
Eve Of The Dark

[STORY PAUSED FOR A FEW MONTHS DUE TO EXAMS!] [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "I'm not the prince of your fairytale," he murmured. "I'm the monster of your nightmares." ——— Ezekiel Wei— the leader of the biggest gang in Asia. Money? Fame? Women? He has it all on the tips of his fingers. He fears nothing, doesn't give a shit about love, and does whatever he wants. Cursed to the bottom of his soul. Rumors surrounded him; people said he was the Devil of devils, a sinner worse than his father could ever be. Haven Lee— an undercover agent. An assassin who transformed nightmares into reality. Bullets, knives, a living hell. Freshly reincarnated and craving revenge for all the years she suffered under the hands of the Devil himself. The only person who could take on a legion of demons and still manage to survive. The sole problem: She met the right person, under the wrong circumstances. ——— 100 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 150 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters 200 Powerstones: 3 extra chapters 10 Golden Tickets: 1 extra chapter 30 Golden Tickets: 2 extra chapters Update Schedule: 2 chapters per day unless I end up falling sick ^^ In that case, only one chapter! I'll inform if something happens and I won't be able to upload. Instagram: ikigai_yugen7 facebook: Ikigai Yugen *The copyright to the cover belongs to the author; Please do not reuse.

ikigai_yugen · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
94 Chs

Under an hour

November 12, 2018.

They twisted my arm all the way up to my shoulder and now it's completely dislocated.

It hurts more than anything but the other hand is completely fine.

But I didn't scream when the matron popped it back into place.

I'm proud of that.

I'll get stronger, Mom and Dad.

I promise.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Zei walked into Wei Corporations like he owned the place (which he does *cough*) and the look on his face instantly warned the employees that today was going to be a disaster of a day.

'Crap, why does the CEO look like he wants to murder somebody...'

'I should've just called in sick today. Damn it!'

'Maybe Boss had a fight with his boyfriend?'

Unaware of what his employees were thinking about him, he proceeded to walk to his office where his secretary, He Xing was already waiting for him.

At the sight of the thunderclouds crackling above his Boss's head, his emergency mode immediately clicked on. One wrong word and he would probably be fired and then becoming the next meal for that beast Boss had!

After handing him today's schedule, he was about to leave when Zei's phone suddenly rang out of nowhere. Frowning, he picked it up and silently heard what the person had to say.

It was like someone had clicked the 'power off' button.

Every single emotion melted off of Zei's face like wax under a searing flame, leaving behind no trace of the anger or rage that had previously contorted his features.

His countenance transformed into an unsettling mask of stoic indifference, concealing the tempestuous turmoil brewing within. Yet, if one dared to gaze into his eyes, they would catch a glimpse of the tumultuous storm gathering strength within his very being—an impending tempest that threatened to unleash cataclysmic destruction upon all in its path.

The intensity of his gaze held a foreboding promise, a warning of the havoc that would be wrought once the storm was unleashed upon the world, leaving no doubt that the aftermath would be nothing short of widespread devastation and chaos.

"Cancel all the meetings scheduled for today."

He Xing shuddered involuntarily, his body trembling with a mix of fear and apprehension as Zei walked past him, unable to utter a word of objection at the dark, detached aura he was excluding. Whatever he had heard on the phone must've been terrible news if this was his reaction to it.

Meanwhile, Zei sat in his sleek black sports car, its powerful engine roaring to life with an exhilarating surge of energy as he deftly maneuvered through the winding roads, steadily increasing the car's speed to its highest limit.

The wind whistled past the windows, tousling his dark hair as he directed his focused gaze ahead, fixated on the road that led him back to the familiar direction of his house.

Yet, beneath his stoic exterior, Zei's heart was a tumultuous mess of conflicting emotions, an intricate tapestry woven from strands of anger, worry, and an enigmatic sensation that eluded his attempts at deciphering. Each pulse of the engine seemed to reverberate through his veins, mirroring the pulsating intensity within him.

Slamming on the brakes, the screech of tires piercing the air, Zei abruptly halted his car's momentum, leaving the door flung open as he sprinted towards the entrance of his house.

With a surge of urgency propelling him forward, his heart pounding against his ribcage, he barged through the front door and dashed through the familiar corridors, each step echoing his growing apprehension.

Finally, he arrived at Haven's room, his hand trembling as he grasped the doorknob. With a mixture of dread and hope, he slowly pushed the door open, revealing a scene that momentarily stole his breath.

His eyes fell upon Haven's frail body, her once vibrant spirit now encapsulated within the delicate contours of her fragile form. She lay motionless, her delicate figure sprawled across the silk sheets, appearing vulnerable and ethereal amidst the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the window.

Relief washed over Zei, causing his tense muscles to relax as he exhaled the breath he had been unknowingly holding. Yet, intermingled with that relief was a surge of anger, as he observed the pale hues that colored Haven's cheeks and the faint shade of red covering one side of her face.

As if someone had hurt her.

Someone had hurt her...

His hands clenched into tight fists, the knuckles turning white with the intensity of his rage, causing Lily to instinctively take a step back, her eyes widening in apprehension as she caught a glimpse of the mad fury that ignited within his once emotionless gaze, now transformed into dark orbs blazing with an untamed fire.

Without saying another word, he turned toward Zixin who swallowed before explaining what had occurred back in the university. He hadn't been there but one of his men had spotted Haven being attacked in the courtyard.

Knowing the rules by heart now, he didn't waste another second in rushing to help her. Being too scared of Zei to call him on his own, he called Zixin instead who relayed the incident with his hands trembling all over.

"Get the girls who did this to the base." his voice was lower than a whisper but Zixin heard it clearly enough. "I want them here in under an hour."

The hidden warning was instantly recognized by Zixin who nodded his head, gulping. A second over an hour and somebody was dying because of the delay.

Please wake up soon, Lady Boss!



Do check out the synopsis again to find out the daily update schedule and much more >.<

Happy reading everyone!