
V- Regalia

Iris had a difficult time trying to fall asleep. Her mind kept coming back to that morning's attack. Gideon told her he knew what was happening but she was still clueless. She thought of her parents. They had to be okay. She didn't know if she would be able to manage otherwise. She steeled herself and decided to remain positive. It was all she could do at this point, but she still needed a plan. Overcome with exhaustion she decided she would figure it out in the morning.

Just as she was drifting off to sleep, the room suddenly brightened and the discomfort it caused behind her eyes made them snap open. Her eyes opened to see a glimmering white figure before her. After blinking herself to rapt attention, she recognised the figure as a non-corporeal form of Gideon. His wrinkled and bespectacled face, distinct even in the colourlessness of an apparition.

A wide grin possessed her face. "Gideon! Oh, thank goodness! -"

"Did you find the boy? The boy I've sent you to, did you find him?" Gideon cut in, rather urgently.

"You mean James? Yes, he let me sleep here for the night." Iris answered the warlock while sitting up, fiddling with a fold in the sheet, still in her coronation gown.

"Yes, him. You need him, Iris. He is vital to your mission. He will help you and be of great service to Eurythia." Replied Gideon, his tone solemn

Iris was confused. James? What part could he possibly have to do with this? She thought. "Whatever do you mean, Gideon? Besides he has a father here, no parent would send their child on send mission they don't understand with people they don't know!"

Gideon inclined his head and paused for a moment as though listening, before he spoke, "Worry not. Let me handle Victor, he knows and understands more than you may think. In fact, when you wake in the morning and you come to be in the presence of Victor, touch the gem on the circlet around your wrist, it will magically alert me and I will appear."

Iris was beyond confused, how does Gideon know James' dad's name and what the hell was going on?? But she cleared her head, deciding to pick at the facts when all of them are available ,knowing the prudence of doing as Gideon instructed. He was vague and ominous but never without reason.

"What of my parents? The kingdom?" She demanded.

A grim look passed over Gideon's face, "Rest Princess. We will speak more in the morning." And with that, the apparition disappeared. He knew Iris would be able to sleep with that information, she has always had a handle on anxiety. She knew all she needed to know for time being.

He was back on a hillside just outside the borders of Eurythia. "The Princess has been seen to. She holds well. She has united with James. I will bring them completely up to speed in the morning."

"Very well. I know the circumstances are less than ideal but it is good to know the boy is well. I taught Meridea myself you know. A shame I could not teach her son, their line is strong and talented" Said Madám Roseur. Her face set.

The grass beneath them, even in the dark, was noticeably withering. An omen that unnerved both warlocks.

Gideon looked up toward the sky. "There may be time for that yet Roseur. But now, I must ride to the mystic mountains and summon aid. Wish me well." With that, he rose his staff and summoned his brindled winged steed Chestor. Chestor appeared before him and moments later they were among the clouds, headed for the Mystic Mountains. Gideon's face a mixture of determination and contemplation.

James had a surprisingly good sleep. He dreamt of dragons and echidnæ and all sorts of mythical creatures. He was frightened. The fact that news of this new world excited him rather than scared him, was in-fact what had scared him. He was concerned that he had not yet had an existential-crisis/ complete mental breakdown. But he decided not to dwell too much on that. Why seek out problems if there are none?

He woke to the smell of cooking eggs.

His father was home.

He freshened up and raced downstairs to a seat at the kitchen table. To his surprise, Iris had beaten him to it. She appeared to be wearing an old pair of faded blue jeans and a white T-shirt that he had grown out of. They didn't fit so well but it wasn't a bad look either. Her auburn hair was pulled back into a ponytail, a few loose strands betrayed that it had been a rushed job.

They exchanged a look of greeting before his father, Victor, appeared from the pantry. "Ah, good morning son. The bowel-resection went better than we expected, not too much necrotic tissue, and so I managed to get in early." He said rather cheerfully. Dr Reider didn't mind sharing work-details at home and so James picked up on quite the medical terminology.

"That's great dad", he replied..

Victor nodded. "Here are your eggs", he said bringing over the pan and placing portions onto the teenagers' plates.

"This tastes fantastic", Iris commented.

James smirked, "Yeah dad's a good cook."

Dr Reider was leaning against the counter, sipping on tea while the breakfast was had.

James curiously looked over to Iris when he heard the clinking of her fork to her plate- she had set it down. She then put her hand to her wrist for a few seconds and looked up expectantly.

Suddenly a man appeared through a circular swirling mass which James could only assume to be a portal. The man was tall, with stark white hair and short tapered beard. He looked very old. Intelligent grey eyes glinted behind thick spectacles that rested low on his nose. He was dressed in flowing grey robes and in one hand he held a white staff, topped with a violently blue sphere. The sphere had an engraving that James couldn't make out from where he sat.

Victor looked up from his cup of tea to reveal an expression of utter disbelief. He carefully set the tea down before looking up and speaking, "Gideon, what do you think you're doing here?" he spoke slowly but forcefully, emphasising every word.

