
Eternal: The Nephilim's Love Story Box Set

A love story through time.<br><br><strong>The Nephilim's Promise</strong>: Eli is immortal. Almost immortal, anyway. His father is an archangel he never knew, while his mother was a human. When another angel asks him to save a human male in Ancient Egypt, his life is forever changed.<br><br>When Micha comes into his life, Eli is no longer alone, but Micha’s untimely death leads Eli to search for his eternal love through reincarnations of Micha over the centuries. Based on a medium’s tip, Eli finds Joshua Milbanks, eighteen years old and homeless, kicked out of his foster home because he is gay.<br><br>When Eli saves Joshua from a bullet, Joshua doesn’t know what to think, but he cannot deny he is drawn to Eli. Is Joshua Micha reincarnated? Or will Eli continue to be lonely without his eternal love?<br><br><strong>The Last Nephilim</strong>: They say love is eternal. That’s what Eli believes in his heart and soul as he searches again for his reincarnated lover, Micha, who is now living as Adam, and happy in Mexico City.<br><br>This time, Eli has help looking for Micha. Micha's son, Josh, goes to Mexico City to track down his father. Eli and Josh struggle first just to find Adam, and then face a man who doesn’t remember -- or know -- either of them. At the same time, a menace from Micha and Eli's past resurfaces, and places their journey and their eternal lives in danger. Can true love overcome the remnants of evil that haunt Eli?

W.S. Long · LGBT+
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75 Chs

Chapter 2

Shit! I’m gonna die.

He froze, expected death, when a blur came from nowhere, and a force pushed him down. He fell hard to his left. He hit his head on the pavement before he lost consciousness.

* * * *

The acrid smell woke him. His eyes fluttered open and as he did so, sharp pain pierced his left side where he fell. He saw a hooded figure hunched over him. He batted away the hand that held something close to his face. A few candles illuminated the dark room, and as he moved, he realized he lay on a canvas, Army-type cot.

“Be still. You had a hard fall,” the male voice said. “I had to wake you with these salts so I could be sure I didn’t have to take you to the hospital.”

“Who are you?”

“My name’s Eli.” The man moved back, away from Joshua.

“Where am I? How did I get here? Where’s Sullivan?”

“You’re at my place. I took you here after you almost got killed.”

Joshua scoured the room. In the dim light, he saw a stack of books on a small table, close to the sink, microwave, and small stove. Dishes stacked next to the sink, while obscure tapestries covered the windows, blocking out light. Clothes hung from a rolling rack. One shirt stuck out: it looked like a security guard shirt with Eli’s name sewn in as the name badge.

“Well, thanks, but I need to be going.”

“I think you should rest the night here and maybe tomorrow, if you’re up to it, then of course—”

“No, really. I’m fine. I mean, I’ve got a splitting headache but I’m good.”

Joshua sat up and as he did so, the pain intensified. He put his hand to his head as the cot creaked from his shifting weight.

“Here. Let me get you something to drink and eat.” Eli stood and headed towards the sink.

Joshua swung his legs over the side of the cot and looked at his bare feet.

“Where are my shoes?”

“They’re over by the door. They were caked with mud so I didn’t want the dirt on the cot.” Eli approached Joshua. “Here’s water and plain crackers.”

Joshua looked at the Saltines that dotted the plate, then Eli who still had his face partially covered.

God, I’m hungry.

Eli moved closer, holding the food. Joshua took the plate. With his other hand, Eli took off the hood that framed his face, displaying blond hair, which stood from static, as Josh cradled the glass of water with both hands.

Joshua took a bite of one of the crackers while gazing at Eli. He couldn’t tell in the dim light what color Eli’s eyes were, but Eli’s oval face had a perfectly sculpted long nose, not too big or wide that tapered to full lips. Below Eli’s lips trailed a dimpled chin. He looked a few years older than Joshua but not by much.

Maybe twenty-two or twenty-three?

Joshua studied him for a moment. Light porcelain skin, no blemishes or freckles, no laugh lines or crowfeet around the eyes.

Okay, maybe twenty-four at the most.

Without realizing it, Joshua smiled and Eli did so in turn, handing him the water. “You need to drink too,” he said. The voice was warm, non-threatening.

Eli brought one of the candles on the table behind him closer, giving Joshua a better look at Eli’s face and the most mesmerizing smile that Joshua had ever seen. Eli’s dirty blond hair touched his collar.

He’s beautiful!

“I can make you a sandwich, but all I have is peanut butter and jelly.”

“I’m good.” Joshua gulped the rest of the crackers whole and guzzled the water. His heart beat faster. “Really, I should be going.”

Eli’s face scrunched. “Are you sure?” In two seconds, Eli barraged him with questions to test Joshua. “Who’s the president? What day is this? How old are you? What day of the week is it?”

Joshua’s answers came fast too. Once satisfied, Eli hunched back. “All right. I’ll bring your shoes to you.” Eli stood, walked over to the door, grabbing the Converse shoes Eli placed the shoes next to Joshua’s bare feet.

Joshua unlaced then slipped the shoes on quickly. After he did so, he closed his eyes and willed the throbbing headache away. After lacing back his shoes, he stood but he lost his balance for a second.

“Whoa. Take it easy. You’re probably a little dizzy.” Eli moved close, then grabbed Joshua’s elbow to steady him.

Joshua looked at Eli and thanked the dim light because his ears and cheeks felt hot. At this close range, he could smell Eli’s scent. He couldn’t tell what it was but it smelled manly yet citrusy sweet.