
Night Garden Academy II

Later that day, Ankuj visited Cyra, who was still reading books in the library.

"Hey Cyra, I came to check on you. Everything is all right?"

"Yeh, it's nothing, but you still owe me an explanation!"


"What do you mean by why? You punched me!"

"Oh that, I already told you I was saying hello, as you know, some of the cultivators have a rather bloodthirsty personality, as such if you want to establish a relationship with them. You need the make the first move; otherwise, they won't take you seriously."

"You got the point. I indeed admire your bravery..."

"See, I was right. As for the principal, ignore him. He is just a hypocrite that doesn't know anything about cause and effect." As Ankuj said, this deep hatred flashed in his eyes then returned normal as if nothing has happened."

"Just to be clear, if you dare to touch Jade, I will massacre all of you, are we clear?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about, but even if I did, I would never middle in the student's business."

"Good, keep that in mind." With that, Cyra slammed Ankuj face into the marble table and walked out of the library.

Moments later, four shadows appeared by Ankuj's side.

"Should we kill her? She already realized something is wrong!"

"Idiot, you heard her. As long as we don't middle with that kid, we are free to do whatever we want!

"Yes, master."

"Cyra, what exactly are you? You were able to hurt me this much without any issue." Said Ankuj as blood started dripping from his nose. Cyra's actions injured him.

On the second day of the competition, only 500 people remained standing. The fierce competition eliminated everyone else. Among this, 500 Jade was ranked at 429th place. As such, she earned the right to advance to the 4th division.

Too many people surprise Jade walked into the library where Cyra was staying. This action of hers attracted a rather large crowd to the library entrance, but none of them dared to enter.

In the end, the principal had to walk to the library to retrieve Jade from Cyra personally. As a 4th division student, Jade could choose a master from the academy higher echoes. Her leaving the ceremony caused significant dissatisfaction among the teachers and honorary members. As such, they followed Teo to the library.

"Cyra, sorry to disturb you, but we need to have a moment with Jade. I hope that you don't mind."

"It's fine, Jade. Go and talk to them."


"Is there something wrong, principal?"

"Wrong? There is nothing wrong. We were just worried about your safety. Come back to the ceremony hall and choose a master." Said Teo with a wide smile. He wanted to take Jade as his discipline as she was a perfect example for the other students. Together with her popularity, she was a perfect choice.

But Jade shattered all of his dreams the very next moment, "Sorry, principal, but I have a master already as such, the ceremony is unnecessary."

"I see. I wonder if you would introduce me to your master I would love to exchange a few words with him." Teo was first jealous; then he decided to kill Jade's master and gain here trust by showing that he was the stronger one. He would be a much better master as an academy principal he had massive connections and powers under his control.

"That's an unnecessary action master is sitting in the library, and she said that you 2 know each other?"

"Do we?" There was someone in the library that he knows, and he was Jade's master, wait if it isn't a he, then a she? But the only woman in the library is that Wusun! The longer the principal was, the more scared he became after realizing that he was no match for Cyra.

But it was already too late for regret as Cyra knocked down the principal to the ground and stomped on his head. With the use of her force control, it was an instant kill.

Even until the last second, the Teo was sure that Cyra wouldn't dare to kill him after all the central region rules were absolute.

Sadly the laws are always filled with loopholes that usually only experts of the given subject knew.

The so-called law of a level was nullified by Cyra military rank, and none of the drones has reported the incident.

"Who has the most powers in the school after the principal?"

"Me, I'm vice-principal George."

"Great, Principal George, go take care of this mess." With that, Cyra turned around and started walking back inside. "Jade, follow me, also before I forget from now everyone is allowed to kill in the academy territory."

"Yes, Master."


After that event, the library became off-limits, and only the principals had the right to enter if something was happening.

Cyra still had 300 years until the competition between the academies. As such, she continued her daily routine of reading while also teaching Jade.

One year passed since the incident with the previous principal. Cyra's stats were constantly rising as she made significant progress thanks to the items she looted after Teo's death.

Even though the levels were connected, she had a hard time collecting Essence as her body sucked dry this level of most Essence.

She had to return to the old ways, the bandages turned to dark cloaks, and she used the watcher's identity once more.

At full speed, none of the drones could follow nor detect her. As such, they stayed at her home waiting for her return.

Level 3000 also had a healthy living condition and a population of 10 billion people. Just by entering the poorer districts, she could easily collect life Essence. This Essence was something that she had no access to until her target died.

Right after she killed 667 people, her Essence reached the limit, and only her strength remained that needed to be risen to achieve a breakthrough.

Cyra once more Entered the shopping district, but currently, the only thing she had in mind was to buy supplies, items that could help her increase her intelligence faster.

She also needed to buy the monstrous amount of supplies to ensure her safety if she ever needed to regenerate again and again. She bought everything and cleaned out every single shop on the whole level, causing a food shortage.

Time never stopped from spinning. Another two years passed, and she was finally ready to make her breakthrough.

She spent a long time preparing for this moment. In a remote corner of the academy, she finally began refining Tylium once more.

She took a much slower approach this time. Instead of using acid to separate the layers, she used Essence waves to slowly but effectively gain energy from the process.

One year, two years, three years...

Finally, the layer separated, and it ignited a chain reaction as Cyra strength Skyrocketed, breaking the limits of her realms, her Essence and Intelligence steadily followed behind.

From Wusun, she became an awakened Wusun. This change gave her the first sphere to rise from her body and appeared behind her back.

Bioluminescence enveloped nearly 60% of her body, followed by the sphere's rise, a new branch of bones followed closely behind.

Her radiant golden wing was a big shock as it meant that all of her bones looked like that, but in the end, the shock was swapped by pain as this process was incapably painful.

When the pain has stopped, Cyra could feel that she lost something again. Every time she evolved as a human, she sacrificed something for power. She was currently in between phases of evolution.

Losing her humanity wasn't an option anymore as she was a god, yet something was missing, as if she felt emptiness.

She decided to ignore it as of now and buried herself in the refining of the Tylium. Soon her second sphere also risen out of her body, bringing along another golden wing.

Twenty-five years after her one wing, she gained a second one, the two wings were in complete synchronization, and she advanced from Awakened Wusun to Golden Wusun.

With this, Cyra had two pairs of golden wings on her back. They were part of her bones. After all, as such, they were able to use the power of vibration.

Each time the two wings touched each other, Cyra created a sound blast that crushed the surrounding people's eardrums and caused severe dizziness for the entire level.

Cyra had her seclusion soon afterward and headed to her mansion where Jade and Snow were waiting for her arrival.

The moment Cyra appeared in Jade's line of sight, she was petrified by the golden bone wings on her master's back. As such, she couldn't help but be awed by her master body, and it was undoubtedly a unique existence. "Master, how did you gained those wings?"

"I'm not sure myself. It's probably related to the Tylium I'm using for cultivation. Other than that, I have no idea."

"Master is perfection!"

System what did I lost this time?

[The spheres, after they helped form the wings, melted into the Host foundation Frame.]


[The Shadow Deity Evolution is unique, yet almost entirely formless what typically remains bones, they have to be the most vital part of the body]

Since there were still more than 240 years until their departure, Cyra taught Jade another of her techniques and helped her practice body inscription. Even though she could perform them, she had a colossal theoretical knowledge regarding the subject.

Since there was still more than 200 years until they had to leave, Cyra took on her bandaged form once more, but this time it spread to her wings, and she now indeed resembled a nightmare as the bandage rolls were rippled in the wind.

Stepping into the academy territory, she was immediately greeted by the students as her words were law in the night garden. Even if she rarely interacted with the academy since that event, everyone knew who the academy's real backbone was.

Upon entering the main building, George came before her in a hurry. It seemed that he wasn't expected to see her until the competition has started.

George was a quick-witted individual and wasn't fazed by the sudden visit of Cyra; it just she was still the reason why he became principal as such, he held her in great respect.

"Greetings, Master Cyra. What can we do for you this time?"

"It's nothing much I'm just curious how much did my new rules affect the academy?"

"We recruit new students to the first and second divisions every ten years because the talented students can reach the 3rd division faster than before because their lives are at stake. Similarly to before, there is not much fighting between the top 3 divisions they spent most of their time by studying and cultivation."

"I see. All right, that's all I wanted to know as of now. Thank you for welcoming me."

"It's nothing, Master Cyra. I would be happy to have you next time too."

Cyra's next stop was in the Chaos Club; she became a regular as she weekly traded a large amount of Tylium for [Frost Blood]. Even though it didn't directly affect her evolution, she was still somewhat interested in obtaining the actual bloodline.

Furthermore, [Frost Blood] was the best item to raise intelligence if she didn't want to spend her time thinking about inscriptions. She could obtain inheritance memories from the different demons. Even if they were utterly barbaric, it still raised an awful lot of her intelligence.