
Even if the whole World was watching // Larry Stylinson

[complete] "This school is Tomlinson's last chance." "Thats not my problem." "What about a deal. You take care of him and I will put in a good word for you at Harvard." Ugh that was a strong deal the director knew exactly how much Harry wanted to go to Harvard. "Fine" Grate now he had to deal with this little badboy. He rolled his eyes. Harry's whole life is planed he would finish his senior year go to college and live his own life everything seemed to go perfect for him. Louis is adventures, spontanious and dosn't give a fuck on planing stuff. He and his girlfriend were happy but there was something messing in her eyes. Well, falling in love was definitely not supposed to be on his to-do list. (Also available on Wattpad and soon on Ao3)

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28 Chs


How could he just waste one second thinking Louis could change. He didn't want to, so why? Louis didn't deserve otherwise, he had been to him mean too. Harry tried to shut down his guilt. It was already past midnight and the streets were empty and dark, Harry kept on picturing Louis walking, no stumbling through the cold. Alone. And he knew how quickly his mood could change. He had downed a whole bottle of alcohol, while others at the party couldn't even stand on their own feet after a few shots. Ugh, for goodness' sake. Harry u-turned the car. Stupid guilty conscience.

He drove back to Liams, maybe Louis was still there. He was looking through every room. Some random lads tried to make him drink with them, but Harry denied and ran straight upstairs. He met Liam stumbling out of the room where he brought zayn earlier. "Harry? What are u doin' here?" God, his breath smelled bitter. His hand clenching the doorframe to hold himself up. He was swaying really bad.

"Come on you need sleep." Harry looked above the heads of all the other people in the hall seeing if Louis was there. He wasn't. Liam looked about to fall asleep on the spot. "Okay." He whispered stumbling into the room climbing into the bed next to Zayn cuddling up under the blanket. Harry set a water bottle and a bucked onto the bedside table. Liam was snoring already.

Back in the living room, he met Luke who told him that he saw Louis leave but didn't know where he was off to. The first place Harry shot in mind was Louis house, so he took his car and drove over. As he saw the light in (what he remembered to be the kitchen) burn he knocked at the door. It was late and he didn't want to wake anyone up.

After a while, a man opened the door. It wasn't Mark though. It was the man from the store, with the two girls. He seemed not to recognize Harry. "I'm sorry to disturb you so late but I'm looking for Louis. Is he home?" Something about the man's appearance was threatening. He eyed Harry for a few seconds, "He is already asleep but I will let him know that you have been looking for him." He forced a smile and closed the door.

That was the weirdest conversation Harry has had in his whole life, that was for sure. At least Louis had made it home safely. Exhaustion washed over Harry. Ugh, he needed sleep. The glowing lights rushing past him on the streets made him even more tired. But there was this feeling telling him he wouldn't get to sleep soon. It was the tinge in his belly.

The kiss made his way into Harry's mind over and over again no matter how much he tried to avoid it. It just gave him the rest to realise what he already knew. And he hated it. Why did it have to be Louis? Out of all, it was Louis who probably didn't even like him back. Well done Harry.

Once he was back home, he stayed a while in his seat leaning his head back taking deep breaths. His eyes felt heavy and burned a little. The desire to fall into bed and never get up again grew. As Harry got out he saw Louis leaning against the door, the black bag next to him on the ground. It was the same as in the car.

His arms wrapped around bent knees. Head leaned back and eyes closed. Didn't the man say he was sleeping??

He opened his eyes as Harry made his way up to him. "What are you doing here, I thought you were home?" Louis got up and chuckled. Okay, so, the alcohol seemed to kick in "Never." He smiled through sleepy eyes, holing himself up on Harry's shoulder.

"I told you not to drink the whole bottle."

"I know." He gulped.

"But I- I don't know, Haz. Can I stay at your's?" He babbled as Harry unlocked the door. "I don't have another place to go, please."

"Fine. But don't puke in my room."

"I would never." Louis laughed trying to walk upstairs but he kept tripping. Harry's helping arm around him didn't really help. So he let it wander down to the middle of Louis back and bent to put the other one under his knees and carried the boy upstairs. Louis' head was leaning against Harry's chest, it felt good to feel Louis warmth in his arms. All the way into his room and let him down on his bed.

"Drink that." Harry handed him over a bottle of water, just to get him a bit soberer. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." He said quietly looking up with huge puppy eyes. "Don't say something you will regret tomorrow." Harry leaned against his table. "I'm serious, to be honest, I really sta- I-" Louis stoped. "You what?" Harry asked curiously. Suddenly Louis got up and ran out of the room, hand covering his mouth.


Harry followed him, Louis only made it into the hall. "I think I just threw up on myself."

"You need a shower, come." Harry rolled his eyes. Great, now it was his job to clean this mess up. He brought Louis to the bathroom and told him to strip out of his dirty clothes. Meanwhile, he got some new ones and towels out of his closet and threw them into the bathroom. "New shampoo is on the shelf."

Then Harry got some utensils to clean the hall. Ugh, that was gross. He almost puked himself.

After a half hour passed Harry started to worry. What if he fell asleep or slipped or something it was still, only the rustling shower sound. He knocked. "Are you done?" The water stopped "Gimme a minute."

The door opened and a torrent of hot air came towards him. Louis stumbled out he still couldn't walk straight. The clothes were way too big, the shirt hanging down his shoulders loosely revealing multiple bruises. "Where are those from?" They didn't look older than a day maybe two. "A fight with Stan." He lied and Harry knew that. Stan was the when evening together with like and not even at school the whole week. He didn't know why Louis was lying though. He helped the older boy to the bed.

