
Eternity: God Mechanic

Kraynnor, a genius who appears once every thousand years, was subjected to ridicule due to his obsession with attaining immortality, an obsession that seemed to squander his innate talent. Finally, at the age of eighty, he managed to double his lifespan. However, his desire to share this achievement was thwarted by a devastating alien invasion that wiped out humanity. Aware that there was no turning back, Kraynnor decided to take possession of the genetic information of billions of humans, as well as the corpse of a fallen alien in combat... He took refuge in an undetectable underwater laboratory, where he spent five hundred years perfecting a new body that fused human DNA, alien DNA, and advanced technology. Now, with the genetic information of billions of humans, his new body, and his unparalleled intellect, he was determined to extract the life essence from every invading alien to create a new species, which he called 'Superior Humans'. Of course, he was not willing to forget or forgive anyone involved! He was ready to take revenge, even if it meant erasing all forms of life in the universe!

CosmicArchmage · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

New Knowledge!

[Due to a battery replenishment order for the automatons on the upper levels, all resources for creating Graphene Batteries1 and Solid State Batteries2 have been depleted. The last batch of batteries was sent there thirty-six years ago.]

"Oh? But aren't there like hundreds of thousands of automatons on the first two levels? Who was in charge of sending all that?" Kraynnor asked, recalling the perfectly drilled hole in the elevator.

[The electronic pets were responsible for it.]

Kraynnor shuddered upon hearing this. From his perspective, although androids and robots could be dangerous, these pets were even more terrifying. Just imagine countless tiny robotic creatures equipped with sharp claws and teeth, lurking from every corner.

What was worse was that, due to their small size, they could gather in much larger numbers around their victims, like tiny carnivorous insects.

"...How many of these electronic pets currently exist, and where are they located?"

[I cannot provide an exact number, but there should be around twenty thousand. Five hundred years ago, there were fifty thousand, but many of them deteriorated to the point where they were used in the construction of the eight war robots.]

[As for their location, it is unknown due to critical failures in the power supply. Currently, there is not enough power to activate the Data Fabric of the main control system; there is only enough power to operate the fusion furnace and other machines necessary to continue with the order to create an army.]

Kraynnor nodded silently; it was indeed a problem that the Data Fabric was unusable, as it would allow him to use all the Caelum automatons as his most loyal soldiers.

Furthermore, with the Data Fabric, which was a superior version of traditional Wi-Fi, using one-nanometer nanobots working together to create an efficient and ubiquitous data transmission network through the air, he could control all machines in all facilities, essentially turning all of Caelum into his personal workshop!

"Okay, for now, let's go to the sixth level. I want to check the status of the generators," he said as he headed towards the elevator. On his way, he had already conceived a solution for transporting all the materials from the warehouses.

Was he planning to use the androids to carry them for him? No! But it did involve taking advantage of the help of these automatons...

Kraynnor accessed the system interface and selected the 'Select' option next to Universal Points. Just as he did the first time, a panel with a block of text filled with countless pieces of knowledge unfolded.

"System, can you provide me with a list of all the knowledge related to large ships?" asked Kraynnor.

[You can do that yourself using the search function in the upper left corner.]


"But you said you could assist me with anything related to the interface," he muttered with an annoyed tone.

[I only said I would answer questions; any other action is out of the question. I'm not your personal slave like that pathetic AI that's always doing all your work.]

Kraynnor continued to converse with the Universal System as he descended through the vines but nearly stumbled when he heard what this cursed system was saying.

"What do you mean, 'slave'? Cognitron X-12 is my loyal companion, and its help is natural. After all, I am the one who created it, and in time, I'll make sure it's better than any AI in this universe!"

[...Sure, in any case, do these kinds of tasks yourself.]

With those words, the system made no more sounds.

Kraynnor frowned; talking to this guy was really annoying. Now he regretted wishing to hear its voice when he was on the second level.

Nonetheless, he followed the recommendation and searched for all knowledge related to large ships. Instantly, a list appeared, classified into knowledge up to Four Stars, but he could only access those rated as One Star; the rest were locked.


When he tried to access these locked knowledge, he was informed that he needed to reach at least level 20 to access Two-Star knowledge and level 40 for Three-Star knowledge.

As for Four-Star knowledge, it simply displayed the word 'locked' without specifying the required level.

Kraynnor was excited about the prospect of exploring this vast knowledge. Even after reaching the sixth level, he instructed the assembly robot to wait. He found a wealth of information on spaceships, from 'Space Water Recycling Technology' to 'Closed-Cycle Life Support Systems,' 'Ergonomic Design for Long-Distance Travel,' 'Fusion Power Propulsion,' and much more.

In summary, this knowledge made him feel like a kid in a candy store, although he could only select one that provided him with the necessary fundamentals for spaceships construction.

Even though traveling across the ocean was great, Kraynnor understood that if he wanted to exact his revenge, it was wiser to establish his base in the skies. From that elevated position, he would have the opportunity to thoroughly investigate Earth's situation and assess the number of enemies he was up against.


Suddenly, he felt a violent shake throughout the structure, causing dust and small rocks to fall around him.

It was evident that the battle on the surface was very intense.

"I need to hurry..."

He kept searching until he found one that was particularly fascinating, covering the basic principles of spacecraft engineering.

This knowledge provided information on propulsion, life support systems, spaceships structures, and other essential aspects. The only limitation was that the spaceships built with this knowledge were not prepared to travel beyond a planetary system.

However, Kraynnor didn't mind, as his goal was to acquire the ability to move swiftly across the entire planet Earth and have enough space to carry out his plans.

[Engineering for Space Novices (Competency Level: One Star) - 2%: A detailed manual addressing the basic principles of spaceships engineering, designed for beginners in shipbuilding and maintenance. Provides information on propulsion, life support systems... (Expand for more information.)]

[To master 100% of this knowledge, fifty Universal Points are required, while five points are needed to reach 10%.]

Kraynnor looked at his twenty Universal Points and hesitated about spending them all. For now, he decided to acquire only 10% of this knowledge and check if it was sufficient for his purposes.


The moment he chose to spend five points, the space around him began to fluctuate and flash with intensity.

A series of bright light patterns formed in the air, intertwining in a complex dance of energy. Kraynnor felt enveloped in a sense of transcendence, as if he were connecting with a vast ocean of knowledge that extended across the universe!



While Kraynnor was immersed in this information transfer experience, on the first level, energy rifle shots were a frequent occurrence.

It was pure chaos and destruction. Thousands of Astrylites, clad in their shining black armor and powerful plasma energy rifles, stormed the first level, facing an endless tide of automatons with rusty blades and metal bars in their hands. But not only that, among the ranks of automatons stood dozens of Sages, with their dozens of arms extending like nightmare tentacles, armed with metallic claws, spiked balls, and spinning cutters.


The plasma weapons of the Astrylites fired blazing energy rays that disintegrated wave after wave of automatons!


Energy grenade explosions resonated incessantly, obliterating everything within dozens of meters. Huge energy weapons, similar to rocket launchers, carried by giant four-meter-tall armors, lit up the chaos with flashes resembling an impressive fireworks display.

These were Xenotech armors designed for high-intensity warfare.

The deteriorated and damaged automatons rushed frantically at the alien invaders. Hundreds of thousands of them advanced in a tide of shredded metal, some with broken limbs or missing parts.

Despite their deteriorated appearance, their homicidal madness drove them to fight relentlessly!