
8. The calamities first meeting plus the beauty and the beast

「 ???」

POV: Eien Von Liberia, Imperial Archmage "Truth of Magica"

It suddenly happened when I touched the orb, It started glowing like no tomorrow while I began feeling something enter and leave my body I felt fear as I unconsciously clenched my other arm around Claude Until I lost consciousness.


I suddenly recovered consciousness only to find myself In a white room. Not even sure if this is a room since I can not even feel the laws here. On my right there are two shadowy figures I can not make of their face feature. The only distinctive thing is that the person in the middle has some sort tails dancing and judging by the chest volume she seems to be a female.

As for the other person he seems to be a male.

"Well…..are you two also dead?"(???)

That was the first thing the man at the left first said. How rude! To kill us already!

"...fufufu well if you want to I can I can give it to you. Death it is"(???)

The beastwoman said in a seductive voice but I can sense something sinister in her tone. I can feel it, a dangerous individual.

"....hahaha well I am going to pass that…"(???)

It seems I am not the only one who could sense that sinister feeling.

After some awkward silence I gather some courage and ask a question I think all of us had in mind

"Who may you be?"(Eien)

"Isn't it rude to ask this question without introducing yourself first?"(???)

I got rebucked by the beastwomen immediatly. Well true that was rude but…

"Anyway, I am the queen of Shrag Diva, so who are you? Both of you"(???)

Well well well the queen of shrag diva? What is that? A country? A continent? Sigh with all this happening I do not even find it weird even if they are from another planet sigh…

How many times did I sigh today?...

"I am the Imperial mage of the Kartas Empire Eien von Liberia"(Eien)

She made an amused face while mumbling in a small but enough for me to hear

"...kartas? Never heard of it!"(???)

"Well just call me Kaosa, nice to meet you Eien"(Kaosa)

She said with a smiling face while doing a noble's bow

"What about you?"(Kaosa)

She said while pointing to the young man at the side. He waited for a while then said to us in an unsure voice.

"...Well hello ladies, I am an angel-demon Cultivator, my name is Apeiro...Do not look at me like that, I do not have any standing. I am just a wandering cultivator!"(Apeiro)

Well it seems I was misunderstood. The reason from my look was because of the world 'Cultivator'.what is a cultivator?...Wait! rather than that!

"Can you see me? Like clearly."

"...Actually no. But since I am a demoniac cultivator I can perceive some of the feeling toward me, though it was a little blurring than normal. Anyway Can I ask you what this place is? I remember I was shot by lightning before coming to here."(Apairo)

Well nice attention switch. But still Shot by lightning? Even if My sense are a little disturbed I can sense that he is strong. Maybe as strong as me. And someone that strong got shot by lightning?

"fufufu , to be shot by lightning? Did you do something to displease that double faced Yhrath? But I doubt this. Did you not come since you passed a trial, no?"(Kaosa)

"So you passed the eternal trial too? What did you face at the end?"

"Eternal Trial?...No sweetheart I Passed the Chaos Trial and it was a big chimera made of my cousin's body"

She said that with a beautiful face as if reminding herself of something good. waah , nope not gonna ask anything about it I thought that as a chill passed down my spine. Thankfully the 'cultivator' holds the same feeling as me.

"So that means you passed the infinite trial? Since it is the only one left"

Wait, this is an important information.Infinity? So we have Eternity, Chaos and Infinity huh.

"...Well sorry to put it to you but I did not pass any trial at all"(Apeiro)

"Well it may seem that you unconsciously passed it or was chosen directly as it may have chosen you since you already fulfill some requirement? What do you think?"(Kaosa)

"...The only thing I have special is me cultivating both demon and angel cultivation."(Apeiro)

"Well I do have a feeling that you are hiding something but whatever"(Kaosa)

Well this queen of ours seems to be good at reading people. As expected of a high ranking noble.

But then she said something that made me reconsider that thought. She stretched while saying:

"....It's been a while since I am no longer Berserk, I really miss this feeling. How nice"(Kaosa)

Well this was unexpected.

POV: Apeiro Diablas

I thought I would die, well maybe I am, but I was in this weird white place. There were another two ladies here. I was stupefied and immediately asked a question that made embarrassed

"Are you two also dead?".

What the hell?

But then I got goosebumps after the beastwoman looked at me. I felt danger to the point I could hear my danger sense speaking to me (not really)

The hell you mean to give it to me?! Please spare me!

Well after a moment of awkward silence the other woman initiated a conversation and introduction. Good job Miss!

But then I hear Queen, empire, mage? What the hell? Oww man I am getting at my edge. Where the hell did the lightning put me???

After I introduced myself while of course disguising my power as demon-angel, since although rare, they can be found. I do not want to be known who I am...at least for now.

Still I think those ladies are not from around where I am, like at all. Maybe another realm or something since I could feel they are strong, especially the woman with tails. I could only understand that she is strong but not to what extent, yep too much for me. She seems like an abyss, an abyss full of blood, slaughter and destruction. But it seemed somehow tame.

Well there was also the montioning of the name Yhwrath. Judging from the way and context he may be a deity or something similar.

Then they spoke about passing some sort of trial. I was dumbfounded since I did not pass anything and when she put her claim that I have something special she could see through that I hid something. Well At that time I could see why she was a queen. Maybe even the queen of gods and I think. Yep there was a time when I thought Kaosa like that until…

"....It's been a while since I am no longer Berserk, I really miss this feeling. How nice"(Kaosa)

Yep. no way man, no way.

