
Chapter 232: Prophecy

There were hundreds of bodies littered around, but none of them were that of an assassin. Instead, they looked more like the people of Prophecy Tower.

"So that's what she was after..." Xu Shan couldn't help but shake his head, but also found her methods quite fascinating.

"Why is she here? Shouldn't she be attacking Shadow Hall if she was so angry?" Xin asked Xu Shan, confused about the woman's actions.

"That's the thing. She can't attack the Shadow Hall because she doesn't know where they're located. But she does know the location of the Prophecy Tower. So she's just using her knowledge to her advantage," Xu Shan explained.


"She is probably trying to force the prophecy tower to Divine the location of the Shadow Hall. Quite Interesting..."

Xu Shan landed at the entrance of the Prophecy Tower.