

Life isn't easy for me, some nights are hard to end and some days are hard to rise....and I wonder this day can happen more...

Ann_Susan_Jerry · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
63 Chs

Are you Okay ?

" Well that sucks " James said.

" Yeah it is, maybe he is having some busy problem, or in a trouble whatever it is, why cant he let me know whats happening or just a text message. "

" I am not a relationship adviser but if any other girls were instead of you, they'll probably throw him out of the window... "James said.

" Woah, I didn't think of that one yet, thanks for the tip " I said..

" Anytime... "

" Why did you want me to meet here ?? "I asked.

" Ohh that, just was bored, all my friends went to see the new marvel movie... "

" Why didn't you go ??"

" I wasn't feeling to go "

" Fine...,its already dark, I need to get back home

" I said.

" Yeah sure, I had good time " James said.

I smiled and walked to get the car, it doesn't felt that bad as I thought, I needed this talk to clear my mind.... The time I got back home uncle was asleep and Aunt was working on kitchen. I removed my jacket and helped aunt with dishes...

" Hey, where is Jonas, didn't seen him for a while ?"Aunt asked.

" He is doing good I think " I said .

" You think?? what does that suppose to mean, wait did you two....??? "

" Uhh No, noo we didn't break up, its just, you know... "

" Oh okay, you doesn't seem well dear, is everything okay " aunt asked.

" I hugged aunt and said, " Yeah " the most hard thing to hear when we are in pain is ' are you okay '.

Tears rolled down in my cheeks and aunt wiped it and said " Do what is right kiddo and always remember that I am here for you "....

" I nodded, that words was a huge relief for me and I went to my bed and took my headphone and played some music...