

Cursed to return back to life everytime he dies, Sam was almost on the brink of despair, but he lost his mind when he is caught in a crossfire between the supernatural, What is the most terrifying thing in the world? For Sam, it was the realization that no matter how many times he died, he would always come back to a world filled with monsters, ghosts, and dark forces beyond human comprehension. Every death was a temporary escape, but his curse ensured he could never truly rest. Each resurrection brought him face-to-face with new horrors, more twisted and nightmarish than the last, and the knowledge that he was eternally trapped in this cycle drove him to the edge of insanity. And for his enemies, it was him, A HUMAN that would never truly die, a human who would get his revenge no matter how, A human who would be so terrifying that it would scare even gods.

Ender_Child · Komik
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7 Chs

Learning Touki.

Today sam woke up with Mitelt intensely staring at him. "Did you sleep at all?" Sam asked baffled by the Fallen angels seriousness.

"…I did i just woke up okay" She said shyly turning her face away.

"How did you get in my house?" he asked moving his face closer to hers.

"…You let me in" She said akwardly, sam then remembered that he did and told her to sleep in his room cause he doesn't enter it anymore.

"Oh yeah, but that doesn't explain why you are watching me" Sam then got of the couch.

"I woke up early so i made you breakfast…" She said silently.

Sam didn't say anything but went towards the kitchen and took the food on the counter and then went back to the couch and started eating.

Sam wasn't picky. "Want some" Mitelt looked at him as if he was an idiot.

"You think i wouldn't make food for myself first?" She said announcing it. Sam shrugged and continued to eat as she stared at him.

After eating Sam went into the bathroom. "Aren't you going to follow me into the bathroom too" Sam sarcastically said as he rolled his dull and blank looking green eyes.

Mitelt raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. She continued to stand by the doorway, clearly more interested in observing Sam than engaging in conversation. As Sam closed the bathroom door behind him, he could hear the faint rustling of Mitelt's wings against the wall, a subtle reminder of her presence.

When Sam emerged, the bathroom now empty, Mitelt was waiting in the same spot. Her gaze was fixed on him, a mixture of curiosity and awkwardness in her eyes.

"Why are you so interested in what I'm doing?" Sam finally asked, breaking the silence.

"I just…" Mitelt hesitated, struggling to find the right words. "I'm not used to being around people like this. I wanted to see what you're like when you're alone."

"Oh so you like looking at naked men?"

Mitelt's cheeks flushed a faint pink as she flustered. "No, that's not what I meant at all! I—"

Sam cut her off with a chuckle. "Relax, I'm just teasing. It's not every day someone's so curious about my routine."

Mitelt's expression softened, though she still looked a bit embarrassed. "I didn't mean to intrude. I was just… trying to understand you better."

"Yeah, a word of advice, if you are currently annoyed always remember, Azazel is an annoying black bird on demonic coffee " Sam said enthusiastically.

"…that's not something i would say want to say" She said turning to look the other way, Sam patted her head and then went into his room to wear his tracksuit.

After coming out sam went outside to begin his training regime, Mitelt followed him by flying through the sky while she was using a cloaking spell on herself.

After he was finished training, he went to school and towards the occult research club.

"Hey why are you going there?!, There are devils there" she said in panic. "You said there three time in a sentence, but i am going there to learn touki"

Mitelt's panic was palpable, her wings fluttering anxiously as she tried to keep up with Sam's brisk pace. "But Sam, those devils… they're powerful! What if they try something?"

Sam glanced back at her, his expression calm and unwavering. "Relax, Mitelt. I've dealt with worse. Besides, I'm not going in unprepared. Koneko and I made a deal. She'll teach me touki, and I'll help her with whatever she needs. It's a fair trade."

Mitelt sighed, her worry evident but her trust in Sam gradually growing. "Just… be careful, okay?"

Sam nodded. "I will. Now, you can stay here or come along, but try not to cause any trouble."

Mitelt reluctantly agreed, following Sam as he approached the doors of the Occult Research Club. He knocked, and the door opened to reveal Koneko, her golden eyes scanning him briefly before stepping aside to let him in.

Inside, the club members were gathered. Rias Gremory, the club president, looked up from her desk, her crimson hair catching the light. "Sam. I've heard a lot about you."

"And i have heard a lot about the exhibitionist"

Rias's eyebrow twitched slightly at the remark, but she maintained her composure. "Interesting reputation you have there, Sam."

Sam smirked, enjoying the mild reaction. "Likewise, Princess of Destruction. I'm here to learn from Koneko."

Rias gave a nod, her expression turning serious. "Of course. Koneko has already informed us. Welcome."

