
Eternal Affection

Introduction: "Eternal Affection" follows the story of Amy Anderson, a 26-year-old university professor, and Billy Scott, her 19-year-old student. It all begins when Billy's attempt to stop a robbery ends with him getting stabbed. He's saved by a mysterious woman who disappears afterward. Fast forward eighteen months, Billy finds himself at Arora University, where he encounters his savior again, now revealed to be his professor, Amy Anderson. He confessed to her on the first day in front of everyone, stupidly, and she rejected him by slapping him. Since then, he has been trying to impress her and seeks help from his anonymous online gaming friend Seraphicsaviour. On the other hand, Marcus, a guy with past trauma who is in the same class of Billy, is hailed as the guardian monster in university because of saving girls from harassment using violence. He loves Evelyn, his classmate, but suppresses his feelings because of the insecurity of being seen as a criminal. Notice: This story doesn't have any love triangle or harem. Enjoy the pure, wholesome love between two innocent characters. Be ready for a three-volume emotional rollercoaster.

Ash_thirumuru · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

9. Apologize


Billy and Austin entered the staff room of their campus, the air buzzing with the energy of staff members bustling about, preparing for the day ahead. Despite the busy atmosphere, Billy's presence didn't go unnoticed; his reputation preceded him, known not just for his academic prowess but also for his friendly and talkative nature, which endeared him to both teaching and non-teaching staff alike.

As they scanned the room for Amy's desk, they couldn't spot her amidst the sea of desks and busy colleagues.

"Morning, Billy Scott," greeted Professor Richard, a middle-aged man seated at his desk, his tone laced with amusement as he acknowledged Billy's presence. Billy turned towards him with a genuine smile, returning the greeting in kind.

"Morning, Professor. How's the day?" Billy replied politely, his smile warm and welcoming.

"Perhaps you're here to apologize to Miss Amy?" Professor Richard quipped, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "You were quite the topic of conversation here yesterday," he added, unable to contain his amusement.

"I'm sorry about that," Billy replied, a tinge of regret evident in his smile. "I wasn't feeling well yesterday," he explained, hoping to diffuse any lingering tension from the previous day's incident.

"Miss Anderson's desk is up there," Richard pointed towards the direction of Amy's bench, where she was engrossed in her work on her laptop, her focused demeanor contrasting with the playful banter in the room.

"Thank you, sir," Billy expressed his gratitude, nodding appreciatively before setting off towards Amy's desk, with Austin in tow.

"Thanks, sir," Austin echoed, acknowledging the professor's assistance before following Billy.

"Austin," Professor Richard called out, catching Austin's attention just as they were about to leave.

"Your brother seems to be causing another fuss. Be careful," Richard advised, his tone carrying a hint of concern. Austin nodded in acknowledgment, a wry smile playing on his lips as he exchanged a knowing glance with Billy before continuing to follow him towards Amy's desk.

Billy's heartbeat quickened as they approached Amy's desk, his nerves beginning to fray at the edges as memories of their encounter from yesterday flooded his mind. He could feel the sting of her slap still lingering on his cheek, a physical reminder of his regrettable actions.

As he hesitated, contemplating his next move, Austin intervened, seizing Billy by the collar of his hoodie, preventing any attempt at escape.

"Where do you think you're going, little guy?" Austin's voice was firm, his grip unyielding as he held Billy in place, refusing to let him retreat.

With a forced smile, Billy turned back towards Amy's desk, his steps faltering slightly as he approached her, his nerves evident in the tremor of his hand.

"Excuse me, Ms. Anderson," Billy addressed her tentatively, his voice soft yet determined as he sought her attention amidst the bustling room.

"Oh, Billy Scott," Amy responded, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement as she turned towards him, a small smile gracing her lips. "What's the occasion this time? A direct marriage proposal?" she teased, her playful demeanor belying the seriousness of their interaction.

"There's still time for that," Billy replied, his attempt at humor falling somewhat flat as he struggled to maintain his composure in the face of her teasing.

"What?" Amy's expression shifted, her playful demeanor giving way to a more serious tone as she regarded him with curiosity and concern.

"I mean, I came here to apologize for my behavior yesterday and to thank you for not reporting me," Billy explained, his words sounding rehearsed as he attempted to convey his sincerity.

Amy let out a sigh at his words, her expression softening as she listened to his explanation. "I've heard that you're a great student here, and most of the staff have praised your innocence and intelligence," she said, her voice gentle and understanding. "I don't want to ruin someone's career over a small mistake."

"Thank you, ma'am," Billy responded, genuine gratitude shining in his eyes as he absorbed her words, appreciative of her understanding and forgiveness.

"Just don't pull any more fake pranks like this. Be careful," Amy cautioned, her tone firm yet compassionate as she offered him a gentle reminder.

"Oh, it's not a prank," Billy clarified, his voice tinged with sincerity as he sought to convey the depth of his feelings. Amy paused her typing abruptly, her attention fully captured by his words.

"My confession is genuine, and I still love you. I just wanted to apologize for publicly shouting and freaking you out, ma'am," he explained, his words spoken from the heart as he bared his soul to her, his gaze unwavering as he sought her understanding.

Amy's face flushed crimson with embarrassment, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue as she processed his confession. Fortunately, no other staff members were around to witness their intimate exchange, sparing her further embarrassment.

Before Amy could respond, Austin intervened once more, stepping in to diffuse the tension and protect his brother from any further embarrassment.

"Sorry, ma'am. He had a bit too much beer last night. It's just the alcohol talking," Austin apologized on Billy's behalf, his tone apologetic as he sought to mitigate the situation.

"Hey, I didn't drink alcohol last—" Billy began to protest, but Austin cut him off with a firm punch to the arm, silencing him with a pointed look.

Turning back to Amy, Austin offered another apology, his tone contrite as he assured her that Billy would not disturb her again.

"Sorry, ma'am. He won't disturb you again," Austin promised, his words sincere as he ushered Billy out of the staff room, leaving the other staff members bewildered by the unexpected turn of events.

Today, I worked on rewriting the third chapter of my story. After that, I played PUBG and then slept in this hot summer weather. Although I didn't work much on the story, I still made some progress. I'm a bit disappointed in myself, but I'll try to do better tomorrow.

Oh, forgot about anime too.

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