Oh so this is the Gideon Iris was talking about, thought James. He definitely looks like a wizard, no wait, warlock, that's what she called him. Is there really a difference?

" Victor. I know, but I would not have come if it were not important, and urgent." Gideon replied

Wait a minute, thought James, feeling particularly slow that morning, how do Gideon and dad know each other?

"James, leave the room." Victor told his son, shaking slightly. His expression harsh yet traces of disbelief were still visible.

Gideon put a hand out, "Victor, he should stay. Besides he's just seen an old man with a stick come into his kitchen through a portal from another dimension, it would be cruel to send him away without an explanation. We have things to discuss, Victor, your son among them."

"And you would be the cause of the cruelty! I decided a long time ago, when Meridea died that we would have no part in any Eurythian business. And James certainly will not be getting involved in anything of the sort, so use some memory-modification charm on these children and be off!" Replied the doctor. His voice taking a tone of anger, tinged with sadness.

James was taken aback by mention of his mother. His father barely spoke of her and when he did, it was very vague. James actually had no image of Meridea in his mind.

Gideon smiled at Iris , who smiled back. "Victor, I don't think wiping this girl's memory is a good idea...in-fact it would be an act of treason." Gideon chuckled lowly. "Do you know her name?" Without waiting for a reply he continued, "Iris, Iris Archid II."

At this, Victor's eyes widened. He looked at Iris, "Hypatia's child?"

Iris nodded.

Realisation set in. Victor looked slightly stunned but went on to ask with a furrowed brow, "Then what exactly is she doing here? And how does she know my son?"

James reddened slightly. The 'algebra assistance' ruse was to be abandoned. "She fell out of the sky on my way home from school. Right on top of me exactly." He blurted out before he could stop himself.

Taken aback, Victor started to say, "Wha-"

But was interrupted by Gideon, "I had to send her here. There was an attack." He took a shaky breath before continuing at a much slower pace. He was now leaning on his staff, shifting more of his weight onto it as if what he had to say physically burdened him, "it was Iris' coronation yesterday and just afterwards, Ragnor attacked. It must have been perfectly planned out. The protection wards were weakened. The Eurythian Crest must have been intercepted and tampered with, he would've known it would need to be used for the ceremony, either when it was summoned from or returned to its hold beneath the castle. The attack was strong. They had good numbers and a great deal of firepower. Much was destroyed. A good number of the governors and warlocks had managed to escape." He looked at Iris, "The Queen-mother included."

Victor, who had his arms crossed and head down, chuckled through his grim expression, and slightly shaking his head from left to right, he said, "She's a tough one, that Helena."

Gideon went on, still looking at Iris, knowing the burning question in her head he said, "Unfortunately, your parents were taken. Captured by Ragnor. We have to assume they are still alive. Madám Roseur and I are leading the resistance- those of us who have enough power, both the magical and authorative kind, have coalesced and are forming a plan. As for the people, most of them are not yet harmed but Ragnor has taken the palace. He will try to force them into submission. Most will yield." He finished, solemnly.

Victor spoke, "What of the military. Do they not have an off-kingdom base, why did they not send aid?"

James was startled at the matter-of-fact manner in which his father spoke of things that he thought were foreign to him a mere hour ago.

Gideon took a breath before answering, "I went there myself after the attack. The troops are dead. All of them. Every last soldier killed by some dark enchantment. The general was at the palace for the coronation, he is with us but he said all was well when he had left a few days before. We had to turn the base into a burial ground. If we come out of this successful they will be honoured."

The room was silent.

Iris suddenly remembered something. She raised her hand.

Gideon raised an eyebrow at her, "You aren't in school dear."

"Oh, yes, right, of course. I'm sorry." She quickly lowered her hand and spoke, "Gideon, before you sent me here you said there was something I had to do here, and then that James was the key. What do I need to do ?"

Gideon straightened his back and said, "Ahh yes. You see, the Eurythian crest is exceptionally powerful. The wards and protective enchantments fuelled by it simply cannot be breached. I cannot imagine a warlock powerful enough to even make a dent in them. Our greatest strength has now become our greatest nuisance. Ragnor has turned the wards against us. If we are to take back Eurythia, we need to take down those wards."

"But, you just told is that's impossible." Piped James.

Gideon smiled, "Nothing is impossible son. Difficult? Yes. But not impossible. You see there is an object of equal if not greater magical power that can be used to break through. The object is in this world. It was a gift from our monarch, Queen Penelope III to King Edward the Confessor f England. One of the items contains the twin of the force held within the Eurythian crest. It must be obtained"

Victor crossed his arms and said, "Are you proposing what I think you are?"

"Yes, yes I am." Gideon solemnly replied. He turned to the teenagers, "the two of you must steal the crown jewels. That is the first step."

The two of them were about to protest when Gideon spoke again, "I know, it seems daunting but it can be done. There is a friend of mine, a fellow warlock, who can assist you. His name is Professor Kermis and he teaches at the University of Wales. You must go to him. He will aid you however he can, he may even provide you companions."