「 Realm: Astarok , Divina Continent, Shrag Diva's ruin 」

POV: Kaosa Shrag Del Belzad El Diva (Kaosa Belzad), The Queen of Ruins, the Almighty Psychopath

The beast suddenly growled at me and came charging at a speed unbelievable for its size of 100+ meters while swiping it's claws at me. I dodged to the side while giving it a back hand strike.I thought the beast would fly off but it did not even stumble. Nice defence. Judging by his strength if we fight here My kingdom will be destroyed (like more than it already is) it may even implicate the continent so~ let's visit heaven!

I make some distance between us and prepare a suction gate at its feet. Getting caught off guard he was swallowed while I also went through the gate.


「 Realm: Astarok , Deities' plane」

In a plane where everything seems holy and peaceful, a beautiful scenery akin to paradise, if it is not, a huge gate appears with an atrocity of a monster out of it followed by an out of world beauty that can be considered a goddess or is a goddess.

The place where Kaosa is was where she declared war against the Gods of her realm some years back and since then the deity realm has been completely empty, you can guess what happened.

The beast seeing kaossa once again charged at her but this time after sprouting some dragonic wings which toke kaosa offgard.getting her blasted away some hundred meters then managed to stop herself by morphing her greaves to some sort of draconic heals and planting them in the soil, leaving a big trench.

Even so kaosa was uninjured, all this happened due to 2things:

1-playing around

2-and restricting herself to PLAY around

Now she is angry and a lot.from her body some silverich dark aura began exploding from her. Her bracelet morphed to claws, really BIG claws.

"Fufufu this was unexpected now let's get this play over"

Releasing a big wave of intimidation the whole plane begins shaking, and we are in the deities plane which is stronger than the mortal plane by who knows how much.

The chaos beast who even looked like that was a very intelligent being more than humans by a couple of times. And That being stronger than gods, Knew that at that moment he fucked up


Next moment even with beast perception he could not follow her movement as she was in front of his wing. The beast did try to evade but the moment he reacted was too late since his wing was already shredded!

'The hell I was supposed to be the nightmare test not her, your highness!'

'Well, good luck'

Normally he would have thought he hallucinated the response but he knew that he was not since his lord should be watching!

Looking at the girl looking at him as a prey while munching on his torn wing that spanned more than hundreds of meters while lifting it with one hand he could only lament his fate


"Hee~so you mean that you are sent by your lord to test if they are worthy of Chaos but there was a loophole in the test since each test is only at the peak of the universe while I exceeded it?"

After the Battle (more likely a play of chasing around a prey) we can see our beloved Kaosa munching on a bloody still beating heart bigger than her, talking at a TORN head of a monster while sitting on the corpse of the said monster. Strangely there is no drop of blood on her cloths or face, only her claws and canines

"...Yes as I told you I am responsible of the Chaos Test and since you Passed with flying colors I will give you the choice to choose one of three gifts"

"*glup* So that means there are other tests?"

"Yes there are 669 tests and 3 are the most important ones. Chaos, Eternity and Chaos"

"...show me the gifts"

Suddenly 3 orbs floated in front of her. A book, a spark and a hair pin

She immediately used appraisal of them:

「 The book of Erodinas : Understanding of chaos

Effect: let the user understand chaos better

Description: Abook wrote by Erdinas The first Chaos sage blessed by ¬☆▼◇≠仝. After seeing the difficulty of understanding chaos. Was rewarded to Tara to congratulate him of understunding an original chaos body but due to the order of the @仝#¬仝 hedecided to show generosity and present it to the one who passed the Chaos trial

「 Spark of origin

Effect: let the user control an element of origin grade

Description: an ultra rare neutral spark that is created by the In?ini?e of or?g?ne Au◇≠仝 himself and was rewarded to Tara but since he is a body user he had found no use to it despite it's rarity but due to the order of the @仝#¬仝 hedecided to show generosity and present it to the one who passed the Chaos trial

「 Hairpin of Bloody Mary

Effect: Can calm everything and anything related or around the user at his wish as it is fully concentrated by the concept of tranquility one of the 666 concepts

Description: the tresor gained by the hero of the War Mythdeath in her early days she used her own power to upgrade it to what it's today. She lost it during the confusion she created in the war after getting attacked by the 4 Demon rulers. Caution: she is still searching for it and the perpetrator who stole heir trasor. Special individual Mary will not forget nor forgive

Without thinking too much she directly took the hairpin since she would be able to calm her mind and power. For her this is a dream coming true.

While she IS a psycho She does like calm, mainly to sleep and indulge in her hobbies(making arts of living things mainly). The moment she put it in her hair and wished for her state and mentality to calm her status changed from 'Constant-Berserk' to 'Stable. Finally a dream that came true to her.

"...are you sure you want that? Mary will hunt you down you know? Do not inflate your ego too much at you current power if mary want you dead she only need a snap, not to say she is a soon to be maid"

"....maid?...well thank you for worrying but you should be worrying about yourself first, now give me the orb"

The head sighed and an orb appeared from his glabella.it was also stored inside his soul, the same as Mary! Just this can show the loyalty the two have for their lord!

Even Kaosa, who is regaining her beloved calm was surprised and became curious about the lord of this beast that gladly teared his soul to do his mission.

After taking the orb it begin shining as she knew she would be gone somewhere she quickly added something that will hunt Tara (the beast) to 'eternity'

"I will be gone for now, if I find Mary I will tell her to come see you since you do seem like you are impatient to do so. Goodbye Tara~"


And then Kaosa disappeared leaving Tara to his despair

ouuff the biggest chapter until now!

~2400 words hahaaha

2chapters today! aren't I great?

well Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. since if it's good I will continue if not well maybe chage to something else

Anyway stay home and stay safe! Ciao~

Ouroboros_Infeoscreators' thoughts