Koneko motioned for Sam to follow her to a training area set up in the clubroom. "Let's get started," she said, her tone all business. "Touki is the manifestation of one's life force. It's a difficult technique to master, but with your determination, I think you can do it."

As they were training, Rias moved her attention towards Miltet. "What?!!" She said covering her body instinctively.

Rias raised an eyebrow, amused by Mitelt's reaction. "Relax, Mitelt. I'm not going to attack you. I'm just curious about why a Fallen Angel is here with Sam."

Mitelt, still on edge, glanced at Sam for reassurance before speaking. "Azazel sent me to be his informant and, um, possibly an ally."

Rias's expression softened slightly. "I see. Well, as long as you're here to support Sam and not cause any trouble, you're welcome."

Mitelt nodded, her posture relaxing a bit. "I'm here to help," she said, though her eyes still darted around the room cautiously.


Sam and Koneki were currently outside near the building, Koneko was explaining the basics of touki to him

Koneko stood in front of Sam, her posture firm and focused. "Touki is the manifestation of one's life force. It enhances physical abilities and provides a protective aura. To master it, you need to harness and control your inner energy."

Sam nodded, absorbing the information. "So, it's about focusing my energy and channeling it properly?"

"Exactly," Koneko confirmed. "It's not just about raw power; it's about control and precision. Close your eyes and focus. Feel the energy within you, and try to bring it to the surface."

Sam closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He concentrated, trying to sense the energy flowing through his body. At first, it was difficult, but gradually, he began to feel a faint warmth spreading from his core.

"Good," Koneko encouraged. "Now, try to visualize that energy enveloping you, forming a protective layer."

Sam's brow furrowed in concentration. Slowly, the warmth intensified, and he felt a faint, almost invisible, barrier forming around him. It was weak, but it was a start.

Koneko nodded approvingly. "You're getting it. Keep practicing, and it'll become stronger and more stable."

Sam opened his eyes, a determined look on his face. "Thanks, Koneko. I'll keep working on it."

Koneko gave him a rare, small smile. "You're doing well. Just remember, patience and practice are key."

As they continued their training, Mitelt watched from a distance, her wings fluttering nervously. She couldn't help but be impressed by Sam's dedication and progress. It was clear that he was determined to master touki, and his efforts were paying off.

After an intense session, Sam and Koneko took a break. They sat on the grass, catching their breath. "How long did it take you to master touki?" Sam asked, curious.

Koneko looked thoughtful. "It took me a few years. It's not something that can be rushed. Everyone's journey is different."

Sam nodded, appreciating her honesty. "I'll keep that in mind."

After that Him and mitelt went back home, After going in mitelt asked a question. "What now?" Sam looked at her.

"Touki is basically using once lifeorce right?" Sam asked and Miltet suddenly felt a creepy feeling around her.

"Y-yeah" Then he continued. "What would you think if i continuously killed my self by depleting that life force each time my body will recognize that feeling as a muscle memory and gradually become more efficient in its use." Sam's tone was casual, but the implications of his words made Mitelt shiver.

"That's insane!" she exclaimed, her wings twitching with agitation. "You can't just… kill yourself over and over to get better at using touki! That's not how it works. Your body might adapt, but it could also lead to permanent damage or even real death."

"I highly doubt that, i have a theory that i actually don't have a soul or it was sold when i was young or something like that" He said casually.

Mitelt's eyes widened in horror. "Sam, that's a dangerous theory to test. Even if you think you don't have a soul, playing with life force like that is incredibly risky. You could end up destroying yourself."

"And why would you care, Aren't you here just to observe me and not interfere" Samsaid with a cold smile, his dull eyes becoming even darker.

"I mean it's just dying over and over until you get sucess, you wouldn't really understand, in order not to die in the future, I Need to die to in order to achieve my goal, you know the saying you need to break to rebuild stronger." Sam finished, his tone matter-of-fact but chilling.

"B-but you are a human…you shouldn't do that?" She said trying to persuade him.

"Ah yes i am human, i will always be human, but humans are insane, and throughout history there are multiple humans who have done things far more insane, for example solomon"

Sam continued, "Solomon summoned demons and made pacts with them, risking his very soul for knowledge and power. He went to great lengths, and he wasn't the only one. Sometimes, extraordinary measures are required for extraordinary results."

Mitelt's expression was a mix of distress and frustration. "That's not a fair comparison. Solomon was dealing with forces that were beyond ordinary understanding. What you're talking about is self-destruction. It's dangerous, and it's not the same as seeking knowledge through traditional means."

Sam sighed. "Perhaps, Maybe i am just suicidal…Whatever i'll think about it"