"I still don't know what James has to do with this." Iris said.

Gideon looked to the surgeon and said, "I think it would be best if Doctor Reider were to answer that."

James' anxiety was overflowing. What part could he possibly play in all this mess of magic and warlocks and other worlds, how could he be of any significance. He looked to his father. Waiting for an explanation.

After a whole minute, Victor finally spoke, "James, your mother, Meridea, was from Eurythia. She was a warlock, and part of the Royal Guard. She was brilliant on all accounts. She died in battle, a year after your were born. It was tragic and I could not stand to be around anything that reminded me of her. So I took you and fled here, hoping to raise you as a mortal, out of harms way." It pained Victor to say this. He had not planned it. He had not wanted it. And if he were just a little more selfish he would have kicked the two Eurythians out and never have to reveal a thing. But he wasn't. He understood the circumstances. The fear and horror with which Meridea would speak of this Ragnor person made him acknowledge the severity of the situation. "And you're needed, I think," he continued, "because your mother's line, your line, is one which indubitably produces the most powerful warlocks. Your bloodline is practically oversaturated with magical ability." He looked at Gideon hard, "And this innate ability would be useful in some way to this quest."

Gideon further elaborated, "Precisely. You see James, your family's specialty is elemental magic, and magical with such a fundamental basis is practiced easily and sustainably. Unlike most practitioners, you will not grow weary, the greater the sorcery you use. Even I can tire after performing particularly powerful spells."

James was perplexed to say the least. Yes, the information about his magical nature was intriguing but he was more delighted to hear about his mother. He'd always thought any knowledge of her wouldn't make a difference to his life, seeing as she was not in it but even small pieces of information seemed to bring small warm, fuzzy feelings. He decided he liked warm, fuzzy feelings and asked, "My mother was a warlock?"

"A great one, son. She was Hypatia's personal guard and came to be her very best friend. Those two were inseparable. She also sat at our council and was of sage opinion." Replied Gideon, suddenly nostalgic. He remembered the way the young woman would simply smile and calm the most hot-headed of governors. She was calm and serene whilst Hypatia was all fire and fierce. He also remembered the fit of rage Hypatia had had when she received news of the scouting party – lead by Meridea (being overwhelmed in an attack by a surviving faction of Ragnor's followers from the first war). He was training Meridea to one-day take over as Eurythian Court Sorcerer; apprentices of such are usually assigned to the protection of one member of the royal family.

James thought he should bring a simple matter up, "Okay, this all makes sense," he said to no one in particular, "but one problem, I have absolutely no idea how to do magic. How could I possibly be of any help whatsoever?"

Gideon smiled morosely, "You needn't worry, Iris will teach you. She's had more than enough magical training, from me no less."

Iris wrung her hands, "Uhm, Gideon, you know how poor my skills of sorcery are, how could I teach James a thing?"

"You know everything you need to. You simply need to manifest said magical knowledge into actual magic...something that will come much, much more naturally to James than to you." Answered Gideon, not unkindly.

Iris, shaking her head to process all of it said, "H-how soon do we need to see this Professor Kermis ?"

"As soon as you can. I think you should make your trip this afternoon perhaps."

At this point Dr Reider was pacing the kitchen. He knew the dangers posed to his child yet he was also a very rational man. He knew exactly what was at stake and what was necessary. He turned to the warlock, "Why don't you go with them or instead of them? You are certainly capable."

Gideon exhaled before answering, "The jewels would only respond to royal magic. Queen-mother Helena is too great a force, she would surely be noticed coming here. Ragnor's forces will intercede. James's elemental magic will be necessary to reawaken the ancient unused regalia. It is surely dormant by now. So I cannot go in their stead. Eurythia is also very unsafe right now and that is why I must head back and help the resistance. We need all the aid possible. I'm currently seeking out our allies. My most recent trip was to the Mystic Mountains, the base of all warlocks, they had been stormed by Ragnor himself, crippling their forces. They had no knowledge of the attack on Eurythia and was just about to send word of their attack when I arrived." Iris saw the weariness in Gideon now. She could not imagine the stress he must have been under. He continued, "What was left of the warlock council, of which I am the head – the Hermetic Order – convened and it was in agreement with my original plan, this. So you have the full support of the HERMETIC Order , Iris. That is good...oh yes that reminds me, since you're the only active member of the royal family, you are our leader, Iris. The Eurythian people answer to you."

Iris was dumbfounded. She could not lead. She felt wholly unprepared. "But, Gideon, what about great-grandmother ? Should not she lead?"

"She abdicated ages ago Iris. You were coronated so she cannot step in as regent either. So, my Lady, do you agree with the action I have set in motion against the forces that invaded our home ?"

"Yes, yes I do."

If we, for some reason cannot inform you beforehand, do you allow the governors and myself of the Eurythian Council to decide and act as we deem fit in the resistance?"

"I do."

"Thank you Iris."

She merely nodded and remained quiet. She was such a melting pot of emotions that she did not even know what she was feeling at that point, but she knew it was not good.