
New home

so My name is Eva. That's what they say, that's what I told them it is but I know that's not my name and funny enough I don't even know my name.

Right now, I'm sitting outside Mr Joe's office listening to his loud conversation with the woman who was going to be my new mom. I felt Choco rub his body against me and I smiled, even if things were hard and this new home was going to be like the last one (I really don't want to talk about it) I was glad I still had Choco. Mr Joe made it compulsory for anyone who was going to take me in to take 8n Choco even if it meant he would have to sleep outside the house. I was fine with that

I smiled as Mr Joe came out with the woman, she was big and tall and it was obvious that she was wearing a wig (she wasn't wearing it well) she looked funny kind of, she didn't look mean and I hoped she would like me.

"little girl" Mr Joe said to me "This is Miss Smith, your new mom"

"Hello Eva" she smiled at me then frowned at Choco "what's your dog's name?"

"it's name is Choco" I replied "he's not much trouble" I added "he's mostly bark and no bite"

"Mostly" she raised an eyebrow "well we've got room for another dog in the house so we'll make do" she winked at me and for some reason it made me smile, I guess she was nice. Anyone who owned a dog was probably nice?

My new mom stood outside next to her truck while Mr Joe gave me a pep talk "okay, this is it Eva. Your second foster transfer, be a good girl okay and if anything goes wrong be sure to call me okay?"

I nodded. Mr Joe is my actual care taker but for some reason he claims that there is someone out there who is in charge of my well being (not the government) and the person orders that I be put into foster care. I am nine years old with my own android phone and my own dog and a very sufficient allowance just in case I ever need anything. Mr Joe says the foster care will be until I was of age to take care of myself. I hope to come of age very soon..

The drive with Miss Smith was quiet and peaceful, she didn't say much. She asked me about the kind of food I liked, my class in school. She asked me about Choco and told me about her own dog (a bitch) Whiskey. She said she hoped Choco and whiskey would be friends. She also mentioned that she had two kids under her care; Ryan and Church. Ryan was eighteen while Church was a year younger so I guessed I would pretty much be on my own because I wasn't sure if teenagers would want to associate with a nine year old, I was literally a fly in their hair.

Miss Smith pulled over at a storey building and opened the truck door, that was when I saw it. The dog. Whiskey was big! there was no way she and Choco would ever be friends (Choco is a small dog of mixed breeds) and there was no way I would be friends with anyone here. I was still inside the truck (yet to come out) when I saw the other kids living in the street. They were big, not in size though but in character, they looked scary, like they could hurt me. perhaps I could just call Joe and tell him that I couldn't stay here with Miss Smith but that wasn't possible. Amidst my thoughts, I could here barking and Miss Smith voice. She was telling me to come out and greet my new family.

I opened the truck's door and came out, I could still feel the stares of people on me. Boys and girls on the streets stared at me like I was the weirdest thing they had ever seen.

I wasn't weird if that was a topic to discuss, I was tall, slim, my hair was brown and wavy and I wasn't a complete disappointment when it came to looks so it kind of freaked me out that they stared at me like that.

"Eva" I heard Miss Smith call to me, she was standing next to the house holding the door open for me. I tried to peep inside before entering but it was impossible.

I walked past the big bitch who I figured was already trying to get to know Choco, I walked into the storey building and stood right Infront of my newest family. Miss Smith introduced them to me as Ryan and Church, they were going to be my new brothers and none of them seemed nice.

"guys, this is Eva" Miss Smith said smiling "your sister"

"Hi sister" Ryan smirked "welcome to the family" and then he reached down and gave me a hug, it was warm. Ryan was big and had the build of an athlete, I liked the hug.

"I'm your biggest brother" he smiled "so feel free to come to me anytime if you need anything, I'm also less annoying than that prick over there"

I looked over to where Church stood, his mood was okay, he didn't look mean or annoying and there was something sad about his eyes.

"Hi I'm Church" he shrugged "welcome home" and then he turned and walked out of the house.

welcome party was over.

"I guess that's that" Miss Smith said "Church is new here so he's kind of adjusting too" she smiled at me "but he's a nice guy, you'll get to know him soon. it's not easy being moved from one home to another, the moment you begin to settle down you get moved away."

I looked at the door, i still felt like I could see Church's back as he walked out and then I stared at miss Smith's face, I guess what she was trying to say was that I shouldn't get too attached to my new home. I could be moved again, just like the last time. This wasn't my first foster home and it wouldn't be my last.