steel.. maybe titanium huh? Need to say those muscles are really well refined.
Genji was stunned even more he just was taking it but inside he was scared the living crap out from that. He then said:
- Principal others are watching is really awkward!!!
Chiyo made a confused face but chuckled saying:
- Don't worry everyone knows I am like that... Pretty straight forward.
She was touching his body as Genji was literally shaking and personally wanted to evaporate from there. His face was telling everything about how he felt right now "Scared and Anxiety" took over him in instance. But even tho most men would run or just kiss her. He was in between. Just stay there and tank it. But Chiyo said something that made him almost freeze rock solid:
- Maybe... You like me? But also maybe you want to have fun in bed later Genji Yamamoto~~~?
Genji froze to riduclous extend he turned and covered her mouth which surprised her. Genji checked the perimeter and literally sprinted with her to a building on the beach but inside of it locking the door and said:
- Tell that was a pure joke. Because if it isn't I swear to god I am gonna die of embrasment.
Chiyo laughed as hell and said while laughing:
- Sorry sorry! But your reaction was priceless! Hahahaha!
Genji felt embarrassed as fuck but said:
- That's not funny principal Chiyo!
Chiyo stopped laughing and said after calming down:
- Sorry sorry just wanted to lighten up your mood a bit.
Genji looked at her with a face "Are you fucking serious" and said:
- Well it did to some extend maybe. But I swear you have important stuff to say then that. Let me guess?
Chiyo smiled and sat down on the chair nearby and said:
- Well you got me there.... The actual reason I asked you here is actually embarrassing for me.
Genji for a second froze and said:
- Embarrassing? What do you mean by that?
She switched topic and said:
- Just give me a few minutes to say it alright? I need to speak about other stuff to calm Myself.
Genji was already confused as fuck be just nodded and said:
- Go ahead. I will listen and answer if necessary.
Chiyo nodded and started to have conversation with Genji. Mostly about heroes and many other things.. Genji was listening but zoomed out since he was more interested about what she wanted to ask him he did listen waiting for her to be ready. She suddenly asked :
- Besides this entire thing. Do you think I am attractive?
Genji stopped and thought but was confused. Chiyo was so beautiful he even though:
- "She asking such a question...that is not normal what is the problem principal.."
His suspicion was big but he didn't said anything as he was thinking. Chiyo seemed to be very worried for the answer . So after a while Genji said:
- I am gonna be honest. In my opinion you are the most beautiful women I've meet expect some people. But your beauty is hard to compare with others.
Chiyo blushed much and said:
- I am gonna ask what I wanted to ask...
Genji was actually curious what she meant.. so he listened in and walked up a bit and said:
- And that thing is principal?
Genji was about to say something again but Chiyo yelled:
Genji froze in instance and in a moment his mind went blank as he said: