

Cursed to return back to life everytime he dies, Sam was almost on the brink of despair, but he lost his mind when he is caught in a crossfire between the supernatural, What is the most terrifying thing in the world? For Sam, it was the realization that no matter how many times he died, he would always come back to a world filled with monsters, ghosts, and dark forces beyond human comprehension. Every death was a temporary escape, but his curse ensured he could never truly rest. Each resurrection brought him face-to-face with new horrors, more twisted and nightmarish than the last, and the knowledge that he was eternally trapped in this cycle drove him to the edge of insanity. And for his enemies, it was him, A HUMAN that would never truly die, a human who would get his revenge no matter how, A human who would be so terrifying that it would scare even gods.

Ender_Child · Komik
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7 Chs

Daily life of a self destructive Immortal

Mitelt was currently laying down on sam's room, she wondered why she was caring for sam. "Now that i think about it, it's because i care about human life that i was kicked out, and that is the reason my sister Mittelt Killed me…or so she thought" She said with a bitter smile.

"Maybe that's why Azazel sent me here…Sam needs an emotional anchor to make sure he doesn't go insane" She sighed and then closed her eyes going back to sleep.

The Next morning, Sam could be seen meditating and a faint green aura surrounded him. Sensing her presence sam opened his eyes and then stared at her.

"…Don't tell me you did it" Mitelt asked with a forced smile. "No, i just put myself at the brink of life and death, so you could say i did die, but my body didn't see it as dying" Sam stretched, the faint green aura fading as he stood up. "It's not exactly the same as dying, but it pushes my body to its limits. It's a method to accelerate my progress."

Mitelt looked at him with a mixture of relief and concern. "I hope you realize how dangerous that is. Pushing yourself to the brink might have unforeseen consequences, even if you don't actually die."

Sam shrugged, his expression calm. "I know the risks. I just don't have the luxury of time. But I appreciate your concern. It means more than you know."

Mitelt smiled faintly, her earlier thoughts about her role and purpose resurfacing. "You're lucky to have that kind of determination. Not everyone can push themselves like that."

Suddenly his phone rang, he picked up and it was koneko. After talking to her for a while he sighed. "Well looks like a trafficking circle was discovered in a factory, me and koneko are going to go eliminate them all" Sam said nonchalantly.

"I will follow you j-just to keep an eye on you" Sam raised his eyebrows and thought if he really needed to be babysitted.

"Can you use magic?" Sam asked suddenly. "…i did yesterday right in front of you" She said blankly looking at sam.

"good, teach me now" Mitelt nodded, realizing her purpose might be more significant than she initially thought. "Alright, let's start with the basics. Magic is all about understanding and controlling the flow of energy. For humans, it's crucial to have a strong mind and body to channel this energy effectively."

Sam sat down, ready to learn. "I've heard that magic can be dangerous if not handled correctly."

"That's true," Mitelt agreed. "You need to have a clear mind and a focused will. Let's begin with something simple, like creating a magic circle. This will help you visualize and control your energy."

She grabbed a piece of chalk and began drawing intricate patterns on the floor. "This is a basic magic circle. It helps concentrate and direct your energy. Now, try to focus your energy into the circle."

Sam closed his eyes, feeling the faint green aura around him again. He focused on the circle, imagining his energy flowing into it. Slowly, the chalk lines began to glow faintly.

"Good," Mitelt said, watching him closely. "Now, let's move on to a simple spell. Try creating a small light. Focus your energy into the circle and imagine it forming a bright, shining light."

Sam concentrated, and a small, glowing orb began to form in the center of the circle. It flickered for a moment before stabilizing, casting a soft light around the room.

"Excellent," Mitelt said, genuinely impressed. "You're a fast learner."

Sam smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Thanks. What's next?"

"We'll need to practice more complex spells and improve your control," Mitelt replied. "But for now, let's get ready. We have a trafficking circle to deal with."

Sam nodded, his expression serious. "Right. Let's go."

Later, at the abandoned factory, Sam and Koneko approached quietly, with Mitelt following closely behind. The air was tense, and Sam could sense the presence of multiple hostile entities inside.

"Koneko, are you ready?" Sam whispered.

Koneko nodded, her expression determined. "Yes, let's do this."

They entered the factory cautiously, finding a group of traffickers and their supernatural guards. Without hesitation, Koneko charged forward, her strength and speed overwhelming the enemies.

Sam sneakily went behind one of them and brutally twisting their necks, he didn't show any sense of remorse in his eyes. "hmm, Well this seems easier than before" he said as he dodged an attack from a devil.

"Who are you?!!" Currently sam was wearing his mask. his green eyes glowed behind it. "Death" He then grabbed his neck and then used touki to increase a bit of his strength, though he was still a beginner at it.

The devil gasped as Sam's grip tightened, his eyes widening in fear. "No, please!" the devil pleaded, but Sam's expression remained cold and unyielding.

With a swift motion, Sam killed the devil and let the lifeless body fall to the ground. The room fell silent for a moment, the other traffickers and their guards stunned by the swift brutality.

Koneko continued to fight, her movements fluid and precise. She was a force to be reckoned with, and together, they were unstoppable.

Mitelt stepped forward, casting a spell that sent a wave of energy through the room, disarming the remaining enemies. " Are we done here cause i am bored" She said with a defiant look.

Sam rolled his eyes and ignored the foolish fallen angel. "Not yet"

Sam looked around the room, scanning for any remaining threats. "We need to make sure no one escapes," he said, his voice cold and calculating. "The last thing we want is for these scum to regroup."

Koneko nodded, already moving towards the far side of the room, where she sensed some of the traffickers trying to flee. She quickly caught up to them, her fists striking with deadly precision, leaving them incapacitated on the floor.

Meanwhile, Sam noticed a faint movement in the shadows. He quickly conjured another small light using the magic circle technique Mitelt had taught him earlier. The orb illuminated a hidden door, partially concealed behind a stack of crates.

"Over here," Sam called out to the others, motioning towards the door. He approached it cautiously, ready for whatever might be waiting on the other side.

Koneko and Mitelt joined him, and together, they pushed the door open. Inside, they found a group of frightened captives, mostly women and children, huddled together in the dimly lit room.

Sam's expression softened slightly as he saw them. He knelt down beside one of the children, who was clutching a worn-out teddy bear. "You're safe now," he said gently, his voice reassuring. "We're here to help."

Mitelt stepped forward, using her magic to gently heal some of the minor injuries the captives had sustained. As she worked, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of fulfillment. Despite the harshness of the battle, there was something deeply satisfying about being able to protect and save lives.

"Let's get them out of here," Koneko said, her voice firm but kind. "We need to make sure they're safe."

Sam nodded, helping the captives to their feet and guiding them towards the exit. As they made their way out of the factory, Sam couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning. The trafficking circle had been dismantled, but there would be more challenges ahead—more battles to fight, and more lives to save.

Once they were outside and the captives were being attended to by local authorities, Sam removed his mask and looked at Mitelt. "You did good in there," he said, his tone sincere.

Mitelt smiled faintly, a mix of pride and melancholy in her eyes. "Thanks. I just hope this was enough to atone for some of my past mistakes."

"i'll be frank with you" Sam placed a hand in her shoulders. "You are a Fallen angel. there is not Atonement for you, just enjoy being who you are" Sam said with no emotion

Mitelt gritted her teeth and huffed, the next moment she flew away back to the apartment probably.

"That hirt her feelings you know" Koneko said with a passive gaze.

"I know, but i don't give a fuck" Koneko rolled her eyes.

After sorting some things out and not exposing themselves, the two went their seperate ways. As sam was walking he heard a thump on the ground beside him.

"So you done spying" He turnes to look at mitelt who was crossing her arms and had tears forming on the corner of her eyes.

"hmph?!" She didn't answer him and in return he ignored her and continued walking…