
Ever after by Emmelina Clotilde

A mature female lead who knows what she wants and the story of her struggles, success, growth and healing. Its not just about love, its about family, career, society, system and the biggest question of all to be or to not to be? Avril is a half-French and half-Indian girl who is trying to navigate life without her parents' guidance while fending off herself from her petrifying enemies. She is a military-affiliated doctor in India, who has finally connected to her other side of ethnicity after 18 years. Aimé is an orphan who lost his parents in a strange accident when he was just a child. He lives with his only close family- his grandfather on the outskirts of town in Valencia, Spain. He is half-Spanish and half-French and meets Avril in his last summer of high school in France. He is a business major and plans to expand his business globally in pharmaceuticals and insurance. This story has everything the tags promise however it would take some time to really understand and some development in the story to show. You would see it in the upcoming chapters so stay tuned.

Emmelina_Clotilde · perkotaan
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18 Chs


I woke up at 15:00. I had a nightmare but I couldn't remember most of it. There were some people in black suits. Files and something I ..... I can't recall.

I went to the kitchen for a glass of water. I saw someone on the porch. It was Lawrence. 


Avril: Why are you still here? Don't you have college?


Lawrence: Took a holiday.


Avril: why didn't you just return yesterday? Also, did you hear from my parents yet? I'm getting worried....mom has not called or texted me since yesterday afternoon nor has she read the texts I sent her this morning.


Lawrence: You sent her a text!?


Avril: yeah....why?


Lawrence: no...just I haven't told her anything about what happened yesterday.....


Avril: I didn't say anything about that of course.


Lawrence: You haven't taken care of your wounds yet...bring the first aid box from Kye. Go.


Avril: it's okay... you don't have to worry about that. And I'm sorry for behaving like that this morning but you need to know I meant each word I said.


Lawrence: That's fine... I get it, I lost control too. So you like him?


Avril: I do but I know this won't go anywhere. 


Lawrence: You can study in Spain like me. There are some good medical colleges here too. 


Avril: Mom and Dad won't allow me to live that far apart from them. Also, the results have been delayed. I would get them on the 6th or 7th of this month now.


Lawrence: That's alright, I can talk to them. I think they'll let you go.


Avril: why are you being this kind suddenly? It's weird. 


Lawrence:....We- we need to go somewhere so you should probably get ready.


Avril: umm... okay?


Something was off- my parents not contacting me or anyone else nor reading my texts or answering my calls. Lawrence was too kind and protective; that only happened when he knew something was going on like that time when my father was hospitalized for months. He never missed any of his trivial high school classes too and to miss a college day without any reason that too just after he rejoined....


But then I got a call from mom.


Mom: Hello girl, how are you? Hope you're doing well... I'm sorry I couldn't call you until now or even send a reply to your messages. Both your father and I had a sudden surge in work.


Me: That's okay Mom. I'm just glad to know you are fine. You should call me too if something happens, OK? I would come back immediately. You know that right? Also, I got this creepy dream where everyone was dressed in black, black suits and I think you were arguing before that about some files and-


Mom: I have to go now Av. I'll try to call you soon okay? bye.


Mom and Dad had always been busy. It was normal for them to be gone for many days on business trips and not take my calls or even see my messages. But something was telling me this was different.


I just brushed it off as my overthinking since I would be back again in a few days after all. And even Lawrence's parents lived next door. If something did happen then, they would be of more help than I would.


I wore a black and white sweatshirt along with some black jeggings after covering up all my wounds and putting on some concealer on the ones on my face so that I didn't look like a walking case of domestic violence or something.


I went down with Kye;

Lawrence was waiting for us with a rented Lambo!

It was jet black and so divine!


Avril: So you skip school & rent a Lambo just to hang out with your younger cousin and her friend?


Lawrence: well, your parents transferred me some money to take care of you, so, I'm doing just that. Also, it's cheaper since I'm renting it out from a friend.


My parents were so frugal that I had to save up all the money myself for this trip for months on end. From the ticket to the shopping and some cash for the vacation. They never chipped in anything and suddenly they were sending enough money to rent a Lamborghini and that too to Lawrence and not me. I was feeling not so good about it but I decided not to ruin the atmosphere for others. Kye was so thrilled to ride in it after all.


Lawrence started driving and never told us where we were headed until the end. We reached a large crowded open stadium.


Avril: This is a massive place. But are we here for some football match? I'm not interested in football unless it's Ronaldo vs Messi, you know that right?


Lawrence: Don't worry. It's a concert by your favorite artist.


Avril: mumbles I don't have one...


Kye: Oh my god. It's them. 5 seconds of s^mmer!! I always wanted to be at one of their live shows. I didn't know they had one so near us!!! Thanks a lot, Lawrence!


She ran inside and we followed. Lawrence for the past few days had his eyes locked on her. He looked happy.


Avril: so how much did the tickets cost? Are you paying for them with my parents' money too?


Lawrence: yeah, you think I have that much money lying around?


Avril: well, you like her then?


Lawrence: Like who? What are you on about suddenly?


Avril: you know I like all artists and celebrities equally but I would never waste any money on their concerts or albums or movies 


Lawrence: I didn't know that but don't all teenagers like concerts? I heard SOS was famous too so I bought the tickets. Now hurry up and go in.


Avril: you're not coming?


Lawrence: no, I only bought 2 tickets. Call me when you're done.


