
Episode 2

(The episode opens with Kanisha wearing a gray dress from the Renaissance-era with a smile on her face, while painting on a canvas with her tail)

Kanisha: This place is so beautiful and I got say, I love everything, being a traveling artist is (spins) so much (flying in the air) fun

A voice: Kanisha!

(Kanisha turns around to see a sixteen-year-old girl who has long blond hair in a bun, white skin, wearing a green dress running with a smile and waving)

Kanisha: Abby! What's up?

(Abby picks Kanisha up and hugs her)

Abby: Here's my favorite artists, Auntie, she's here

A voice: Wow, you are right, she is very young looking 

(A woman who has long brown hair, light brown skin, wearing a black dress with green stripes walking towards Abby and Kanisha)

The woman (looks at Kanisha): You seem pretty ordinary except that tail

Kanisha: Nice to meet you, I'm Kanisha

The woman: I am Abigail's aunt, you can call me Yatse 

Kanisha: Nice to meet you, Yatse

(Yatse looks at Kanisha intensely)

Kanisha: Yes, I am a thousand years old 

Yatse (smiles): You read my mind 

Kanisha: Yeah, fascinated in my powers

Yatse: Yes, also I want to see your beautiful artwork, you see my niece said your art is beautiful 

(Kanisha's tail gives the canvas to Yatse)

(Yatse looks at the canvas and sees a beautiful landscape with birds, squirrels, forest, and a cabin)

Kanisha: That's where I temporarily moved to

Abby (smiles): So, beautiful 

(Kanisha blushes)

Yatse: Would you mind if I took this to the museum?

Kanisha: Sure, I already gave my art away before

Yatse and Abby (looks surprised): Gave your art away?

Kanisha: Oh, you live in a small town, so you don't know (makes a projection of a bunch of art museums appear) these museums have my art works (makes a projections of different artworks on different walls)

Abby (looks shocked): You are famous

Kanisha: I wouldn't say famous, but people do like my art

Yatse (putting her arm around Kanisha's shoulder): Come on

Abby: You have to tell us all about it

(The screen switches to Kanisha has long black hair in a ponytail, wearing a black dress, green cape, and black gloves are painting on a canvas in a room full of art)

(40-year-old Abby is leading a group of tourists)

Abby: This is Kanisha, an artist, mutant, and has lived for thousands of years

(A bunch of people take pictures of Kanisha and her artwork)

Abby: In the next room, you see projections of her using her powers, so follow me

(The tourists follow me)

(A little girl who has red hair, white skin, wearing a white dress looks at Kanisha and taps on the window)

(Kanisha looks at the little girl and waves at her)

(The little girl waves back at Kanisha)

(A woman who has curly blonde hair, takes the little girl's hand)

(Kanisha moves from the canvas and starts eating a granola bar)

(The woman smiles and takes a picture of Kanisha)

(The screen shows Kanisha flying in the sky and sees 6-year-old Abby looking sad on the bench)

(Kanisha flies at Abby)

Kanisha (sounding sincere): Are you okay?

Abby (crying): I…I..

Kanisha (sounding sincere): What's wrong?

Abby (crying): They took my painting 

Kanisha: Oh, who 

Abby (crying) (points to a bunch of middle schoolers): Them

Kanisha: Hang on (walks to the middle schoolers)

(A female middle schooler is holding the painting and is about to destroy the realistic painting)

(A hand takes the painting)

The female middle schooler (surprised): Huh?

Male middle schooler: It was her

Kanisha: Stealing a painting (shakes her head) how rude, what would your parents think?

Another female middle schooler: Mind your own business 

Kanisha: Am I supposed to act (glowing eyes and leaning her neck) or what?

(The middle schoolers look scared and backs away except one)

A middle schooler: Eye contact can't scare us, right everybody?

The other middle schoolers: Right

Kanisha (glowing eyes): Eye contact, tell me (snaps her fingers) is this fake

(One of the middle schoolers' foot is frozen)

The middle schooler (scared) (looking at his foot): What's going on?

Kanisha: Apologize to Abby or I freeze all of you 

(The other middle schoolers notice ice around them)

The other middle schooler (look at Abby): Abby, we're sorry

The female middle schooler: I am not going to apologize to that fake artist, she didn't draw that, it's too good

Kanisha: Awww, she's jealous, you all can go except her

(Some ice disappeared)

(The other middle schoolers ran away)

(The female middle schooler is slowly being turned into ice as Kanisha gives the painting back to Abby)

Abby (wiping her tears): Thank you, where are the others?

Kanisha: They got scared, no idea why

Abby (looks at Kanisha and notices her tail): Say, are you Kanisha the mutant?

Kanisha (smiles): Yes, I am

Abby (smiles): I knew you were real, can I paint you please?

Kanisha: How can I say no to a cute face like yours?

(The screen shows Kanisha sitting, while Abby is painting)

Kanisha (eyes glowing): You are amazing artist, one day you could go to art school

Abby: Thank you, but there's no way, a crybaby like me could make it to an art school

Kanisha: You can if you have confidence, and I can help you 

Abby: You will, why? You barely know me

Kanisha: Because I can sense you really want to be an artist and you are a kind kid

Abby: Thanks

(The screen shows Kanisha painting with Abby in front of a bunch of people)

(8-year-old Abby is given a certificate)

(A bunch of people are clapping)

(Abby smiling, while Kanisha is watching)

(Abby puts a painting of Kanisha to an adult woman)

(The adult woman hung the painting in a museum)

(A bunch of people look in awe and congratulate Abby)

(Abby is besides an adult man and woman with Kanisha)

Abby: mom, dad, meet Kanisha

Kanisha (smiles): Nice to meet you, Qua and Tatsu

Tatsu (shaking Kanisha's hand): It's a pleasure to meet you too

Qua (shaking Kanisha's hand): I can't believe I am meets a celebrity 

Kanisha (smiling): You're making me blush

Abby: Thank you, Kanisha, you were right I made it to the art school, tell me you will at least visit 

Kanisha: Of course, I need to make sure you aren't slacking 

Qua: You two get along

Tatsu: Yeah

(Abby hugs Kanisha)

(The screen shows 90-year-old Abby resting on a bed, while her paintings is beside her)

(Kanisha is holding Abby's hand, while tears run down her eyes)

A voice: Don't be sad, I'm fine

Kanisha (while looking at Abby): I know, you have a good life in heaven

(A 16-year-old Abby is shown wearing a yellow dress with Angel wings)

Abby: Okay, don't be a stranger (disappears in a bright light)

(Kanisha smiles)

(Episode ends with Kanisha walking into the mountains)