
You Lose I Win......!

Alan Alex !

Samantha: ........ What are you doing here?

[ She saw Alan and then eat her words ]

Alex: Alan was missing someone so we came here.

Alan: No need anymore that person don't want to see me. In fact that person is throwing me away.

Simon: Alan we were joking earlier right Sammy?

Samantha: No I wasn't joking.

Alan: Very well i am leaving.

Samantha: [ She blocked his way ]

What are you trying to say Mister?

Alan: Step aside don't make me do something to you.

Samantha: Something haa! You are so funny.

[Alan pushed her aside and went straight to the door . Samantha followed him while Alex And Simon start chatting ]

[ She slam the door when Alan opened it so he could leave. Alan turned back to look at her. ]

Alan: What are you trying to do?

" Why did you act like i betrayed you? "

You did....!

" When did i said i love you or will stay with you? "

You didn't said nor denied it.

" Listen let's make it clear i have no feelings for you "

So what's next?

" What? "