Avril: I can't hear you but bye!


We went in. The atmosphere was crazy. Everyone was excited. The screaming and yelling was non-stop. The members of the band entered next. The cheering began. Everyone had some banner or cards or flowers prepared to throw at them. We were the only ones empty-handed. Still, Kye was ecstatic and that was enough for me. 



I sang all the broken lyrics I knew of their songs. And I'm not gonna lie it was pretty fun and relaxing amidst the obvious chaos. My legs had started to hurt but it was all good since my ears were getting blessed... I just wish the people screamed a bit less.


It was nightfall when we came out. I had texted Lawrence to pick us up half an hour ago. But he hadn't arrived yet. So, we waited while eating some hotdogs and churros; there were still a lot of people around us so I didn't have to be on high alert at least.


Kye: Thanks to you I get to enjoy all of this.


Avril: what do you mean Kye? I did nothing. It was Lawrence who planned it.


Kye: well, you planned this trip and also convinced my parents to let me go, so, in the end, it is cause of you.


Avril: well in that case I should thank you too for letting me stay in your bungalow free of cost and agreeing to come with me on this trip.


Kye: Aww come here. ( hugs)

By the way, are you still hurt Av? Lawrence should've gone a bit easy on you. You're his little sister after all!


Avril: well, in his defense the last time he tried that I broke his ulna and radius of the forearm just before he left for college. 


Kye: Av! I told you to be less violent. That must've hurt a lot:(


Avril: oh my! Look who is worrying for whom. Well, I didn't do it for no reason. Also, he's the one who made me like that. Always fought and competed with me for no reason.


Kye: still you should talk it out instead of doing this


Avril: We can talk it out in our old age. what's youth for? Oh, there comes the devil.


We hopped in the car and he drove us to some bar-like areas. 


Avril: So, who is it who is going to tell aunt that you drink and smoke?


Lawrence: relax, they're non-alcoholic bars for teens. And I don't get enough time to sleep, what am I gonna waste it on drinking or smoking.

I'll be in the vicinity and you can enjoy until 22:00. You need to get your a*ses back here at 22:00 sharp or each of your parents will be called and just DON'T wander off with random strangers, please. Also, Avril call me before you throw hands. I really don't have much money to bail you out tonight. Go now, enjoy, and don't make me regret this.


Avril: Alright. I don't know what is up with you today but thanks again. 


Kye: Thanks! See you later.


There wasn't much to do at the bar. Just enjoy some new drinks and talk to people our age or younger. Kye decided to hit the floor with some guy. I was just stuck with my cocktail. I was quite tired and drowsy after the concert so I just ate whatever they had and tried to relax. The background music was fading and I was thinking about Aimé. I didn't contact him the whole day nor did he contact me back after informing me that he had reached home this morning. I wanted to hear his voice but I knew I couldn't continue this. We would both be very hurt by the end of this. It wasn't just my parents or the long distance; it was me. I didn't know if I was ready to accept someone in my heart right now. I would only curtail his happiness and when the magic faded away and he at last got bored of me, he'll leave me like everyone else. 

The only reason I had Kye was because we had similar childhood problems and strict parents even then it took us at least 10 years to finally open up to each other. Aimé was like a free bird and I would've been his shackles. 

I just wanted to be with him not be a part of his life no matter how much tempting that was.

Whenever I got too sleepy I would start behaving as if I were intoxicated- slurring my words, bobbing my head around, or not walking straight. 

He called me but the music was too loud so I had to leave the pub. I gestured to Kye that I would be stepping out.

I went out and some guys were smoking in the corner. I had missed his call by then. So I called him back immediately.


Avril: .... hey

Aimé: hey hi. 

Avril: you'd call?

Aimé: yeah I.... I just wanted to know if you were doing well...you know your wounds that you didn't let me look at this morning.

Avril: ooh, I'm fine really. Lawrence took us to a SOS concert nearby and now I'm at this Cielo 17 pub.

A guy: hey I saw you a while ago and I was wondering if you were single? Here's my number 

Avril: wait a sec. I'm on a call...hey actually...

Aimé: I can't hear you Av...Av?

I hung up the phone and ran behind that guy and I wasn't thinking straight. I'm sorry but I can't accept your number. I ran back inside the pub before they could speak again. I was too sleepy so I forgot about the call and just slammed my head against the countertop to fall asleep.


Someone's sweet voice woke me up. I saw Aimé but how could he be here right now? He was in Valencia and I was I was I don't know where I was! That jolted me awake.


Aimé: hey, hey, don't worry it's just me.

Avril: umn wrat are ya droin here?

Aimé: Did some bast*rd give you alcohol? You know it's still illegal to drink at 17 in Spain.

Avril: I, I didn't. I'm just like thss when I'm too sleepy and tired.

Aimé: I can't just leave you alone can I? 

Avril: I love you

Aimé: ...

I know, I know just go to sleep now



I woke up in my bed the next thing I knew. I didn't have any such condition but when I was very stressed, tired, sad, and sleepy I would act like that sometimes.

Kye later told me Aimé had helped me to the car and when we reached home I just got up and left for my room.


It was still 7 am. So I decided to make some breakfast- souffle pancakes and some hot chocolate for everyone. They hopefully enjoyed it. We left for the city in the Lambo. Lawrence went to college and we had decided to go to Valencia. After all, Aimé had promised to show us more of the non-tourist attractions from there.




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