"Where are you going?" Louis looked up from his pillow. "I will sleep in Nialls bed he's probably not coming home anyway." He yawned. God, it was late. "Wait," Harry turned to face Louis who was sitting crisscross now. "Please stay." Well, that wasn't what Harry expected. Louis almost begged.

He hesitantly got back to the bed. Whatever. He was too tired to think about it. All he wanted was to sleep either if it was his or Nialls bed. He didn't care. The soft mattress let his muscles relax, his eyes were finally allowed to close. But that didn't mean he was able to sleep. Louis who was laying next to him was still drunk and bubbled some senseless stuff.

Harry kept a gap between them, it was better that way. There were so many questions keeping him awake. "What did you mean with you have no other place to go?"

"Like I said it."

"But, the man at your house said yo-"

"No Haz. Please don't."

"I'm just trying to understand it." Harry cleared his throat. "You know", it was weird, just like in the car before the thunderstorm, it seemed like nights had that magical effect on Louis, it was actually possible to have at least half a normal conversation with him.

Without dramatic mood changes or him running away. It was almost like he opened up. A little. It wasn't, but it felt like it. The other side of the bed went quiet. "You don't need to understand Harry."

"But I want." He said honest, a small part of him started caring. Something Harry never expected, he stared at the ceiling, well where the ceiling must be, it was too dark to see. Suddenly Louis cuddled up to him resting his head on Harry's chest making his heartbeat getting faster. "No trust me you don't." His arm was laying across Harry's belly. What was happening?? "Goodnight." He breathed snuggling his face deeper into Harry's chest.

Harry was perplexed but he gave in and kinda even enjoyed it, falling asleep to Louis' slow breathing pattern.


And it was still there when he woke up, the sun peeking through the blinds shining onto Louis' face. He looked so peaceful so small and defenceless. Like a kitten. The bruises caught Harry's attention, those definitely weren't from just one fight. They reached from Louis shoulder down to the hair tie at his wrist. They concerned him.

Harry let his finger slightly slide along Louis sharp cheekbones until he slowly opened his eyes. He needed a moment to realise where exactly he was. "What the hell?" His voice was deep and slow as he got up and eyed Harry wondering.

"Do you remember anything?"

"Slightly." Louis rubbed his eyes yawning.

"Fuck." He groaned "Did I tell you weird  stuff?"

"A lot." Harry laughed.

"Do I wanna know?" He asked shyly brushing through his messy hair. "Probably not." The smile on Harry's cheeks widened and stayed until it hurt. The picture of Louis in his wide clothes was just so adorable. It made Harry's heart jump. No, stop thinking that way.

Suddenly the door swung open and Naill stepped in, "H, do you have one of those-" He looked up from his bag and froze. His eyes widened as he saw Louis wearing Harry's favourite shirt. "Uhm, you know I- I will come back later." Then he turned on his heels and left the room. Harry immediately followed him.

"Niall, wait." The blonde lad turned around clearly trying to hide a smirk. "I thought you guys hated each other." And a few weeks ago Harry's would have agreed with him. But he knew it was different. He was confused by his feels.

"He, he was drunk and I couldn't let him go home in that condition." Harry tried to explain but the smile on Nialls face got wider and wider as more he stuttered.

"And?" He asked expectantly. "I don't know-" Harry looked down at his hands to hide his smile and blushing cheeks.

"I, I just think that....uhm. You know..."

He spun his rings around his fingers. "You have to say it."

"You know what I mean Niall."

"And what if I don't." This guy was just unbelievable.

"I think I like him okay?", Niall cheered excited, "a lot I guess." Wow, saying this out loud was one of the things Harry never expected himself to say because, well it was Louis they were talking about.


"Stop it." Harry hissed. "What are you even doing with that bag." He changed the subject. "I'm packing for the class vacation." Fuck. Harry had totally forgotten about the trip. And it was already in two days. "Right," Louis words shot in his head, "Uhm, do you mind if Louis stays until then?"

Niall just gave him a soft look and shook his head. But before he closed the door behind his back he threw a sassy smirk at Harry. "But, keep it quiet." He didn't even leave Harry the opportunity to say something. His laugh sounded through the door. He was such an idiot, Harry chuckled getting back into his room.

Louis was back in his own clothes, packing his bag. Harry's clothes he had worn before lay folded neatly on the bed which was also done. "I'm sorry for just busting in yesterday. I didn't want to bother anyone of you. I will go and stay at Liam's for a while." He threw the black bag over his shoulder. "Hey, it's fine, you can stay at least until the vacation." He looked like he was struggling if he wanted to stay or not.



"Why would you do that?"

Harry shrugged "Then we're equal." Louis had helped him through the thunderstorm and now Harry helped him. With,... whatever it was. Not to mention that small part that wanted him to be around.

"Why are you so nice to me? I mean I have been a moody moron haven't I?" Louis dropped his bag that seemed to be very heavy. "I believe that people can change." That was true. He did. But he just never had counted Louis to one of those people. Until now. He could change, he just has to truly want it.

"You do?"

"Yes." The tension changed abruptly, it was just them again but worse Louis shook his head as if he wanted to get rid of his thoughts. Then he cleared his throat and let himself fall onto the bed again. "Okay, so? What are we going to do today?"

"How do you mean?"

"You have been on a party which was step one, now we need to do some more fun stuff to pull you out of your boring strict panned life." He lifted his head and smiled. "I've got an idea."